May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIsome of the food they had stored for future.The bear wondered, “How could a tinycreature like an ant store so much food!” Ifone has the desire and puts in the necessaryeffort, one can do anything; it does not matterwhether one is big or small.It is said, Jantunam Nara JanmaDurlabham (out of all living beings, humanbirth is the rarest). Ants, though tiny in form,are able to acquire food, share it with otherEverything is at their disposal. But they lackthe discrimination to make proper use of theresources available. In spite of havingeverything in plenty, they are not able to giveup their pettiness. There are many lessonsto be learnt even from ants. When an antbites you, you feel the irritation andimmediately try to kill it. But you do not makeefforts to kill the evil qualities within yourself.Deep-rooted selfishness and self-interest aremaking man’s intelligence perverted andleading him astray. When you give upIt may be easy to give lectures onlove, but it is difficult to understandit. Make every effort to comprehendit. If you understand the nature ofyour love, you will understand thelove of others. Love is in you, withyou and around you. Once youunderstand love, you will become thevery embodiment of love. If you justtalk about love withoutunderstanding it, then you cannotbecome the embodiment of love. Themore you understand the principle oflove, the nobler you become.ants and also store for future. It is surprisingthat human beings are unable to providefood for themselves in spite of all theirintelligence. In fact, there is no being superiorto man in intelligence in this world. But heis unable to make proper use of hisintelligence. He conducts himself in anunworthy manner because of hisselfishness and self-interest. Humansdo not lack anything in their life.selfishness, then your power andintelligence will become manifold. Man isendowed with immense power of intelligencebut he is not trying to make its proper use.Man, in fact, is misusing his intelligence dueto his ignorance.Use God-given Body for others’ WelfareEmbodiments of Love!Students today read all sorts ofbooks and fill their heads with uselessinformation. There is little use in125 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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