May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESequipment worth thousands of dollars weredonated to the hospitals where the teamshad worked. It was evident throughout therelief mission that Bhagavan’s grace wasabound everywhere and His love manifestedboth in the hearts of those who were servedand also in the hearts of those who served.In the year of unity, the UK, Australian and<strong>Sri</strong> Lankan relief teams have spreadBhagavan’s message of love in all thetsunami affected areas of <strong>Sri</strong> Lanka.USA: A medical camp was conducted on12th March 2005 in the First Baptist Churchin San Augustine, Texas. 120 volunteerstravelled from all over Texas and from theneighbouring State of Arkansas to serve inthe camp. The place was filled with smilingfaces, and the greetings of “<strong>Sai</strong> Ram”echoed everywhere. Several of thevolunteers reached the campsite one daybefore the camp, set up the booths andorganised the area for the medical camp.The camp commenced after prayer byRev. David Burcham, the Pastor of theChurch. The brief inaugural ceremonyconsisted of remarks by the Hon. <strong>May</strong>or ofSan Augustine, Camp Directors Drs. Prasadand Chintapalli. Hon. <strong>May</strong>or Pat Fussellwelcomed the volunteers and appreciatedtheir efforts. He underlined the fact thatseveral people in the country did not havemedical insurance and had not seen a doctorfor many years.The team included 19 doctors, 5registered nurses, 4 laboratory technicians,3 social workers, 3 nutritionists, 5translators and 79 volunteers. Thedoctors, specialised in internalmedicine, paediatrics, familypractice, nephrology, orthopaedics,anaesthesia, pathology, radiology anddentistry offered their services with greatdevotion and love. Blood screening servicesfor diabetes, high cholesterol, high bloodpressure and obesity were provided.Specially trained paediatricians discussedthe emotional and developmental problemswith the families. Screening for vision,hearing, foot and dental problems were done.Women volunteers did breast examinationsand patients who needed further evaluationby Mammograms were referred to the localarea Health Network personnel who wereon site. Osteoporosis (bone density)screening services and free blood sugar testkits were provided to the patients withdiabetes or over 50 years. To prevent adultonset of diabetes mellitus, health educationabout diet, meals plans and physicalexercises were discussed. The doctors alsoexplained to the patients the benefits ofpreventive health care, meditation andprayer. The State Health Departmentprovided immunisations for those who hadnot completed their immunisation schedules.30 children, 78 men and 136 women wereseen in consultation at the camp. Theresidents of the city with tears in their eyesthanked all the volunteers and requested theteam to come again. Volunteers and patientsexperienced the pure love of Bhagavan.2. Community Service ProgrammesGreece: On 5th March 2005, despite theheavy rain,17 dedicated <strong>Sai</strong> devotees fromAthens cooked and distributed 80portions of hot food, sandwiches andsweets for 70 needy people nearKoumoundourou Square. They gave151 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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