May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANImy meagre income?” So saying, he shedtears.Puttaparthi is My HeadquartersMy parents loved Me very much. Theydid not want Me to leave Puttaparthi. I gavethem this promise. Right from childhood allloved Me. <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> is the only one who isloved by everybody. (loud prolongedapplause) Making Puttaparthi as Myheadquarters, I am continuing My Missionas <strong>Sathya</strong> Bodhaka (Teacher of Truth).Subbamma’s devotion cannot bedescribed in words. She was an orthodoxBrahmin and would not allow anyone toenter her house. I was the only one who waspermitted to move about in her house. Allother Brahmins of the village faulted her forthis breach of rules. I built a residential colonyin commemoration of the great love anddevotion Subbamma had towards Me andnamed it Karanam Subbamma Nagar, whichis next to Gokulam. I also purchased somecows and engaged some people to lookafter them. Some of these people wereaccommodated in a few of those houses inKaranam Subbamma Nagar. Thus, I madeefforts to see that the name of Subbammais remembered forever by devotees. I havealways attached high value to the name ofSubbamma.I have also constructed a home for orphanchildren near Puttaparthi. They have beenprovided food, clothing and education so thatthey are able to lead a life of honour anddignity. Those who could not pass evenClass 1 have now passed 10th Class. Theylearnt all subjects like Telugu, English fromscratch. They are learning music too. I havealso built houses for these boys so that theymay stay there comfortably. Thus, there areso many service activities that I haveundertaken right from My childhood. If theyare all to be narrated now, it can go on forhours together.Dear Students!I have great love for you. I wish that all ofyou should come up well in life and earn agood name. I love such boys who earn agood name. I will give you whatever youwant. In fact, I give Myself to such boys.– From Bhagavan’s Divine Discoursein <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam on9th March 2005.Love without Desire is SupremeThe supreme secret is that man must live in the world where he is born like the lotusleaf, which though born in water floats upon it without being affected or wetted by it.Of course, it is good to love and adore God with a view to gain some valuable fruiteither here or hereafter; but, since there is no fruit or object more valuable than God ormore worthwhile than God, the Vedas advise us to love God, with no touch of desirein our minds. Love, since you must love for love’s sake; love God, since whatever Hecan give is less than He Himself; love Him alone, with no other wish or demand.- Baba149 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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