May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANI“Subbanna! I did not compose that song forthe sake of new clothes. I don’t need them. Iwon’t touch them. Please take them back. Ifyou thus offer some money or articles inreturn for My services, I will not even stepinto your shop.” He realised My sincerity andstrong feelings. After this, Kotte Subbannanever made such a request. He said to Me,“It is enough if I get Your love.”I never complain against anybody nor doI criticise anyone. True to My name, <strong>Sathya</strong>,I always adhere to truth. It so happened thatI went to Pushpagiri to attend a scout camp.A big fair was held there. I was away fromthe house for a few days and there wasnobody to fetch water from a distant well forhousehold purposes. Hence, the wife ofSeshama Raju had to shoulder thatresponsibility. By the time I returned fromthe scout camp, Seshama Raju had alsocome back to Kamalapuram. He was angrythat there was nobody in the house to helphis wife. No doubt, he loved Me but thisincident made him very angry. He was thendrawing lines in a notebook with the help ofa wooden ruler. As soon as he saw Me, heshouted at Me, “Hey! Come here. There wasno one in the house to fetch water for thelast few days. Your sister-in-law had to attendto that job also, besides her normal domesticchores.” So saying, he beat Me hard withthe ruler. The ruler broke into three pieces.My hand was swollen and it was giving Me alot of pain. I did not give a reply nor did Ireveal this incident to anybody. I tied abandage on My hand with a wet cloth. Thenext day, Seshama Raju’s son died. Hegave a telegram to Pedda VenkamaRaju (Swami’s father). Venkama Rajuimmediately rushed to Kamalapuram.He started from Puttaparthi, reachedBukkapatnam and from there came toKamalapuram. The Griham Abbayi (Swami’sfather) enquired from Me, why I was havinga bandage on My hand. I tried to explainaway very casually as if nothing hadhappened. I told him there was a slight paindue to a blister on the palm and therefore Iput a bandage on it.There was a lady belonging to the Vaisyacommunity in the neighbouring house, whoused to make her living by selling Dosas.She tried to reason with Griham Abbayi,saying, “What! Venkama Raju Garu! Can’tyou take care of your son? Why should youput Him to so much suffering by keeping Himunder the care of His elder brother at such adistant place? The poor boy has to fetchwater from a long distance carrying two bigpitchers in a Kavadi (a bamboo stick withpitchers on either side) on His youngshoulders daily.” Thus, she narrated severalincidents which revealed the suffering I wasundergoing there. Griham Abbayi wasdeeply moved on hearing My plight. In theevening, he took Me outside the village onsome pretext and said, “My dear son! I havecome to know that the injury on Your handwas due to Your elder brother’s beating. Imyself never beat You till date. You areundergoing so much suffering here. Come!Let us go back to Puttaparthi.” But I told himthat I would come later. At the time whenthis incident happened, Griham Abbayi madea comment which rings in My ears eventoday: “<strong>Sathya</strong>m! If one is alive, one canmake a living even by selling salt. I canno longer put You to such an ordeal.Can I not provide for Your living with<strong>May</strong> 2005 148

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