May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIsaying, “How come! Subbamma was dead.There was no breath in her body. How is itthat she opened her eyes and startedspeaking? Perhaps it is due to the divinepower of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba.”The dead body of Subbamma was thencremated by her relatives as per their familycustom. From Bukkapatnam, I had to go toPuttaparthi. A bullock cart was kept readyfor Me. The brother of Griham Ammayi(Easwaramma) also sat in the bullock cartwith Me when we were returning toPuttaparthi. His name was Chandramouli.We saw smoke emanating from thecremation ground where Subbamma’smortal remains were being consigned toflames. Chandramouli said, “Swami! Youwere with Subbamma till her last breath. Nowher body is being cremated. You could havewaited for some more time.” I told him,“Chandramouli! I gave word to Subbammathat I would be present by her side duringher last moments and pour water into hermouth. That I did. She departed verypeacefully. Now I am going to Puttaparthiafter fulfilling My promise.” Chandramouli feltvery happy. In fact, Subbamma was held inhigh esteem by the entire village. She wasthe head of the village, being the wife of theKaranam. Entire property of the village wasin her name. However, since she cameinto Swami’s fold, she had no other interestin life except Swami. Right from earlymorning till she went to bed, she wasconstantly engaged in Swami’s work only.On certain occasions, I would go out inthe hills without informing her. Poorlady! She used to go round the hillsin search of Me. She would packUpma, Dosa, Vada, Idli, etc., in a tiffin carrierand come in search of Me. At last, when shecould find Me, I used to enquire teasingly,“Subbamma! What have you brought forMe?” She would reply, “Swami! I havebrought the items of Your taste.” Then Iwould tell her, “Give Me Dosa.” She wouldthen serve Dosa in a plate. Then I would tellher playfully, “Subbamma! I don’t like thisDosa. Give Me Idli.” Later, I would ask forUpma, Vada, etc. Poor Subbamma! Sheused to serve Me all those items. Frommorning till evening, she would prepare anumber of items because she was not surewhat I would ask for at a particular time.Ultimately, I told her “Subbamma! You neednot worry. I don’t need anything. I ask forthis and that only to make your devotion andsurrender known to the world.” Subbammathen requested Me, “Swami! I am happy thatI have been able to serve You food and Youhave accepted these items with love andaffection towards me.” She then requestedMe to put a small quantity of this food in hermouth. I took a small piece of Idli from theplate and put it in her mouth with a littleChutney. She felt extremely happy. Thus,Subbamma experienced great bliss in thedivine proximity of Swami till her last breath.Chandramouli, who was a witness to Myshowering love and grace on Subbamma ona number of occasions, observed, “Swami!How compassionate You are towardsthe devotees! We don’t have words toexpress Your love and compassion towardsdevotees, especially Subbamma.” True!Words fail to describe Swami’s loveand compassion towards Subbamma.Subbamma’s devotion towardsSwami was also unparalleled. In fact,145 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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