May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIreflection and resound occupy an importantplace in the life of a human being. All theworldly knowledge man acquires is theproduct of resound. Resound comes out ofreaction and reaction transforms itself intoreflection. The unity of these threeconstitutes humanness. Man should notwaste his time in empty rhetoric. Every wordhe utters must be the product of his deepcontemplation and knowledge of its innermeaning. It is only after that he should try toteach others. Unfortunately, these days merebookish knowledge is considered as trueknowledge and a lot of time is spent inacquiring it. Real knowledge is in the Mastaka(head) and not in the Pustaka (book). Oneshould, therefore, cleanse one’s Mastaka ofall impurities.Oh man! Do not exult over your erudition.All your learning is just a burden on yourhead without humble prayer and devotionto God.(Telugu Poem)Depend upon the Power of the SelfEmbodiments of Love!It may be necessary for you to adaptyourself to modern techniques and newpractices from time to time. The world todayis undergoing phenomenal changes. Allthose changes may not be important for you.Nevertheless, you are required to studyseveral branches of knowledge in moderntimes to cope up with these rapid changestaking place all over the world. However, thisstudy does not constitute Vidya (realknowledge). Hence, there is no greatnessin pursuing secular education. Avidyabreeds Avidya. One has to makeefforts to distinguish between Vidyaand Avidya. Vidya is that which helps you tounderstand, recognise and realise theprinciple of the Self. It enables you torecognise your true nature and realise thetruth. On the other hand, Avidya constitutesindiscriminate use of words and vainargumentation.Embodiments of Love!You are all students. Continue to be astudent all your life. It is a mistake to thinkthat you have completed your education andare now engaged in service activities. Youare not servants working under somebody.In fact, you are leaders. While performingservice activities, never consider yourself asthe doer. Always think that whatever serviceactivities you are undertaking are for yourown upliftment. These service activities mustbe undertaken to develop self-confidencewhich will lead to self-satisfaction, selfsacrificeand ultimately to self-realisation.Thus, service is meant to realise your trueSelf. It should never be considered as helpfor others. You may be thinking that you arehelping others by joining the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> SevaOrganisation and undertaking serviceactivities. This is not correct. In fact, you areyourself the beneficiary of all your serviceactivities and not others. Also, you need notseek the help of others in these serviceactivities. You can depend upon your owninnate strength and energy. The power ofyour Self will help you in all your endeavours.Your Self will protect you from within in allyour endeavours; you do not need theprotection of anybody else from outside.Members of the Seva Dal!You may be thinking that you havecome here for undertaking service.137 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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