May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIDIVINE DISCOURSE:SADHANA CAMP FOR KERALA YOUTHUNDERSTANDTHE MEANING OF SERVICEKarma is responsible for the birth, existence and death of man. It holds swayover all stages of his life as the very deity of human existence. It is responsiblefor the joy and sorrow of man.(Telugu Poem)Embodiments of Love!HAPPINESS CANNOT EXISTwithout sorrow and sorrow cannotbe separated from happiness. It issaid, Jantunam Nara Janma Durlabham (outof all living beings, human birth is the rarest).Man is the crest jewel of the entire creation.forgotten his humanness. Since he callshimself a human being, it is his duty to realisethe greatness of humanness.Immense Divine Power of ManA person cannot call himself a humanbeing merely on the basis of his birth andWhile performing service activities,never consider yourself as thedoer. Always think that whateverservice activities you areundertaking are for your ownupliftment. These service activitiesmust be undertaken to developself-confidence which will lead toself-satisfaction, self-sacrifice andultimately to self-realisation. Thus,service is meant to realise yourtrue Self. It should never beconsidered as help for others.He is the main cause behind thephenomenal progress of the world. But mantoday is unable to realise hishumanness. Because of identifyinghimself with his physical form, he haseducational qualifications. Actually,real humanness cannot be found inacademic degrees. Even birds and135 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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