May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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Joyous Ugadi CelebrationsThe festival of Ugadi marking the adventof the new year for the people of AndhraPradesh and Karnataka was celebrated atPrasanthi Nilayam on 9th April 2005 withgreat devotional fervour. Besides the DivineDiscourse of Bhagavan, the programmeincluded devotional music and PanchangaSravanam (almanac listening). <strong>Sai</strong> KulwantHall, the venue of celebrations, wasbeautifully decorated for this occasion.Special decorations were made on the daiswith fresh coconuts and flowers.Amidst sweet notes of Panchavadyammusic and chanting of Vedic Mantras,Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba cameto <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall at 7.40 a.m. toshower His blessings on the devoteeson this auspicious day. At the outset, formerVice Chancellor of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute ofHigher Learning, <strong>Sri</strong> S.V. Giri addressed thegathering. Quoting from Shikshavalli ofTaittiriya Upanishad, the learned speakerexplained the factors which contributed tothe harmonious relations between a teacherand his students, and added that this wasbeing put into practice in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Institute of Higher Learning where BhagavanHimself is the Universal Teacher. Thereafter,the programme of Panchanga Sravanam,a traditional practice of Ugadi celebrations,started at 8.35 a.m. The Pandit who readthe Panchanga (almanac) said that the nameof the new year was Parthiva; he prayedthat it should become the year ofParthiswara (Lord of Puttaparthi) andbring about peace and prosperity as<strong>May</strong> 2005 132

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