Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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Epigrams.How gladher death would make him ;I pray you e're you sing loth to depart,Tell who shall be my second wife, and IAfter your death will wed her instantly,said sweeth

Epigrams.3580. On beere.Is no juice pleasing but the grapes ?is none,So much beloved ?doth perfection,Onely conjoyn in wine ? or doth the wellOf Aganippe with this liquor swell,That Poets thus affect it ? shall we crownA meere exotique ? and contemn our own,Our native liquor ? haunt who list the grape,I'le more esteem our Oate, whose reed shall make,An instrument to warble forth her praise,Which shall survive untill the date of daies,And eke invoke some potent power divine,To patronize her worth above the vine.81. On a vaunting Poetaster.Ccedlius boasts his verses worthy bee,To be engraven on a Cypresse tree,A Cypresse wreath befits 'em well ;'tis trueFor they are neer their death, and crave but due.82. On a valiant Souldier.A Spanish Souldier in the Indian warreWho oft came off with honor and some scar,After a teadious battle, when they wereEnforc'd for want of bullets to forbearFarther to encounter, which the savage MoorPerceiving, scoff 'd, and nearer then beforeApproach'd the Christian host, the souldier griev'dTo be out-brav'd, yet could not be relievedD 2

Epigrams.How gladher death would make him ;I pray you e're you sing loth to depart,Tell who shall be my second wife, and IAfter your death will wed her instantly,said sweeth

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