Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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380 Fancies and Fantasticks.But deaths head on his fingers ends,Afflicts him more then twenty fiends ;An Oxford Cook that is well read,Knows how to dresse a Criticks head.Take out the brains, and stew the noats,O rare Calves-head for Pupills throats.;r :;>{{Prometheus would be puzled,To make a new Projectors head :He hath such subtile turnes and nooks,Such turn-pegs, mazes, tenter-hooks :A trap-door here, and then a vault,Should you go in, you'ld sure be caught ;This head, if e'r the heads-man stick,Hee'll spoile the subtile politick.,b9.(f ::i/t S'-wlBfte bfW t*rf{ /{t^H'A 1B3D OSix heads there are will ne'r be seen,The first a Maids past twice sixteen :The next is of an Unicorne,Which when I see, I'll trust his home ;A Beggar's in a beaver ;andA,Gyant's in a Pigmies hand ;A Coward's in a Ladies lap,A good man's in a Fryers cap.The plural! head of multitude,Will make good hodg-podge when 'tis stude ;Now I have done my honest Ned,And brought my matter to a Head.

Fancies and Fantasticks. 38 1Interrogativa Cantilena.If all the world were Paper,And all the Sea were Inke ;If all the Trees were bread and cheese^How should we do for drinke ?If all the World were sand'o,Oh then what should we lack'o ;If as they say there were no clay,How should we take Tobacco ?'.'i i A )

Fancies and Fantasticks. 38 1Interrogativa Cantilena.If all the w<strong>or</strong>ld were Paper,And all the Sea were Inke ;If all the Trees were bread and cheese^How should we do f<strong>or</strong> drinke ?If all the W<strong>or</strong>ld were sand'o,Oh then what should we lack'o ;If as they say there were no clay,How should we take Tobacco ?'.'i i A )

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