Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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366 Fancies and Fan tasticks.All his actions to be suchAs to do nothing too much.Nor o're praise, nor yet condemn :Nor out-value, nor contemne ;Nor do wrongs, nor wrongs receive ;Nor tie knots, nor knots unweave ;And from basenesse to be free,As he durst love truth and me.Such a man with every part,I could give my very heart ;But of one, if short he came,I can rest me where I am.Another Ladyes exception.For his minde, I do not care,That's a toy, that I could spare ;Let his Title be but great,His clothes rich, and band sit neat,Himselfe young, and face be good,All I wish tis understood.What you please, you parts may call,JTis one good part I'd lye withall.Abroad with the Maids.Come sit we under yonder Tree,Where merry as the Maids we'l be,And as on Primroses we sit,We'l venter (ifwe can) at wit :If not, at Draw-gloves we will play ;So spend some Minutes of the day ;

Fancies and Fantasticks. 367Or else spin out the thred of sands,Playing at Questions and Commands :Or tell what strange tricks love can do,By quickly making one of two.Thus we will sit and talk ;but tellNo cruell truths of Philomel!,Or Phillti, whom hard Fate forc't on,To kill her selfe for Demophon.But Fables we'l relate ;how JovePut on all shapes to get a Love ;As now a Satyr, then a Swan ;A Bull but then ;and now a Man.Next we will act how young men wooe ;And sigh, and kisse, as Lovers do,And talk of Brides ;and who shall makeThat wedding smock, this Bridal-Cake ;That dress, this sprig, that leafe, this vine :That smooth and silken Columbine.This done, we'l draw lots, who shall buyAnd guild the Bayes and Rosemary :What Posies, for our wedding Rings ;What Gloves we'l give and Ribonings:And smiling at our selves, decree,Who then the joyning Priest shall be.What short sweet Prayers shall be said ;And how the Posset shall be madeWith Cream of LilHes (not of Kine)And Maidens-blush, for spiced wine.Thus having taljct, we'l next commendand so we'l end.

Fancies and Fantasticks. 367Or else spin out the thred of sands,Playing at Questions and Commands :Or tell what strange tricks love can do,By quickly making one of two.Thus we will sit and talk ;but tellNo cruell truths of Philomel!,Or Phillti, whom hard Fate f<strong>or</strong>c't on,To kill her selfe f<strong>or</strong> Demophon.But Fables we'l relate ;how JovePut on all shapes to get a Love ;As now a Satyr, then a Swan ;A Bull but then ;and now a Man.Next we will act how young men wooe ;And sigh, and kisse, as Lovers do,And talk of Brides ;and who shall makeThat wedding smock, this Bridal-Cake ;That dress, this sprig, that leafe, this vine :That smooth and silken Columbine.This done, we'l draw lots, who shall buyAnd guild the Bayes and Rosemary :What Posies, f<strong>or</strong> our wedding Rings ;What Gloves we'l give and Ribonings:And smiling at our selves, decree,Who then the joyning Priest shall be.What sh<strong>or</strong>t sweet Prayers shall be said ;And how the Posset shall be madeWith Cream of LilHes (not of Kine)And Maidens-blush, f<strong>or</strong> spiced wine.Thus having taljct, we'l next commendand so we'l end.

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