Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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3 IQ Fancies and Fantasticks.An Incomparable kisse.Give me a Kisse from those sweet lips of thine,And make it double by enjoyning mine,Another yet, nay yet againe another,And let the first Kisse be the seconds brother.Give me a thousand kisses, and yet more ;And then repeat those that have gone before ;Let us begin while day-light springs in heav'nAnd kisse tillnight descends into the Ev'n,And when that modest Secretary, Night,Discolours all but thy heav'n-beaming bright,We will begin Revels of hidden love,In that sweet Orbe where silent pleasures move.In high, new strains, unspeakable delight,We'll vent the dull hours of the silent night.Were the bright day no more to visit us,O then for ever would I hold thee thus ;Naked, inchain'd, empty of idle feare,As the first Lovers in the Garden were.I'lldye betwixt thy breasts that are so white,For, to dye there, would do a man delight.Embrace me still, for time runs on before,And being dead we shall embrace no more.Let us kisse faster then the hours do flye,Long live each kisse, and never know to dye.Yet if that fade, and fly away too fast,Impresse another, and renew the last ;Let us vie kisses, till our eyelids cover,And if I sleep, count me an idle Lover,

Fancies and Fantasticks. 3 1 1Admit I sleep, 111 stillpursue the Theam,And eagerly I'l kisse thee in a dream.O give me way ; grant love to me thy friend,Did hundred thousand Suiters all contendFor thy Virginity, there's none shall woeWith heart so firm as mine ;none better doThen I with your sweet-sweetnesse ;ifyou doubt,Pierce with your eyes my heart, or pluck it out.To his Mistresse.Dearest, thy twin'd haires are not threds of gold,Nor thine eyes Diamonds ;nor do I holdThy lips for Rubies, nor thy cheeks to beFresh Roses ;nor thy Dugs of Ivory ;The skin that doth thy dainty body sheath,Not alabaster is ;nor dost thou breathArabian odours ;these the earth brings forth,Compar'd with thine, they would impair thy worth ;Such then are other mistresses ;but mineHath nothing of the earth, but all divine..^UVtV\Wi.JVOUSV^Jt; -*)rriT MThe Answer.+*-.- oils 10 { TS')/?t> v i txrino.Oc; cod IIf earth doth never change, nor move,There's nought of earth sure in thy love ;Sith heavenly bodies with each one,Concur in generation ;And wanting gravity are light,Or in a borrowed lustre bright ;

Fancies and Fantasticks. 3 1 1Admit I sleep, 111 stillpursue the <strong>The</strong>am,And eagerly I'l kisse thee in a dream.O give me way ; grant love to me thy friend,Did hundred thousand Suiters all contendF<strong>or</strong> thy Virginity, there's none shall woeWith heart so firm as mine ;none better do<strong>The</strong>n I with your sweet-sweetnesse ;ifyou doubt,Pierce with your eyes my heart, <strong>or</strong> pluck it out.To his Mistresse.Dearest, thy twin'd haires are not threds of gold,N<strong>or</strong> thine eyes Diamonds ;n<strong>or</strong> do I holdThy lips f<strong>or</strong> Rubies, n<strong>or</strong> thy cheeks to beFresh Roses ;n<strong>or</strong> thy Dugs of Iv<strong>or</strong>y ;<strong>The</strong> skin that doth thy dainty body sheath,Not alabaster is ;n<strong>or</strong> dost thou breathArabian odours ;these the earth brings f<strong>or</strong>th,Compar'd with thine, they would impair thy w<strong>or</strong>th ;Such then are other mistresses ;but mineHath nothing of the earth, but all divine..^UVtV\Wi.JVOUSV^Jt; -*)rriT M<strong>The</strong> Answer.+*-.- oils 10 { TS')/?t> v i txrino.Oc; cod IIf earth doth never change, n<strong>or</strong> move,<strong>The</strong>re's nought of earth sure in thy love ;Sith heavenly bodies with each one,Concur in generation ;And wanting gravity are light,Or in a b<strong>or</strong>rowed lustre bright ;

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