Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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256 Epitaphs.141. On Thomas Jones.Here for the nonceCame Thomas Jonce.- ,\'ID St.Jileses church to lye.None welsh before,... . ,None Welshman moreTill Shon Clerk dye.He tole the bell,He ring his knell,He dyed well,TT , J f TT 11He s saved from Hell :And so farewellTom Jonce*142. On a young man.Surpriz'd by grief and sicknesse here I lye,Stopt in my middle age, and soon made dead,Yet doe not grudge at God, if soon thou dye,But know he trebles favours on thy head. ,,'Who for thy morning work equals thy pay,With those that have endur'd the heat o'th'day.143. On the two Littletons that were drowned at Oxford.1636.Here lye we (Reader, canst thou not admire ?)Who both at once by water dy'd and fire.For whilst our bodyes perish'd in the deep,Our soules in love burnt, so we fell asleep ;Let this be then our Epitaph :Here lyesTwo, yet but one, one for the other dyes.

Epitaphs. 257144. On a Butler.That death should thus from hence our Butler catch,Into my mind it cannot quickly sink ;Sure death came thirsty to the buttry-hatch,When he (that busi'd was) deny'd him drink.Tut ! 'twas not so, 'tis like he gave him liquor,And death made drunk, him made away the quicker :Yet let not others grieve too much in mind(The Butler's gone) the keys are left behind.: vf,.*jj te$& j^mto .fio r-i ,'}' mo"} ?r\\ 3i^H vAt length by works of wondrous fate,Here lyes the Porter of Winchester-gate:If gone to heav'n, as much I feare :He can be but a Porter there :He fear'd not hell so much for's sin,As for th'great rapping and oft coming in.147. Vpon one who dyed in Prison.Reader, I liv'd, enquire no more,Lest a spy enter in at doore ;VOL. n. s

256 Epitaphs.141. On Thomas Jones.Here f<strong>or</strong> the nonceCame Thomas Jonce.- ,\'ID St.Jileses church to lye.None welsh bef<strong>or</strong>e,... . ,None Welshman m<strong>or</strong>eTill Shon Clerk dye.He tole the bell,He ring his knell,He dyed well,TT , J f TT 11He s saved from Hell :And so farewellTom Jonce*142. On a young man.Surpriz'd by grief and sicknesse here I lye,Stopt in my middle age, and soon made dead,Yet doe not grudge at God, if soon thou dye,But know he trebles favours on thy head. ,,'Who f<strong>or</strong> thy m<strong>or</strong>ning w<strong>or</strong>k equals thy pay,With those that have endur'd the heat o'th'day.143. On the two Littletons that were drowned at Oxf<strong>or</strong>d.1636.Here lye we (Reader, canst thou not admire ?)Who both at once by water dy'd and fire.F<strong>or</strong> whilst our bodyes perish'd in the deep,Our soules in love burnt, so we fell asleep ;Let this be then our Epitaph :Here lyesTwo, yet but one, one f<strong>or</strong> the other dyes.

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