Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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246 Epitaphs.103. On a child.Tread softly passenger!for here doth lye,A dainty Jewell of sweet infancie :A harmlesse babe, that onely came & cry'dIn baptism to bee washt from sin and dy'd.104. Another.In this marble casket lyesA matchlesse Jewell of rich prize,Whom nature in the worlds disdaineBut shew'd and putitup againe.105. On Master Sand's.Who would live in others breath ?Fame deceives the dead mans trust,When our names do change by death ;Sands I was, and now am dust1 06. On Master Goad.Go adde this verse, to Goad's herse,For Goad isgone, but whither ?Goad himselfe, isgone to God,'Twas death's goad drove him thither.107. On Master Munday.Hallowed be the SabboathAnd farewell all worldly pelfe,The weeke begins on Tuesday,For Munday hath hang'd himselfe.

Epitaphs. 2471 08. On a Child.Here a pretty baby lyesSung asleep with lullabies :Pray be silent, and not stirTh'easie earth that covers her.109. On a Matron.Here lies a wife was chast, a mother blest ;A modest Matron, all these in one chest :Sarah unto her mate, Mary to GodMartha to men, whilst here she abode.110. In Latine thus.Vxor casta, parens felix, matrona pudica,Sara viro, mundo Martha, Maria Deo.mil fcitKxMgifofl x/it ot Jlt&niD iruiblirb lOi IT. OnaSouldier.When I was young, in wars I shed my blood,Both for my King, and for my countries good :In elder years, my care was chiefe to beSouldier to him that shed his blood for me.112. On Mr. Dumbelow, that dyed of the winde Chollicke.Dead is Dick DumbelowWould you the reason know ?Could his tail have but spoken,His stout heart had not broken.

246 Epitaphs.103. On a child.Tread softly passenger!f<strong>or</strong> here doth lye,A dainty Jewell of sweet infancie :A harmlesse babe, that onely came & cry'dIn baptism to bee washt from sin and dy'd.104. Another.In this marble casket lyesA matchlesse Jewell of rich prize,Whom nature in the w<strong>or</strong>lds disdaineBut shew'd and putitup againe.105. On Master Sand's.Who would live in others breath ?Fame deceives the dead mans trust,When our names do change by death ;Sands I was, and now am dust1 06. On Master Goad.Go adde this verse, to Goad's herse,F<strong>or</strong> Goad isgone, but whither ?Goad himselfe, isgone to God,'Twas death's goad drove him thither.107. On Master Munday.Hallowed be the SabboathAnd farewell all w<strong>or</strong>ldly pelfe,<strong>The</strong> weeke begins on Tuesday,F<strong>or</strong> Munday hath hang'd himselfe.

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