Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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154 Epigrams.597. Magnis non est morandum.See how Silenus walks accomplished,With due performance of his fathers page :Looks back of purpose to be honoured,And on each slight occasion 'gins to rage ;You, villain, dog ! where hath your stay been such ?Quoth he, the Broker would not lend so much.598. Puduit sua damna refer re.Such ill success had Dick at Dice last night,As he was forc'd, next day, play least in sight:But ifyou love him, make thereof no speeches,He lost his Rapier, Cloak, and Velvet Breeches.599. Ad Lectorem.Reader, thou seest how pale these papers look,While they fear thy hard censure on my Book.600. Nimis docuit consuetude.Old Fucus board is oft replenished,But naught thereof must be diminished,Unlesse some worthlesse upper-dish or twain ;The rest for service stillagain remain.His man that us'd to bring them in for show,Leaving a dish upon the bench below,Was by his Master (much offended) blam'd,Which he, as brief, with answer quickly fram'd ;T'hath been so often brought afore this day,As now ch'ad thoft it self had known the way.

604. Nonpenna, sed usus. -.,'!Epigrams. 15560 1. Poculo junguntur amid.A health, saith Lucas, to his Loves bright eye ;Which not to pledge, were much indignity ;You cannot do him greater courtesie,Than to be drunk, and damn'd for company.602. Nullum stimulum ignaris.r ; OCacus awake, was told the Sun appear'd,Which had the darknesse of the morning cleafd :But Cacus sluggish, thereto makes reply,The Sunne hath further far to go than I.603. In Richardum.At three go-downs Dick doffs me off a pot,The English Gutter's Latine for his throat.Cajus accounts himselfe accurst of men,Onely because his Lady loves him not :Who, till he taught her, could not hold her pen,And yet hath since, another Tutor got.Cajus it seems, thy skill she did but cheapen,And means to try him at another weapon.605-. An absolute Gallant.If you will see true valour here display'd,Heare Poly-phemus, and be not afraid.

154 Epigrams.597. Magnis non est m<strong>or</strong>andum.See how Silenus walks accomplished,With due perf<strong>or</strong>mance of his fathers page :Looks back of purpose to be honoured,And on each slight occasion 'gins to rage ;You, villain, dog ! where hath your stay been such ?Quoth he, the Broker would not lend so much.598. Puduit sua damna refer re.Such ill success had Dick at Dice last night,As he was f<strong>or</strong>c'd, next day, play least in sight:But ifyou love him, make thereof no speeches,He lost his Rapier, Cloak, and Velvet Breeches.599. Ad Lect<strong>or</strong>em.Reader, thou seest how pale these papers look,While they fear thy hard censure on my Book.600. Nimis docuit consuetude.Old Fucus board is oft replenished,But naught thereof must be diminished,Unlesse some w<strong>or</strong>thlesse upper-dish <strong>or</strong> twain ;<strong>The</strong> rest f<strong>or</strong> service stillagain remain.His man that us'd to bring them in f<strong>or</strong> show,Leaving a dish upon the bench below,Was by his Master (much offended) blam'd,Which he, as brief, with answer quickly fram'd ;T'hath been so often brought af<strong>or</strong>e this day,As now ch'ad thoft it self had known the way.

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