Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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142 Epigrams.541. On a Puritan.From impure mouths, now many bear the nameOf Puritan, yet merit not the same.This one shall onely be my PuritanThat is a knave, yet seems an honest man.542. Ostendit hedera vinum.A scoffing mate, that past along Cheap-side,Incontinent a gallant lasse espide ;Whose tempting Breasts (as to the sale laidIncites this youngster thus to 'gin to flout.out)Ladyis(quoth he) this flesh to be sould ?No Lord (quoth she) for silver nor for gold,But wherefore ask you ? (and there made a stop)To buy (quoth he) if not shut .up your shop.543. Quantum mutatus ab illo.Pedes grown proud makes men admire thereat,Whose baser breeding, should they think not beare it,Nay, he on cock-horse rides, how like you that ?Tut ! Pedes proverb is,Win gold and weare it.But Pedes you have seen them rise in hast,That through their pride have broke their necks at last544. Vpon Lavina.Lavina brought to bed, her husband looksTo know's childs fortune throughout his books,His neighbours think h'had need search backward rather,And learn for certain who had been the father.

Epigrams. 143545. Report and Error.Error by Error, Tales by Tales, great grow ;As Snow-balls do, by rowling to and fro.546. In Superbum.Rustick Superbus fine new cloaths hath got,Of Taffata and velvet, fair in sight ;The shew of which hath so bewitcht the sot,That he thinks Gentleman to be his right:But he's deceiv'd, for true that is of old,An Ape's an Ape, though he wear cloth of gold.547. No truth in Wine.Truth is in wine, but none can finde it there,For in your Taverns, men will lye and sweare.548. On Infidus.Infidus was so free of Oaths last day,That he would swear, what e're he thought to say :But now such is his chance, whereat he's griev'd,The more he swears, the lesse he is believ'd.549. On Celsus.Census doth love himselfe, Celsus is wise,For now no Rivall e'r can claim his prize.

Epigrams. 143545. Rep<strong>or</strong>t and Err<strong>or</strong>.Err<strong>or</strong> by Err<strong>or</strong>, Tales by Tales, great grow ;As Snow-balls do, by rowling to and fro.546. In Superbum.Rustick Superbus fine new cloaths hath got,Of Taffata and velvet, fair in sight ;<strong>The</strong> shew of which hath so bewitcht the sot,That he thinks Gentleman to be his right:But he's deceiv'd, f<strong>or</strong> true that is of old,An Ape's an Ape, though he wear cloth of gold.547. No truth in Wine.Truth is in wine, but none can finde it there,F<strong>or</strong> in your Taverns, men will lye and sweare.548. On Infidus.Infidus was so free of Oaths last day,That he would swear, what e're he thought to say :But now such is his chance, whereat he's griev'd,<strong>The</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e he swears, the lesse he is believ'd.549. On Celsus.Census doth love himselfe, Celsus is wise,F<strong>or</strong> now no Rivall e'r can claim his prize.

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