Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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Epigrams.Cow-heels she answered, 'and .a breast of MuttonBut quoth the Welsh-man, since I am no glutton ;Either of both shall serve to ; night the breast,The heels i'th morning, then light meat is best \At night he took the brest, and did not pay,I'th morning took his heels, and run away.414. On Men and Women.Ill thrives the haplesse family that showsA cock that's silent, and a hen that crows :I know not which lives more unnaturall lives,Obeying Husbands, or commanding Wives.415. On Linus.Linus told me of Verses that he made,Riding to London on a trotting Jade ;I should have known, had he conceal'd the case,Even by his Verses of his Horses pace.416. Saucefor sorrows.Although our sufferings meet with no relief,An equall mind is the best sauce for grief.417. On a little diminutive band.What is the reason of God-dam-me's band,Inch-deep, and that his fashion doth not alter ?God-dam-me saves a labour, understand,In pulling't off when he puts on the halter.

'Epigrams. ,117418. On fine apparell.Some that their wives may neat and cleanly go,Do all their substance upon them bestow :But who a Gold-finch fain would make his wife,Makes her perhaps a Wag-tail all her life.419. Vpon Conscience.Many men this present age dispraise,And think men have small conscience now adays ;But sure,II lay no such fault to their charge,I rather think their conscience is too large.420. Dicta prcedicta.Buttus breaks jests on any thing that's spoken,Provided alwayes, they before are broken.421. On Vmber.Vmber was painting of a lyon fierce,And working it, by chance from Vmbers ErseFlew out a crack, so mighty, that the fart,(AsVmber swears) did make his Lyon start.jam K l>'yn/i JL. or!T422. In Cornutum.Cornutus call'd his wife both whore and slut,Quoth she, you'l never leave your brawling butBut what quoth he ?quoth she, the post or door,For you have horns to butt, if I'me a whore.

Epigrams.Cow-heels she answered, 'and .a breast of MuttonBut quoth the Welsh-man, since I am no glutton ;Either of both shall serve to ; night the breast,<strong>The</strong> heels i'th m<strong>or</strong>ning, then light meat is best \At night he took the brest, and did not pay,I'th m<strong>or</strong>ning took his heels, and run away.414. On Men and Women.Ill thrives the haplesse family that showsA cock that's silent, and a hen that crows :I know not which lives m<strong>or</strong>e unnaturall lives,Obeying Husbands, <strong>or</strong> commanding Wives.415. On Linus.Linus told me of Verses that he made,Riding to London on a trotting Jade ;I should have known, had he conceal'd the case,Even by his Verses of his H<strong>or</strong>ses pace.416. Saucef<strong>or</strong> s<strong>or</strong>rows.Although our sufferings meet with no relief,An equall mind is the best sauce f<strong>or</strong> grief.417. On a little diminutive band.What is the reason of God-dam-me's band,Inch-deep, and that his fashion doth not alter ?God-dam-me saves a labour, understand,In pulling't off when he puts on the halter.

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