Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ... Facetiae : Musarum deliciae, or, The Muses recreation, conteining ...

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102 Epigrams.341. Sperando parhns.Hodg hir'd him such a house, at such a rent,As might 'gainst marriage, much his state augment ;But lingeringfates did so his hopes prevent,As Hodg perforce must fly, for all was spent.342. On a Souldier.The souldier fights well, and with good regard,But when he's lame, he lies at an ill ward.343. Vivens mortuis.What makes young Bruttis beare so high his head,And on the sudden gallant it so brave ?Pray understand Sir : 's Father's newly dead,Who hath so long been wish'd for laid in's grave.344. A secret necessity.What makes F. G. wear still one pair of hose ?,Ask Banks the Broker ;he the businesse knows.345. On Garret and Chambers.Garret and his friend Chambers having doneTheir City businesse, walkt to Paddington,And coming neer the fatall place, where men,I mean offenders, ne'r return agen,Looking on Tyburn in a merriment,Sayes Chambers, here's a pretty Tenement

Epigrams*103Had it a Garret : Garret hearing that,Replyes, friend Chambers I do wonder atYour simple censure, and could mock you for it,There must be Chambers, e'er there be a Garret.346. Dubium indubitatum.Say Parnels children prove not one like th'other ;The best is yet, she's sure th'ad both one Mother.347. On Linnit.Linnit plays rarely on the Lute, we know ;And sweetly sings, but yet his breath sayes no.348. On Vsuring Gripe.Gripe feels no lameness of his knotty gout,His moneys travell for him in and out.And though the soundest legs goe every day,He toyls to be at hell as soon as they.349. A phrase in Poetry.Fairer than the word faire, why so she must,Or be as black as Timothies toasted crust.350. A Witt-all.Jcppa thy wit will ne'r endure a touch,Thou knowsc so little, and dost speak so much.351. Ad Lectorem.Is't possible that thou my book hast bought,That jsaid'st 'twas nothing worth ? why was it nought

102 Epigrams.341. Sperando parhns.Hodg hir'd him such a house, at such a rent,As might 'gainst marriage, much his state augment ;But lingeringfates did so his hopes prevent,As Hodg perf<strong>or</strong>ce must fly, f<strong>or</strong> all was spent.342. On a Souldier.<strong>The</strong> souldier fights well, and with good regard,But when he's lame, he lies at an ill ward.343. Vivens m<strong>or</strong>tuis.What makes young Bruttis beare so high his head,And on the sudden gallant it so brave ?Pray understand Sir : 's Father's newly dead,Who hath so long been wish'd f<strong>or</strong> laid in's grave.344. A secret necessity.What makes F. G. wear still one pair of hose ?,Ask Banks the Broker ;he the businesse knows.345. On Garret and Chambers.Garret and his friend Chambers having done<strong>The</strong>ir City businesse, walkt to Paddington,And coming neer the fatall place, where men,I mean offenders, ne'r return agen,Looking on Tyburn in a merriment,Sayes Chambers, here's a pretty Tenement

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