Agilent 1200 Infinity Series – Infinitely better - T.E.A.M.

Agilent 1200 Infinity Series – Infinitely better - T.E.A.M. Agilent 1200 Infinity Series – Infinitely better - T.E.A.M.


Agilent 1200 Infinity SeriesInfinitely better1220Infinity LC1260Infinity LC1290Infinity LCproducts | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.

<strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong><strong>Infinitely</strong> <strong>better</strong>1220<strong>Infinity</strong> LC1260<strong>Infinity</strong> LC1290<strong>Infinity</strong> LCproducts | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.

<strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong><strong>Infinitely</strong> <strong>better</strong>.The new <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> is infinitely <strong>better</strong>. It offers a comprehensive portfolio of LC solutionsthat give you uncompromised chromatographic performance while remaining within the confines of yourbudget. Whatever your application requires – now or in the future – common technology across theportfolio helps you increase laboratory productivity and decrease operational costs. And because it’s from<strong>Agilent</strong>, you get everything you expect from a chromatography leader with over 40 years of innovativecontributions to LC technology.The <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC endedthe UHPLC debateNow we raise the HPLC standard. The new 1220 and 1260<strong>Infinity</strong> LC give you RRLC capability at HPLC price: 600 bar and80 Hz detector speed. Further, all systems are up to 10 timesmore sensitive and 100% compatible with all your HPLCmethods to ensure riskless replacement of existing instruments.Together this new portfolio offers a unique continuum offuture-proof HPLC, RRLC and UHPLC solutions to match anyapplication or budget. Plus, it’s from a name you trust forhighest quality – <strong>Agilent</strong>.The <strong>Agilent</strong> Value Promise –<strong>Infinitely</strong> <strong>better</strong> investment protection<strong>Agilent</strong> offers unlimited module and system compatibilitybetween the new <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> and previous 1100 or<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong>. This unique capability of <strong>Agilent</strong>’s LC solutionsfacilitates flexible, stepwise upgrade for any <strong>Agilent</strong> LC –now or in the future!Upgrade your current 1100 or <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong> system now witha new <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> module:• detectors – for higher sensitivity and detection speed• pump and autosampler – for support of latest 1.8 µm rapidresolution column technology• column compartments – for 8 columns and 24 solventsfor fully automated multi-method or method developmentInvest in the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> today and rest assuredthat your system can be upgraded in future with any newor enhanced module.2

<strong>Infinitely</strong> more affordableThe <strong>Agilent</strong> 1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC is a highquality, integrated system for routineHPLC and advanced RRLC analysis,for maximum return on investment.• 600 bar power range up to 5 mL/minand 80 Hz detector speed – prepareyour lab to take advantage of latestadvances in LC column technology• Full compatibility with all otherdetectors within the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong><strong>Series</strong> and with 6100 <strong>Series</strong>Quadrupole MS – run any existingHPLC or RRLC method• Uses same technology and parts as1260 and 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC systems<strong>Infinitely</strong> more confidentThe <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC raises thestandard in HPLC – without raising theprice. It offers new levels of productivity,data quality and robustness to give youhighest confidence in your investment.• 600 bar standard pump pressure, 80 Hzstandard detector speed and up to 10times higher UV detection sensitivity –be prepared for today’s and tomorrow’schallenges• 100% compatible with all your HPLCmethods – ensuring riskless replacementof existing equipment• Priced similar to earlier <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong>HPLC and markedly below <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong>RRLC systems – get enhanced RRLCcapability for HPLC price<strong>Infinitely</strong> more powerfulThe <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC is the lastword in chromatographic performanceproviding highest speed, resolution andsensitivity.• Wide power range up to <strong>1200</strong> bar –deploy any particle type, any columndimensions, or any mobile andstationary phases• Ultimate method flexibility fromconventional HPLC to RRLC andUHPLC – run your existing methodsand solve all your LC and LC/MSchallenges on one system• Lower total cost of ownership – getUHPLC productivity at service costscomparable to HPLC equipment1220<strong>Infinity</strong> LC1260<strong>Infinity</strong> LC1290<strong>Infinity</strong> LCTo learn more about the <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong>, visit<strong>1200</strong>3

<strong>Agilent</strong> – The safe investmentFuture proof.Purchase a solution from the <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> and you can be confident that you have made thesafest possible LC investment. Seamless integration of column technology, instrumentation and softwareensure utmost productivity. With more performance to meet today’s requirements, you also have morecompatibility and flexibility to take on tomorrow’s challenges.Future-proof methodsThe flexibility of the <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> facilitatesstraightforward adaption of existing or future methodologies.Whether you developed your methods on earlier <strong>Agilent</strong> 1100or <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong> systems, full methods compatibility means youwill be running your samples with no adjustments to conditions.Future-proof data confidenceThe 2-10x higher sensitivity of <strong>Agilent</strong>’s detection systemsgives you a clear lead in trace-level analysis. Stay ahead ofyour customer‘s requirements with the superior chromatographicperformance of the <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> and beprepared to take on the future.Future-proof investmentThe <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> provides a common platformon which you can build solutions for every part of your laboratoryoperation. Optimize your chromatography with a 1290<strong>Infinity</strong> Method Development System and then simply transferyour methods to a configuration best-suited for routine analysissuch as a 1220, 1260 or 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> system or even yourexisting <strong>Agilent</strong> 1100 or <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong> system.Absorbance [mAU]1001260/1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> Quaternary LC1100/<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Quaternary LC8060402000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Time [min]The <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> is 100% compatible with your current methods– run your samples with no adjustments to conditions.Other PDA<strong>Agilent</strong> DADThe sample looks clean with otherPDA detectors but the <strong>Agilent</strong>DAD uncovers a 0.002% impurity.<strong>Infinitely</strong> more innovation<strong>Agilent</strong> has 40-year track record of relentless innovation andgroundbreaking contributions to LC and LC/MS technology.When you choose an <strong>Agilent</strong> system, you can rest assuredthat it gives you the proven quality and performance you expectfrom the technology leader.MicroprocessorcontrolledLC systemDiode arraydetector forpeak puritydetection in LCTrue low-delay,low-dispersionmicrobore LCsystemSingle-valve,high-pressureinjector for LCElectroniccolumn-idtrackingwith RFIDtechnologyVideosupporteddiagnosticsfor preventivemaintenance(EMF)Commercialorthogonalsprayinterfacefor MSAutomatictuningmethod andchemistriesfor MSFlow-sensorbasedcapillaryand nanoflowsystems for LC1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 19994

40 years of technology innovationReliable. Secure. Trusted.Tens of thousands of laboratories worldwide rely on <strong>Agilent</strong> LC equipment to provide the high quality resultsthey need, run after run and day after day. More than 700,000 LC modules are hard at work around the globe,delivering unmatched performance, productivity and reliability. Put your trust in <strong>Agilent</strong> – the acknowledgedleader in solutions for liquid chromatography.All the performance. All the time.“It just never fails.“ That’s how users perceive the world’stop-selling LC from <strong>Agilent</strong>. Every system is packed withhighest quality parts for highest uptime and longest maintenanceintervals. Further, sophisticated built-in diagnosticand maintenance tools ensure reliable and secure operation:• Complete leak safety control on every configuration• Modular intelligence through CAN networking• Unique radio-frequency tagging on detector lamps,flow cells, columns and valve heads• Easy front access to all user-maintainable parts• Single LAN/PC connection• Screw-less electronic board mounting• Sophisticated diagnostics for maximum uptime<strong>Agilent</strong> Quality Index3. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20082009Polynomial RegressionOur continuous commitment to reliability and robustness is reflected in the<strong>Agilent</strong> Quality Index (QI*)that has more than tripled over the last 10 years.(*QI shown here is based on annual failure rate data for a standard LC system)HPLC-Chips are available for a widerange of application needs and facilitateeasy, reliable and completely integratedmicrofluidic nanospray LC/MSInnovative Jet Weaver mixer – based on multilayertechnology – combines highest mixing efficiencywith lowest delay volumes to minimize UV detectornoise.High-efficiency solvent mixerwith multi-layer technologyActive-damping technology for10x more precise solvent deliveryAutomatedfraction delaysensing forpreparative LCActive post-columnflow splitting forLC/MS-triggeredpurificationCommercialcolumnswith UHPLCtechnologyOn-chipseparationwith HPLC-Chip/MStechnologySecureRF tags onLC detectorflow cellsand lamps80 Hz technologyfor accurateUHPLC-UVdetectionNon-coated optofluidic waveguides for10x higher UV sensitivityFuture-proof >>>2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20115

<strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC<strong>Infinitely</strong> more powerful.With more than enough power to handle any HPLC, RRLC or UHPLC challenge, the advanced technologyin the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC provides you with access to virtually limitless separation, detection andthroughput possibilities. In short, the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> is the last word in LC.<strong>Infinitely</strong> more powerfulThe 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> Binary Pump gives you maximum chromatographicperformance, compatibility and flexibility for superiorLC/UV and LC/MS performance.• Active damping for best-in-class gradient performance andretention time precision• <strong>Agilent</strong> Jet Weaver mixer with proprietary multi-layertechnology has less than 40 µL delay volume for ultrafastgradients and lowest baseline noise<strong>Infinitely</strong> more sensitiveNew technologies for UV and MS detection deliver new levelsof sensitivity and baseline robustness. In UV analysis you arenow able to detect and quantify impurities down to 0.001% ofthe main compound. More stable baselines translates intomore automated integration – hence minimizing risk oferror-prone, manual integration.• <strong>Agilent</strong> Max-Light flow cell in the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> Diode ArrayDetector achieves typical noise levels of ±0.6 µAU/cm formore than 10 times higher sensitivity• <strong>Agilent</strong> Jet Stream technology in <strong>Agilent</strong> single quad, triplequad, TOF and Q-TOF MS systems for improved sensitivity inall applications<strong>Infinitely</strong> more flexibleThe 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC gives you ultimate method flexibility fromconventional HPLC to RRLC and UHPLC, allowing you to runyour existing methods from any instrument.• <strong>Agilent</strong> Quick-Change valves in the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> ColumnCompartment enable resource-saving ultrahigh-throughput,multi-method and automated method development solutions• A variety of injection options meet your requirements forspeed, lowest carryover or cooled sample capacity• Full compatibility with all detectors within the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong><strong>Series</strong> gives you the flexibility to select the optimumdetection technique for your analytical challengeMore power – lower running costsRun your 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC at the cost of a conventionalHPLC system. <strong>Agilent</strong> offers services and support contractsfor the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC at similar price as earlier 1100 and<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Series</strong> systems, lowering significantly your total costof ownership.6

x10 4x10 5ZORBAX RRHD, 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 µm3ZORBAX RRHD, 2.1 x 150 mm,1.8 µm3221100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Counts vs. Acquisition Time [s]Ultrahigh analysis speed – The <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC is designed to driveeven higher levels of performance from <strong>Agilent</strong> LC/MS systems such as the6540 Ultra High Definition Q-TOF with <strong>Agilent</strong> Jet Stream technology. In this90-second assay 250 pesticides were analyzed with excellent chromatographicand mass spectral resolution across the mass range of the sample.00 1 2 3 4 5 8 7Counts vs. Acquisition Time [min]Ultrahigh resolution – Fast analysis of 224-pesticides at the 500 ppt level inless than 7 minutes using the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC and 6430 Triple Quadwith dynamic MRM. Average peak area RSD was less than 5%.Here’s why the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCis the last wordWith the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC, you’re no longer limited inyour choice of column dimension, particle type, mobile andstationary phase, flow rate or pressure. Whatever thechromatography requires for optimal performance, the systemcan handle it, thanks to its wide power range and next-generationtechnology. This also includes the new ZORBAXRapid Resolution High Definition (RRHD) 1.8 µm columns –the only columns designed for up to <strong>1200</strong> bar operation.The 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC is also the first system to give you afoundation for methods transfer to or from any <strong>Agilent</strong> or non-<strong>Agilent</strong> HPLC or UHPLC system. In short, infinite capabilitiesare available to solve all your HPLC, UHPLC and LC/MSchallenges.Who can argue with that?<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Power Rangebar<strong>1200</strong>100080060040020000 12 3 4 5mL/minThe power range of the 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC is the widest available from <strong>Agilent</strong>,combining ultrahigh pressures up to <strong>1200</strong> bar and high flow rates up to5 mL/min for maximum chromatographic performance, compatibility,flexibility and investment protection.To learn more about the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC, visit

<strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC<strong>Infinitely</strong> more confident.The modular design concept of the 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC and the wide range of solvent delivery, injection anddetection options, allow you to configure a system that matches exactly your requirements for chromatographicperformance and flexibility. And the extensive range of <strong>Agilent</strong> ZORBAX and Poroshell LC columnsallows you to obtain the needed separation of your sample. Whatever your application needs you can beconfident of achieving higher quality data and faster results.More rapid resolution powerWith all 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCs you can push RRLC performance tonew limits and continue to run your conventional HPLCmethods on a single system. The power range of 600 bar at5 mL/min handles with ease 3.0 and 4.6 mm id columns withsub-2-micron or superficially porous particles used in newPoroshell columns. Further, the new 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Diode ArrayDetector increases UV sensitivity by 2- to 10-fold.More solvent flexibilityThe 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Quaternary LC’s ability to form complexgradients or blend solvents online helps you separate moreefficiently and with more confidence than ever before.• Quaternary pump gives you the flexibility to use up to foursolvent for gradient composition – at up to 600 bar• 10 mL/min flow rate for analytical work with 3.0 and 4.6 mmid columns, or even for semi-preparative applicationsMore LC/MS performanceThe 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Binary LC uses high-pressure solvent mixingfor superior gradient accuracy.• Configurable delay volume as low as 120 µL gives you fullsupport of 2.1, 3.0 and 4.6 mm id columns for LC and LC/MS1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Binary LC 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Binary LCAbsorbance [mAU]4004Absorbance [mAU]35303001 2253202005 6197 milliseconds7 89 peak width 15at half-height1010050000.1 0.2 0.3 0.4Time [min]Ultrafast separation of a phenone mixture using the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong>Binary LC with ZORBAX RRHT SB-C18 column (2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 µm).8Peak capacity = 694“LC with GC resolution”5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Time [min]Peak capacities of more than 700 can be achieved using a ZORBAX RRHTSB-C18 column (2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 µm) to analyze a tryptic digest of BSA.

More speed and resolution for faster separationsAll <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC systems, equipped with secondgeneration ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Throughput (RRHT)1.8 µm columns or with new Poroshell 120 columns, facilitateanalysis speeds that are up to 20 times faster than conventionalHPLC, while maintaining the high quality resolution andprecision that LC is known for. The low backpressure of thePoroshell 120 columns allows you to choose one column forexcellent resolution or couple several columns in-series,achieving highest separation power per time (90,000 plateswithin 4 minutes) and allowing you to attain a new level ofknowledge about your sample and more confidence in yourresults.Higher peak capacityAchieve “GC-like resolution” with peak capacities of morethan 700 using long ZORBAX RRHT columns on your 1260<strong>Infinity</strong> Binary LC system. The example shows the analysisof a tryptic digest of BSA using a ZORBAX RRHT SB-C18column (2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 µm).Lower limits of detectionThe capability of all <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC systems to achievehigher separation efficiency results in sharper peaks and highersignals. Combine this with the low noise characteristics of the<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> diode array detectors for unmatched UVsensitivity. Now see what you have been missing: For instance,you can detect and quantify impurities such as genotoxinsdown to 0.001% of the main compound!More bio-compatibilityThe new <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Bio-inert Quaternary LC systemuses inert, metal-free materials for all parts in the flow path,giving you highest confidence in your protein analysis results.And new <strong>Agilent</strong> BioHPLC Columns give you exciting newchoices in size exclusion and ion exchange for superior proteinseparations.1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Quaternary LC1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> Gradient LC86420-2-4-6-8Detector Type Noise SpecificationVendor A±8 µAUSignal [µAU]Vendor B±5 µAUVendor C±3 µAU/cmConventional HPLCZORBAX 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 µmResolution peak 5 = 4.20Run time 11 min0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Resolution optimizedZORBAX RRHT, 3.0 x 100 mm, 1.8 µmResolution peak 5 = 7.16Run time 7 min0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Speed and resolution optimizedZORBAX RRHT, 3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 µmResolution peak 5 = 4.79Run time 1.1 min0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Time [min]Achieve conventional to high-speed and high-resolution chromatographyon one LC system – here the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> Quaternary LC system.You can get the same results on a 1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC and even <strong>better</strong> performanceon a 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC.Vendor D±3 µAU<strong>Agilent</strong> DAD±0.6 µAU/cmThe 1260 and 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> diode array detectors achieve exceptional lownoise characteristics, for highest sensitivity and lowest limits of detection.To learn more about the <strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC, visit

<strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Solutions<strong>Infinitely</strong> more possibilities.The flexibility of the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> allows <strong>Agilent</strong> to offer the broadest portfolio of LC solutions.Choose from high performance systems for analytical LC or configure your system to meet specificapplication requirements. From nanoflow to high-throughput LC/MS and from amino-acid to GPC analysis,the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> gives you infinite possibilities to solve your separation challenges.EnvironmentalAnalysisFoodSafety/QualityChemicalQA/QCDrugDiscoveryDrugDevelopmentDrugManufacturing& QA/QCProteomicsMetabolomicsMethod Development& Multi-methodApplicationsAutomatic access toup to 8 columns and26 solventsMethoddevelopmentMethoddevelopmentMulti-methodapplicationsMethoddevelopmentMethoddevelopmentMulti-methodapplicationsBio-inertHPLC SolutionsHighest confidence inprotein analysisHigh pHapplicationsHigh pHapplicationsMulti-methodapplicationsTherapeuticproteinsCharacterizationofbiologicsIdentityconfirmationBiomoleculecharacterization,offline 2DHigh-throughput,high-capacityLC/MS SolutionsLow delay volumefor high speedseparationsScreeningPesticidescreeningPurityassessmentHighsensitivityscreeningDMPK,ADMEImpuritytestingLow-flow LCSolutionsElectronic flow controlfor unprecedentedflow stabilityCassettedosingstudiesSmallanimalstudiesBiomarkerdiscoveryandvalidationBiomarkeridentificationandquantitationLC PurificationSolutionsPurification ofnanogram to gramquantities of samplesFlavorenrichmentImpuritiesLibraries andprocessdevelopmentPurificationfor drugcharacterizationassaysImpuritytestingAnalyticaland microscalefractioncollectionSFC – Super CriticalFluid ChromatographyNew standards forease-of-use,performanceand reliabilityChiralcompoundsChiralcompoundsChiral drugsChiral drugs,enantiomericexcess,impuritiesChiralcompoundsGPC/SEC AnalysisHigh accuracymolecular weightdeterminationsFoodstabilizersCharacterizationofpolymersPEG-basedformulationsMonoclonalantibodies12

Software and informatics solutionsNew levels of usability and uptime.<strong>Agilent</strong> offers software and informatics solutions to obtain all the benefits of the <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong>’ perfor -mance levels. <strong>Agilent</strong> ChemStation and <strong>Agilent</strong> EZChrom Elite give you the most comprehensive and fullytraceable management of any <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC system. These chromatography data systems focus ondifferent analytical workflows but are based on common instrument drivers and navigation, offer one unifiedresult data format and integrate seamlessly with <strong>Agilent</strong> OpenLAB Enterprise Content Manager (ECM). Theyare both fully scalable, giving you instrument control, result generation, data management and advancedreporting for all <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC systems.<strong>Agilent</strong> OpenLAB reaches beyond the lab<strong>Agilent</strong> OpenLAB enables you to manage, share, and organizeyour data securely across laboratories and departments. It letsyou derive business intelligence with a relational reportingdatabase and offers workflow automation for fast executionof routine workflows.<strong>Agilent</strong> ChemStation maximizes the value of your<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC in research and development<strong>Agilent</strong> ChemStation is designed for the advanced needs ofresearch and development scientists in chemical and pharmaceuticallaboratories. It is easy to customize to specific needsand offers a broad range of add-on modules to support specificapplications. ChemStation is the most comprehensive controlsoftware for all <strong>Agilent</strong> chromatography systems.ChemStation<strong>Agilent</strong>Instrument ControlWorkflowEngineBusinessProcessManagerOpenLABEZChrom EliteMulti-vendorInstrument ControlIntelligentReporterLab-widereporting<strong>Agilent</strong> EZChrom Elite maximizes the value of your<strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC in quality control<strong>Agilent</strong> EZChrom Elite is fully scalable from an entry-levelconfiguration with EZChrom Compact to a multi-user, multi-sitedistributed systems with hundreds of instruments and users.EZChrom offers full flexibility with control for chromatographicequipment from both <strong>Agilent</strong> as well as other vendors. Thiscombination makes it ideal for routine operation in QA/QClaboratories.<strong>Agilent</strong> Lab AdvisorLab Advisor helps you to keep your lab’s instruments in topcondition and reduces unnecessary lab downtime. It providesyou with advanced diagnostic and maintenance capabilitiesfor your <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC – independent of the softwareyou use to control your instrument. In short, Lab Advisor helpsyou achieve high quality chromatographic results in the mostefficient way.To learn more, visit

LC columns, supplies and servicesAccurate results quickly and confidently.Maximize system performance and reliability for all your separation needs by combining your <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong><strong>Series</strong> LC system with <strong>Agilent</strong> ZORBAX and Poroshell LC columns and LC supplies. Designed with the sameattention to detail, quality and superior performance you have come to expect from <strong>Agilent</strong> instruments andbacked by over 40 years of chromatography experience, you can count on <strong>Agilent</strong>’s columns and suppliesto deliver the high quality results you need and expect, time after time.Unparalleled quality and flexible choiceswithin the ZORBAX LC column family• Wide selection of chemistries – Eclipse Plus, Eclipse XDB,StableBond, Extend, Bonus-RP, HILIC and more• Superior flexibility and product scalability with a wide rangeof particle sizes (1.8, 3.5, 5 and 7 µm) and column dimensions• Individual column performance reports to documentcolumn-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility• Superior particle strength for even the most demandinghigh pressure applicationsHigh definition columns for ultrahigh performance<strong>Agilent</strong>’s ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Definition (RRHD)columns take our popular ZORBAX 1.8 µm column line tothe next level with a superior packing process, making themideal for fast or high-resolution separations.• Stability up to <strong>1200</strong> bar for ultimate speed and resolution• Easy method transfer and scalability through identicalcolumn chemistry with the respectiveZORBAX 3.5 µm and5 µm columns<strong>Agilent</strong> Advantage Service and Support<strong>Agilent</strong> provides customer-focused products and services forall stages in an instrument’s life cycle, from installation andupgrade to preventive maintenance and repair. Whether youneed support for a single instrument or a multi-lab, multi-vendoroperation, <strong>Agilent</strong> offers an Advantage service solution to helpyou increase your uptime, optimize your lab's resources, andresolve any problems quickly.<strong>Agilent</strong> Compliance andFunctional Verification Services<strong>Agilent</strong> has been ranked number one in compliance by independentsurvey for fifteen years. This means you get the proof ofcalibration or system qualification you need to support yourISO 17025 or GLP/GMP quality initiatives. And, with EnterpriseEdition, you can even obtain consistent, harmonized reportsacross all your <strong>Agilent</strong> and non-<strong>Agilent</strong> systems.<strong>Agilent</strong> Software Service and Support<strong>Agilent</strong>’s Professional Services organization facilitates processand productivity enhancements using software and informaticsproducts and technology. Partner with <strong>Agilent</strong> consultants andlet us help you develop comprehensive software and supportstrategies that ensure continued system uptime and maximumproductivity.ZORBAX RRHD columns are available in 2.1 and 3 mm inner diameter with50, 100 and 150 mm lengthTo learn more, visit and

1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> LC<strong>Agilent</strong> Value Promise –10 years of guaranteed valueIn addition to continually evolving products, we offer somethingelse unique to the industry – our 10-year value guarantee.The <strong>Agilent</strong> Value Promise guarantees you at least 10 years ofinstrument use from your date of purchase, or we will credityou with the residual value of that system toward an upgradedmodel. Not only does <strong>Agilent</strong> ensure a safe purchase now, wehelp ensure your investment is as valuable to you in the long run.<strong>Agilent</strong> Service GuaranteeShould your <strong>Agilent</strong> instrument require service while coveredby an <strong>Agilent</strong> service agreement, we guarantee repair or wewill replace your instrument for free. No othermanufacturer or service provider offers this levelof commitment to keeping your laboratory runningat maximum productivity.Further informationFor full details of the <strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong> LC systemsand application-based LC solutions, ask for a brochure or visitour web site at<strong>1200</strong>products | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.<strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong>Selection Guide<strong>Agilent</strong> <strong>1200</strong> <strong>Infinity</strong> <strong>Series</strong>Selection GuidePublication Number5990-4333ENLearn<strong>1200</strong>Buy<strong>Agilent</strong>1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCproducts | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.<strong>Agilent</strong>1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCproducts | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.<strong>Infinitely</strong> morepowerful<strong>Infinitely</strong> moreconfident<strong>Agilent</strong>12901260<strong>Agilent</strong> 1290 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCPublication Number5990-5062EN<strong>Agilent</strong> 1260 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCPublication Number5990-5061ENFind an <strong>Agilent</strong> customer center in your and Canada1-800-227-9770, agilent_inquiries@agilent comEuropeinfo_agilent@agilent.comAsia Pacificinquiry_lsca@agilent.comproducts | applications | soft ware | servicesOur measure is your success.<strong>Infinitely</strong> moreaffordable1220<strong>Agilent</strong> 1220 <strong>Infinity</strong> LCPublication Number5990-5060EN© <strong>Agilent</strong> Technologies, Inc. 2010Published in USA, June 1, 2010Publication Number 5990-3333EN

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