Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank

Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank


FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)25 Use of financial instruments…continuedB Credit risk…continuedMaster netting arrangementsThe Bank further restricts its exposure to credit losses by entering into master netting arrangementswith counterparties with which is undertakes a significant volume of transactions. Master nettingarrangements do not generally result in an offset of balance sheet assets and liabilities as transactionsare usually settled on a gross basis. However, the credit risk associated with favorable contracts isreduced by a master netting arrangement to the extent that if an event of default occurs, all amountswith the counterparty are terminated and settled on a net basis. The Bank’s overall exposure to creditrisk on derivative instruments subject to master netting arrangements can change substantially withina short period since it is affected by each transaction subject to the arrangement.Credit related commitmentsThe primary purpose of these instruments is to ensure that funds are available to a customer asrequired. Guarantees and standby letters of credit, which represent irrevocable assurances that theBank will make payments in the event that a customer cannot meet its obligations to third parties,carry the same credit risk as loans. Documentary and commercial letters of credit, which are writtenundertakings by the Bank on behalf of a customer authorising a third party to draw drafts on the Bankup to a stipulated amount under specific terms and conditions, are collateralised by the underlyingshipments of goods to which they relate and therefore carry less risk than a direct borrowing.Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of authorisations to extend credit in theform of loans, guarantees or letters of credit. With respect to credit risk on commitments to extendcredit, the Bank is potentially exposed to loss in an amount equal to the total unused commitments.However, the likely amount of loss is less than the total unused commitments since mostcommitments to extend credit are contingent upon customers maintaining specific credit standards.The Bank monitors the term of maturity of credit commitments because longer-term commitmentsgenerally have a greater degree of credit risk that shorter-term commitments.C Currency riskThe Bank takes on exposure to effects of fluctuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rateson its financial position and cash flows. The Board of Directors sets limits on the level of exposure bycurrency and in total for both overnight and intra-day positions, which are monitored daily. The tablebelow summarises the Bank’s exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk at October 31. The offbalancesheet gap represents the difference between the notional amounts of foreign currencyderivative financial instruments, which are principally used to reduce the Bank’s exposure to currencymovements, and their fair values.77

FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)25 Use of financial instruments…continuedConcentrations of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items:BBD$ BAH$ US$ JA$ Other TotalAs at October 31, 2002AssetsCash resources and balances withother banks – 216,895 673,767 – 187,020 1,077,682Trading securities – 71,345 134,872 – – 206,217Loans and advancesto customers – 959,761 540,089 – 13,347 1,513,197Investments securities – 57,632 94,141 – – 151,773Property andequipment – 20,531 5,838 – 248 26,617Goodwill 196,350 – – 196,350Other assets – 19,472 8,747 – 1,575 29,794Total assets – 1,541,986 1,457,454 – 202,190 3,201,630LiabilitiesDeposits 612 1,165,161 1,322,652 – 200,326 2,688,751Other borrowed fundsOther liabilities – 42,887 962 – 1,309 45,158Total liabilities 612 1,208,048 1,323,614 – 201,635 2,733,909Net on balance sheet position (612) 333,938 133,840 – 555 467,721Off balance sheet net notionalposition – 25,761 2,481 – – 28,242Credit commitments – 281,630 42,855 – 19,052 343,53778

FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)25 Use of financial instruments…continuedB Credit risk…continuedMaster netting arrangementsThe <strong>Bank</strong> further restricts its exposure to credit losses by entering into master netting arrangementswith counterparties with which is undertakes a significant volume of transactions. Master nettingarrangements do not generally result in an offset of balance sheet assets and liabilities as transactionsare usually settled on a gross basis. However, the credit risk associated with favorable contracts isreduced by a master netting arrangement to the extent that if an event of default occurs, all amountswith the counterparty are terminated and settled on a net basis. The <strong>Bank</strong>’s overall exposure to creditrisk on derivative instruments subject to master netting arrangements can change substantially withina short period since it is affected by each transaction subject to the arrangement.Credit related commitmentsThe primary purpose of these instruments is to ensure that funds are available to a customer asrequired. Guarantees and standby letters of credit, which represent irrevocable assurances that the<strong>Bank</strong> will make payments in the event that a customer cannot meet its obligations to third parties,carry the same credit risk as loans. Documentary and commercial letters of credit, which are writtenundertakings by the <strong>Bank</strong> on behalf of a customer authorising a third party to draw drafts on the <strong>Bank</strong>up to a stipulated amount under specific terms and conditions, are collateralised by the underlyingshipments of goods to which they relate and therefore carry less risk than a direct borrowing.Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of authorisations to extend credit in theform of loans, guarantees or letters of credit. With respect to credit risk on commitments to extendcredit, the <strong>Bank</strong> is potentially exposed to loss in an amount equal to the total unused commitments.However, the likely amount of loss is less than the total unused commitments since mostcommitments to extend credit are contingent upon customers maintaining specific credit standards.The <strong>Bank</strong> monitors the term of maturity of credit commitments because longer-term commitmentsgenerally have a greater degree of credit risk that shorter-term commitments.C Currency riskThe <strong>Bank</strong> takes on exposure to effects of fluctuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rateson its financial position and cash flows. The Board of Directors sets limits on the level of exposure bycurrency and in total for both overnight and intra-day positions, which are monitored daily. The tablebelow summarises the <strong>Bank</strong>’s exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk at October 31. The offbalancesheet gap represents the difference between the notional amounts of foreign currencyderivative financial instruments, which are principally used to reduce the <strong>Bank</strong>’s exposure to currencymovements, and their fair values.77

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