Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank

Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank Bahamas - FirstCaribbean International Bank


FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)10 Other liabilitiesOctober 31,2002$December 31,2001$Accounts payable and accruals 8,648 7,283Accrued interest 11,264 7,422Bills payable 2,942 8,653Dividends payable 7,500 –Provisions (note 16) 10,209 –Pension liability 2,550 –Other 2,045 –45,158 23,35811 Share capitalNumber ofshares$Common shares - voting:Barclays shares in issue at January 1 and December 31, 2001 200,000 1,158Transfer of Barclays shares on reverse acquisition (200,000) (1,158)CIBC Bahamas shares in issue at October 31, 2001 andbrought into account on reverse acquisition 66,894,010 152,290Shares issued during period as consideration for Barclays operations 52,569,590 320,538119,463,600 472,828The company is authorized to issue 150 million ordinary shares with a par value of $0.10 each and 50million preference shares with a par value of $0.10 per share.As part of the combination, and to mitigate against the dilution of interest of minority shareholders ofCIBC Bahamas Limited, the Directors have authorised a 3 for 5 rights issue to all qualifying shareholdersto subscribe for new common shares at the same price as that at which shares were issued to CIBC andBarclays Bank PLC, being $6.10 per share for a maximum of 3 million new shares.The Directors expect the rights offering to commence during the second quarter of fiscal 2003.65

FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)12 Assigned capitalAs at December 31, 2001, the assigned capital was $158.Under the relevant financial legislations, the previously unincorporated branches in The Bahamas wererequired to maintain assigned capital of $158.13 Capital and reservesOctober 31,2002$December 31,2001$Share capital (note 11) 472,828 1,000Assigned capital (note 12) – 158Reverse acquisition reserve (63,566) –Total capital and reserves at end of period 409,262 1,158Reverse acquisition reserveAt beginning of period – –Arising from the reverse acquisition accounting (63,566) –At end of period (63,566) –In accordance with IAS, the equity of the Bank at October 11, 2002 comprised the equity of BarclaysBahamas together with the fair value of the consideration given to acquire CIBC Bahamas. However,legally the share capital of the Bank comprise the issued share capital of CIBC Bahamas plus the sharesissued to effect the combination, recorded at fair value. The reverse acquisition reserve is therefore thedifference between the legally required share capital together with the retained earnings of BarclaysBahamas, and the equity of the Bank presented in accordance with IAS.66

FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BAHAMAS) LIMITEDNotes to Consolidated Financial StatementsOctober 31, 2002(expressed in thousands of Bahamian dollars)10 Other liabilitiesOctober 31,2002$December 31,2001$Accounts payable and accruals 8,648 7,283Accrued interest 11,264 7,422Bills payable 2,942 8,653Dividends payable 7,500 –Provisions (note 16) 10,209 –Pension liability 2,550 –Other 2,045 –45,158 23,35811 Share capitalNumber ofshares$Common shares - voting:Barclays shares in issue at January 1 and December 31, 2001 200,000 1,158Transfer of Barclays shares on reverse acquisition (200,000) (1,158)CIBC <strong>Bahamas</strong> shares in issue at October 31, 2001 andbrought into account on reverse acquisition 66,894,010 152,290Shares issued during period as consideration for Barclays operations 52,569,590 320,538119,463,600 472,828The company is authorized to issue 150 million ordinary shares with a par value of $0.10 each and 50million preference shares with a par value of $0.10 per share.As part of the combination, and to mitigate against the dilution of interest of minority shareholders ofCIBC <strong>Bahamas</strong> Limited, the Directors have authorised a 3 for 5 rights issue to all qualifying shareholdersto subscribe for new common shares at the same price as that at which shares were issued to CIBC andBarclays <strong>Bank</strong> PLC, being $6.10 per share for a maximum of 3 million new shares.The Directors expect the rights offering to commence during the second quarter of fiscal 2003.65

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