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ARHAT VACANAKundakunda Jñånapî²ha, IndorerVol. - 23, Issue 1-2, January - June 2011, 99-104<strong>Jain</strong>a Cosmology : AMathematical Approach Samani Aagamprajna*ABSTRACTThe Whole <strong>Jain</strong> literature has been divided into four mainclasses. Dravyånuyoga, Cara¿akara¿ånuyoga,Dharmakathånuyoga & Ga¿itånuyoga.In <strong>Jain</strong>ism. the main theories which are explored inmathematical style are the theory of karma, pudgala (matter), themovement of sun and moon, shape and size of universe, etc. In thepresent paper I made an attempt to bring into light the shape andvolume of the universe in Svetåmbara and Digambara tradition ina simplified way.According to <strong>Jain</strong>a Philisophy, space in divided into two parts(1) Cosmic-space (2) Supra-cosmic space. Cosmic space where allthe six substances are accommodated. Again this cosmos is dividedinto three parts-upper, middle and lower universe. The shape ofthe universe is supratisthaka as explained in Bhagvatî sýtra(gw[Bo∆>`gßoR>E bm{E)The point on which I want to focus is that both the tradition,Svetåmbara and Digambara where they varies is the total volumeof universe. Both accept supratisthaka shape, but with somedifference, so the total volume also differs. This is clearly explainedin the paper. According to Digambara tradition, the total voluve is343 cubic rajju, while svetåmbara sums it as 239 cubic rajju.The whole <strong>Jain</strong>a Literature has been divided into four main classes :(i) Dravyånuyoga, which includes the exposition of dravya like jîva, ajîvaetc.,(ii) Cara¿akara¿ånuyoga, which includes the rules and regulations to befollowed by saints, sages etc.(iii) Dharmakathånuyoga, which includes stories, biographics likeJñåtådharmakathå etc.(iv) Ga¿itånuyoga, which includes astronomy, mathematics, etc.Arhat *99C/o <strong>Jain</strong> Vacana, Vishva Bharati 23 (1-2), University, 2011 Ladnun (Raj.) 341306 Arhat Vacana, 17(2-3), 2005 99

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