Koha Library Management System

Koha Library Management System

Koha Library Management System

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KOHA <strong>Library</strong><strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>

About <strong>Koha</strong>• <strong>Koha</strong> is a full-featured open-source ILS.• Developed initially in New Zealand by KatipoCommunications Ltd and first deployed in Januaryof 2000 for Horowhenua <strong>Library</strong> Trust• It is currently maintained by a team of softwareproviders and library technology staff from aroundthe globe.

Key Features• Free/open-source software• Customizable Web-based Interfaces• Full MARC support (MARC21 and UNIMARC)• Contains All Core Modules (cataloguing,cirulations, acquisitions, serials, reporting)• Includes Z39.50 server and client for data interchange• Enhanced patron services eg Online reservationsand Borrower purchase suggestions support

Modules Covered• Online Public Access Catalogue• Acquisitions• Cataloguing• Circulations• Serials• Reports

Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC)

OPAC Home PagePatron LoginArea

Simple SearchSi l h iSimple search usingthe term “plato”

Search ResultsSearch results with graphical tagsto indicate item type and contentfrom Amazon.comResults also indicate status(whether on loan or available)

Advanced Search

Item Detail from OPACAvailable user (Patron) options includeplacementof reservations on the title,search for the same title in otherdatabases. Users may also click on thehyperlinks to re-search the database onthe specific key

Patron account Information From OPACThis is an example of the information availablewhen the user logs in. This particular user hassome items overdue which have accrued fines.Also note the possibility to renew loans online.

Patron Update of Personal details from OPACOPAC add-on feature – thepossibility to update personaldetails. Patron’s don’t have to cometo the library when theirinformation changes or if there is anerror.

Librarian LoginThe Librarian and User Interfacesare totally separate and accessed bydifferent urls. The LibrarianInterface requires login beforetransaction – unlike the OPAC whereanybody can do the basic functions.

Librarian HomePageThe Librarian Start Page. Notethat while all the sections are laidout access to specific areasdepends on the particularprivileges assigned to the user bythe system administrator.

Circulations Module

Issuing - Start<strong>System</strong> accepts both manualand automated t dinput

Issuing – Patron detailEssential Patron Detailsdisplayed during issuing –e.g Number of Items outand basic personal details.

Returns CompleteReturns sectionstructured toallow returns byseveral differentpatrons withouthaving to changescreens.

Cataloguing Module(Data - Entry)

Cataloguing - StartStart from existingrecord or from achoice ofcustomizable inputtemplates

Standards based data entry templates (MARC compliant)

Acquisitions Module(Purchases)

Acquisitions – Home

Acquisitions – Shopping Basket

Serials Module(Periodicals <strong>Management</strong>)

Serials Home

Subscription – DetailIssue Details

Subscription – from OPAC


Reports - Home

Sample report – Overdues

Other Features

Barcode Generation - startGenerate continousor individual codes

Output on client PC in PDF

Result for printing on labels

Reservations <strong>Management</strong>


Z39.50 Server Administration

Z39.50 Search and Results

Results Imported

The title in the catalog

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