In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care

In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care


2 NetWork — Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and FriendsInside ViewA letter from Sr. Mary Jean Ryan, FSMThe Power of Making a DifferenceWhen a reporter asked me recently to name the five people I considered tobe most powerful, I was caught a little off guard. I thought about what thereporter was asking.Sr. Mary Jean Ryan, FSMPresident and CEOFrom the multitude of remarkable people Iʼve encounteredthroughout my life, how could I possibly narrow the list tofive individuals?Then I realized what made this question even more difficult.Not only was I confined to such a small list, my answer dependedupon how the reporter defined “powerful.”Definitions for the word “powerful” run the gamut.In fact, a Google search of the word “powerful” yielded376,000,000 results!Homemade sauce simmering on the stove can have a powerfularoma. A superhero hoisting a car off the ground possessespowerful strength. A trial attorney can deliver a powerful argumentto a jury. Forbes magazine compilesan annual list of the “Top 100 Most Powerful Women.”But what does it mean to be powerful? Iʼd like to sharewith you my answer to that question, and it was also myresponse to the reporter:“My choices for the five most powerful can be condensedinto one. That is because I believe that Power means making adifference. Therefore I nominate all of the people of SSM HealthCare who make a profound difference in peopleʼs lives, every dayand in every way. These are the people, who at first glance, maynot fit the traditional definition of powerful, but they are, and theyuse their power to serve all those who come to us with care andcompassion. Thatʼs making a difference, and thatʼs real power.”Think about the people of SSM Health Care. The power ofmaking a difference is everywhere. You donʼt even have to lookany farther than the pages of this issue of Network!Take, for example, the seven employees from St. FrancisHospital & Health Center in Blue Island, Ill., and St. MaryʼsHealth Center in Richmond Heights, Mo., who are heading tothe Philippines in January for a medical mission—at their ownexpense. As a result of their extraordinary compassion and selflesscommitment, people normally without means or access willreceive free medical and dental care. THATʼS power.Look to the therapists and employees of SSM Rehab. They sawthe devastation to their patients by recent Medicaid cuts—and tookit upon themselves to team with a local company to create a fundto help these patients pay for outpatient therapy. THATʼS power.What about Nancy Rickabaugh from St. Francis Hospital &Health Services in Maryville, Mo.? For the past 20 years, countlesschildren at St. Francis Preschool & Child Care Center have thrivedunder Nancyʼs watchful eye and caring spirit. THATʼS power.And just last year, 38,250 trees were saved as a result of SSMʼsrecycling efforts. THATʼS power—literally.At the very moment you are reading this, thousands ofemployees around our system are making a difference in the livesof patients, families and coworkers. Right now, any number ofemployees can be found working to ease patientsʼ pain, nourishweakened bodies, sterilize patient rooms, or comfort grieving souls.When I think of the collective power of all of us, I amhumbled and awed.Iʼd like to take this opportunity to express my thanks andprofound admiration for 24,000 of the most powerful peopleI know—the employees of SSM Health Care.Blessings to you as you continually reveal Godʼs healing presence.Drawing Recognizes Longtime Service to SSMAmong the ways SSM Health Carerecognized the committed service of itsemployees this past year was through arandom drawing for six gift certificatesworth $3,000 each.Employees with 30 or more years ofservice with SSM were eligible for thedrawing. Winners of the 2006 gift cardsare Ann Bogolia, surgical technologist,St. Francis Hospital & Health Center,Blue Island, Ill., 41 years; Carol Byrd,patient accounts representative, St.Mary’s Hospital, Madison, Wis., 42 years;Kathleen Helton, Client Response Centersupport analyst, SSM Information Center,Richmond Heights, Mo., 31 years; KathrynActon, lab supervisor, SSM CardinalGlennon Children’s Medical Center, St.Louis, 30 years; Diane Giammanco,registered nurse, SSM DePaul HealthCenter, Bridgeton, Mo., 30 years; andMarilyn Williams, precertificationassistant, SSM Health Care-St. Louis, 30years.“I’m so proud of the example youset for others as to how to live ourmission of providing exceptional patientcare,” Sr. Mary Jean Ryan, SSM HealthCare President/CEO, said in a letter tothe employees.SSM HEALTH CARE is sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Mary.Look for Network onlineat andthe SSMHC Intranet.OUR MISSIONThrough our exceptional health care services, we revealthe healing presence of God.OUR CORE VALUESIn accordance with the philosophy of the Franciscan Sistersof Mary, we value the sacredness and dignity of each person.Therefore, we find these five values consistent with both ourheritage and ministerial priorities:Compassion • Respect • Excellence •Stewardship • CommunityCORPORATE OFFICE477 N. Lindbergh Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63141Phone: (314) 994-7800Fax: (314) 994-7900DIXIE L. PLATTSenior Vice President -Mission & ExternalRelationsSUZY FARRENVice President CorporateCommunicationsLORRAINE KEECorporate Publications ManagerANNICE WESTDistribution & EditorialAssistantHOW TO CONTACT USSend questions, comments, orsuggestions for future issues ofSSM Network to Lorraine Kee,Editor, at (314) 994-7918, INQUIRIESPermission is granted to quoteany material in Network, ifsource is cited. Reporters seekingadditional information shouldcontact Lorraine Kee at(314) 994-7918. Contact namesand phone numbers areprovided in Network to facilitatenetworking and informationsharing among employees andphysicians of SSM Health Careand its entities.SSM Health Care provides equalemployment opportunities, withoutregard to race, color, religion,sex, age, national origin, veteranstatus, or disability to all qualifiedapplicants and executives.Network is printed on recycledpaper that is recyclable. A webprinting press is used, makingfour-color economical.WHO WE ARE: Missouri: SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center • SSM DePaul Health Center • SSM St. Joseph Health Center • SSM St. Joseph Health Center–Wentzville • SSM St. Joseph Hospital West •SSM St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood • SSM St. Mary’s Health Center-St. Louis • SSM Rehab • SSM Home CareSSM Information Center • SSM Support Services • St. Francis Hospital & Health Services • St. Mary’s Health Center-Jefferson City • Illinois: Good Samaritan Regional Health Center • St. Francis Hospital & Health Center • St. Mary’s Hospital-Centralia • Wisconsin: Boscobel Area Health Care • Columbus Community Hospital • St. Clare Hospital andHealth Services • St. Clare Meadows Care Center • St. Mary’s Hospital–Madison • St. Mary’s Care Center • Stoughton Hospital • Oklahoma: Bone & Joint Hospital, LLC • St. Anthony Hospital • Unity Health Center (North & South)November / December 2006SSM Health Care

— Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and Friends 3In The NewsQuality AwardsEarned ByDePaul, HealthfirstBy Jamie Newell and Sandra PayneSSM DePaul Health Center has earned the coveted2006 Missouri Quality Award. Modeled after the MalcolmBaldrige National Quality Award, the honor recognizesexcellence in such areas as organizational performance,leadership, customer service and satisfaction.Further, Healthfirst Physician Management Services Inc.,a subsidiary of SSM Health Care-Oklahoma, earned a 2006Oklahoma Quality Award at the achievement level.About 65 DePaul staff members, with glow-in-the-darkmaracas in hand, attended the annual Missouri QualityAward banquet on Nov. 16 at Lake of the Ozarks.Dr. Kevin Johnson, vice president of medical affairs andquality at DePaul, accepted the award on the hospital’s behalf.“DePaul has received a number of awards for specificareas of excellence, but the MQA evaluates the entireorganization,” Johnson said. “This award honors the bigpicture and it requires a commitment to excellence fromevery single staff member.”Said former DePaul President Melinda Clark: “Workingtoward this honor really got the organization to focus onhow we do things and how we can do them better. It helpedus put a discipline around our quality processes and thatTo celebrate their Missouri Quality Award, employees at SSM DePaul Health Center were invited to a cake and punch reception Nov.20 in the May Center. The award was on display and they watched a video on DePaul produced by the MQA organization. Employeeswere also given fleece vests with “SSM DePaul Health Center, Missouri Quality Award, 2006 Recipient” emblazoned on the chest.helps us improve the care of our patients.”DePaul employees celebrated the honor with aceremony Nov. 20 at the hospital.Healthfirst Physicians Management was scheduled toaccept its Oklahoma Quality Award, given to organizationsthat demonstrate high standards of excellence worthy ofrecognition, at a Dec. 12 ceremony at the governor’s mansion.Healthfirst provides physician practice managementand development services, managed care contracting andphysician recruitment. It is the second consecutive yearHealthfirst has won the award at the achievement level.Other SSM entities receiving site visits in Missouriincluded SSM Physicians’ Organization (SSM Medical Group,SSM DePaul Medical Group and SSM St. Charles ClinicMedical Group) and SSM St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood.St. Clare Hospital and Health Services and St. ClareMeadows Care Center, Baraboo, Wis., also receivedsite visits from Wisconsin Forward Award examiners.The announcement of Wisconsin’s Forward Award isexpected this month.Employees can sign up to receive a W-2 statement electronically throughthe e-payroll system or at They have until theend of the day on Jan. 13 to sign up to receive statements online; the W-2statements will be available there starting Jan. 22.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is an electronic W-2 statement?A W-2 statement is issued each year to report wages paid to employees and thetaxes withheld from them.What are the advantages of receiving my W-2 statement electronically?• You can access your electronic W-2 statement earlier than mailed statements.• You will never lose an electronic W-2 as it will be available to you online.• You can print as many copies as you want for free.• In the future, you will be able to access your past W-2s (up to three years).• You can import the W-2 information into tax software like TurboTax or giveaccess to your tax preparer.Am I required to receive my W-2 statement electronically?No. If you decline to receive your W-2 electronically, your paper W-2 will be mailedbeginning in late January.Can I receive my W-2 statement by mail and electronically?No. If you elect to receive an electronic W-2 statement, you will no longer receive apaper copy in the mail.When will I receive my 2006 W-2 statement?You will have access to your electronic W-2 statement beginning Jan. 22.If you opted to receive a paper W-2 statement, it will be mailed on Jan. 29.How do I request a duplicate W-2 statement?By mail: Contact your local human resource or payroll department. After the firstW-2 statement is mailed to you in January, you can request one additional copy forthe current tax year at no extra charge. Each subsequent copy costs $10.Electronically: After accessing your W-2 statement through our e-payroll system,you can simply print out as many copies as you like.What if I don’t have access to a computer?If you do not have immediate access to a computer, you can call The Work Numberat 1-800-367-2884 for assistance.Who do I contact for more information?Please contact your entity human resources department.SSM Health Care November / December 2006

— Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and Friends 3<strong>In</strong> The NewsQuality AwardsEarned ByDePaul, <strong>Health</strong>firstBy Jamie Newell and Sandra Payne<strong>SSM</strong> DePaul <strong>Health</strong> Center has earned the coveted2006 Missouri Quality Award. Modeled after the MalcolmBaldrige National Quality Award, the honor recognizesexcellence in such areas as organizational performance,leadership, customer service and satisfaction.Further, <strong>Health</strong>first Physician Management Services <strong>In</strong>c.,a subsidiary of <strong>SSM</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong>-Oklahoma, earned a 2006Oklahoma Quality Award at the achievement level.About 65 DePaul staff members, with glow-in-the-darkmaracas in hand, attended the annual Missouri QualityAward banquet on Nov. 16 at Lake of the Ozarks.Dr. Kevin Johnson, vice president of medical affairs andquality at DePaul, accepted the award on the hospital’s behalf.“DePaul has received a number of awards for specificareas of excellence, but the MQA evaluates the entireorganization,” Johnson said. “<strong>This</strong> award honors the bigpicture and it requires a commitment to excellence fromevery single staff member.”Said former DePaul President Melinda Clark: “Workingtoward this honor really got the organization to focus onhow we do things and how we can do them better. It helpedus put a discipline around our quality processes and thatTo celebrate their Missouri Quality Award, employees at <strong>SSM</strong> DePaul <strong>Health</strong> Center were invited to a cake and punch reception Nov.20 in the May Center. The award was on display and they watched a video on DePaul produced by the MQA organization. Employeeswere also given fleece vests with “<strong>SSM</strong> DePaul <strong>Health</strong> Center, Missouri Quality Award, 2006 Recipient” emblazoned on the chest.helps us improve the care of our patients.”DePaul employees celebrated the honor with aceremony Nov. 20 at the hospital.<strong>Health</strong>first Physicians Management was scheduled toaccept its Oklahoma Quality Award, given to organizationsthat demonstrate high standards of excellence worthy ofrecognition, at a Dec. 12 ceremony at the governor’s mansion.<strong>Health</strong>first provides physician practice managementand development services, managed care contracting andphysician recruitment. It is the second consecutive year<strong>Health</strong>first has won the award at the achievement level.Other <strong>SSM</strong> entities receiving site visits in Missouriincluded <strong>SSM</strong> Physicians’ Organization (<strong>SSM</strong> Medical Group,<strong>SSM</strong> DePaul Medical Group and <strong>SSM</strong> St. Charles ClinicMedical Group) and <strong>SSM</strong> St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood.St. Clare Hospital and <strong>Health</strong> Services and St. ClareMeadows <strong>Care</strong> Center, Baraboo, Wis., also receivedsite visits from Wisconsin Forward Award examiners.The announcement of Wisconsin’s Forward Award isexpected this month.Employees can sign up to receive a W-2 statement electronically throughthe e-payroll system or at They have until theend of the day on Jan. 13 to sign up to receive statements online; the W-2statements will be available there starting Jan. 22.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is an electronic W-2 statement?A W-2 statement is issued each year to report wages paid to employees and thetaxes withheld from them.What are the advantages of receiving my W-2 statement electronically?• You can access your electronic W-2 statement earlier than mailed statements.• You will never lose an electronic W-2 as it will be available to you online.• You can print as many copies as you want for free.• <strong>In</strong> the future, you will be able to access your past W-2s (up to three years).• You can import the W-2 information into tax software like TurboTax or giveaccess to your tax preparer.Am I required to receive my W-2 statement electronically?No. If you decline to receive your W-2 electronically, your paper W-2 will be mailedbeginning in late January.Can I receive my W-2 statement by mail and electronically?No. If you elect to receive an electronic W-2 statement, you will no longer receive apaper copy in the mail.When will I receive my 2006 W-2 statement?You will have access to your electronic W-2 statement beginning Jan. 22.If you opted to receive a paper W-2 statement, it will be mailed on Jan. 29.How do I request a duplicate W-2 statement?By mail: Contact your local human resource or payroll department. After the firstW-2 statement is mailed to you in January, you can request one additional copy forthe current tax year at no extra charge. Each subsequent copy costs $10.Electronically: After accessing your W-2 statement through our e-payroll system,you can simply print out as many copies as you like.What if I don’t have access to a computer?If you do not have immediate access to a computer, you can call The Work Numberat 1-800-367-2884 for assistance.Who do I contact for more information?Please contact your entity human resources department.<strong>SSM</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong> November / December 2006

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