In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care

In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care In This Issue Cord Blood Bank Saves Amelia ... - SSM Health Care


— Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and Friends 13Around The SystemPeople making progress, progress making change, eventsaround our System about which we want you to know.MissouriPeopleHONORS AND AUTHORSWilliam Schoenhard, SSM Health Care executive vicepresident/chief operating officer, was appointed to theOrgan Donation and Transplantation Alliance Board ofDirectors. Steven Barney, senior vice president–humanresources, was appointed to the City of St. Louis Civil ServiceCommission by Mayor Francis Slay.Eunice Halverson, corporate vicepresident–Quality Resource Center,was presented the Missouri HospitalAssociation Distinguished ProfessionalAward. Dr. Andy Kosseff, SSMmedical director of system clinicalimprovement, was interviewed for a Eunice Halversonstory on public reporting of infection rates in hospitals onABC’s “Good Morning America.”Wayne Munkel, director of social service, SSM CardinalGlennon Children’s Medical Center, wrote a chapter in a newbook called, Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Children: AMedical, Legal and Forensic Reference.A Medal of Honor from the U.S. Department of Health andHuman Services was given to SSM DePaul Health Center forDr. Kevin Johnsonincreasing its organ donation rates. Dr.Kevin Johnson, vice president of medicalaffairs and quality, was named to theMalcolm Baldrige Board of Examiners.Emergency department care teamcoordinator, Mike Bothe, was named St.Charles Catholic Youth Council’s “DistrictPerson of the Year” and Norma Barr,director of nursing operations, was elected executive secretaryof the Missouri Nurse Leaders Association board of directors.EventsPHYSICIAN RIDES FORYOUTH CAMPINGDr. John Oldham props up his bike, surrounded by emergencydepartment staff who propped him up with support during his 500-mile charity ride. Pictured, from left to right, are Dr. Jonathan Rill,Tracy Morgester, Susan Leedom (seated), Katie Robinson, LakisherBrice, Dr. Oldham, Michelle Liston, Jean Crum and Jane Wachter.Pat Komoroski, president of SSM St. Joseph HospitalWest, was featured in the July-August issue of HealthExecutive magazine.Mariann Dinello, officer manager of SSM WorkHEALTH,received the Missouri Medique Unique LeadershipAward from the Missouri Association of OccupationalHealth Nurses.Aninda Acharya, medical director for the Center forNeurological Recovery, and Gerard Erker, neuropsychologistwith SSM Rehab, received third place from among104 entries for their poster presentation,“Effect of fallson length of stay in different stroke rehabilitation settings,”at the American Society of Neurorehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine meeting.The Missouri Association for Healthcare Public Relationsand Marketing presented 2005 Show-Me-Excellenceawards to Tom Barry, SSM Media Services; PatrickWalker, St. Mary’s Health Center (Jefferson City); SuzyFarren, Lorraine Kee and Laura Morris, SSM Health CareCorporate Office.The American Society for Healthcare Engineering ofthe American Hospital Association recognized St. FrancisHospital & Health Services (Maryville) and its buildingoperations manager Gary Thompson with its 2006 certificateof achievement for reducing its energy consumptionby 13 percent.APPOINTMENTSSSM Health Care-St. Louis named Daniel Varga regional vicepresident–medical affairs/chief medical officer. Varga, formerlysenior vice president/chief medical officer for Norton Healthcarein Louisville, Ky., willstart work Jan. 2.Carm Moceriwas named interimpresident of SSMDePaul HealthCenter to replaceRICHMOND HEIGHTS—Dr. John Oldham trainedfor months for a 500-mile benefit bicycle ride up anddown the hills of the Pacific Northwest coastline. Morethan physical endurance, Oldham credited the prayersof his co-workers at SSM St. Mary’s Health Center.“One of the most encouraging things thathappened to me was early the first evening of theride,” said Oldham, who works in the emergencydepartment. “I was tired; a gentleman walked up to meat our motel in Crescent City, Calif., to tell me that hissister, our own Sr. Veronica (Higgins, a chaplain at St.Mary’s), and her group had been praying for me. Whata lift that gave me!”The bicycle ride, Oct. 1–6, raised money for KidsAcross America, a camping program for inner-citychildren and their youth leaders. Oldham volunteershis services each summer at the camp. His colleaguesat the hospital supported him by fundraising andpublicizing his journey.Daniel Varga“Dr. Oldham’s commitment to caring for thesechildren is so inspiring,” said Susan Leedom, anemergency department registrar.Carm Moceriformer president Melinda Clark who accepted thepost of president of Lubbock (Texas) Hospitals andexecutive vice president/chief operating officer ofCovenant Health System; Sandra Holtmeyer waswelcomed as general manager for food service; andPatricia Turnbough, formerly nurse recruiter at SSMSt. Joseph Health Center in St. Charles, was promotedto nurse navigator for Cancer Care at DePaul.At SSM St. Joseph Health Center in St. Charles, SSM St.Joseph Health Center–Wentzville and SSM St. Joseph MedicalHal HolderKaren HendrenKathy ThayerPark in St. Peters, Curt Koestererwas named area director ofstrategic planning and businessdevelopment; Hal Holder hasbeen named director of finance.Karen Hendren was welcomedas director for surgicalservices at SSM St. JosephHospital of Kirkwood.Kathy Thayer was namednetwork director for HomewardBound Rehab®, the new skillednursing facility-based rehabilitationbusiness of SSM Rehab.Garf Thomas, director ofpharmacy at St. Mary’s HealthCenter in Jefferson City, wasnamed interim administrativedirector at the hospital.Kris Quasebarth joinedthe SSM Information Centeras training manager onthe Project Beacon-EpicImplementation Team.St. Mary’s Health Center (Jefferson City)announced that registered nurse Sherry Wyatthas been named emergency services director.SSM TO END CONTRACTWITH WALGREENSST. LOUIS—SSM Health Care-St. Louis announcedthat it will end its agreement Feb. 1 with Take CareHealth Systems to provide collaborating physiciansfor the retail-based health clinics in St. Louis operatedby Take Care Health.Take Care Health, based in Pennsylvania, currentlyoperates nine clinics in area Walgreens stores which arestaffed by nurse practitioners. The agreement, which wasannounced this summer, will end Feb. 1.“We continue to believe that retail-based health clinicslike Take Care Health are being developed in responseto the growing consumer demand for convenient andaccessible health care services, particularly for thosewho don’t have a primary ‘medical home,’” said Ron Levy,president/CEO for SSMHC-St. Louis.“However, at this point in time, we have decided notto maintain a formal collaborative relationship with TakeCare,” Levy said. “In the end, this is about listening to, andrespecting, the concerns of our physicians.”SSM Health Care November / December 2006

14 NetWork — Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and FriendsMissouri ContinuedST. MARY’S DONATES TOFRANCISCAN SISTERSOF MARY MINISTRIESRICHMOND HEIGHTS—Employees turned acelebration into an opportunity for service by collectingdonations on Heritage Day (Nov. 15) for the women ofAlmost Home and Woman’s Place, two ministries of theFranciscan Sisters of Mary.St. Mary’s Health Center’s Heritage Day commemoratesthe arrival in the United States of the first Sisters of St. Mary,now the Franciscan Sisters of Mary, in 1872. Departmentsare donating money and baskets of supplies for the sisters’ministries to honor the order’s founding. Employees weregiven free bread; and a short prayer service and blessing ofthe baskets containing donations was held.SSM HOME CARE TO TAKE OVERINFUSION SERVICESSSM Home Care announced recently that it would assumecontrol of SSM Infusion Services, LLC effective Jan. 1.Infusion Services is currently a joint venture with SSMHealth Care and Coram Healthcare, which owns 50 percentof the company. SSM Home Care will purchase Coram’sownership by year’s end.As a result of the ownership change, Infusion Services,which provides home infusion therapy to patients, willorganizationally come under SSM Home Care and willreport to Dan Kraemer, Infusion executive director ofdiversified services.ST. JOSEPH PARTICIPATES INLANDMARK LUNG CANCER STUDYST. CHARLES—SSM St. Joseph Health Center is among38 institutions participating in a New England Journal ofMedicine study on screening high-risk patients for lung cancer.The study resulted in 85 percent of patients beingdiagnosed in the earliest stage of the disease, using annuallow-dose computed tomography (CT) screening. Further,the study shows that the survival rate for patients was 92percent when followed by prompt surgical removal.The study is being conducted by researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical CenterDr. Daniel Luedkein 1993. St. Joseph, the onlyfacility in Missouri in thestudy, has participated sinceNovember 2005.St. Joseph’s principalinvestigator for the study isDr. Daniel Luedke, medicaldirector of oncology servicesat the hospital’s H.W. KoenigCancer Center and an oncologist with Missouri Cancer Care.“The fact that this study shows a very high percentageof lung cancers can be detected in Stage I—the very earlieststage—is overwhelmingly positive,” Luedke said. Stage I isthe only stage at which cure by surgery is highly likely.”NEW WorkHEALTH CLINIC OPENSWith business growing faster than expected, SSM WorkHEALTH opened its second occupational medicine clinicin the St. Louis area Oct. 9—just eight months after thebusiness first launched.Since a February opening, the north St. Louis Countyclinic has grown to serve more than 160 corporateclients and averages 600 work injury visits and healthscreenings a month. The new clinic is located in St.Charles County. SSM WorkHEALTH is a full serviceoccupational medicine business managed by SSM Rehab.The clinics treat work injuries and provide a full spectrumof prevention and employee health services. Additionalclinic openings are planned for 2007.FOR 20 YEARS, RICKABAUGH,ST. FRANCIS CARE FOR CHILDRENMARYVILLE—As St. Francis Preschool & Child CareCenter celebrates 20 years of serving the Maryvillecommunity, Nancy Rickabaugh is also noting her ownmilestone. Rickabaugh joined the St. Francis staff shortlyafter the center opened its doors in 1986.“Nancy is one of the best professionals in the business,”Nancy Rickabaughsaid Preschool & ChildCare Director CindySons. “We have a lotof references becauseshe is here.”Rickabuagh has fondmemories from workingat the center. But sheespecially has enjoyedher relationships with the center’s children. Each Christmasshe makes an ornament for each child and their parents.“We have grown tremendously,” Rickabaugh said.“We do a lot more teaching today. The children are alwayslearning something.”EMPLOYEES CELEBRATESSM’S HERITAGEST. LOUIS—Employees at SSM CardinalGlennon Children’s Medical Center lookforward each year to the loaves of bread,fellowship and shared history that mark theannual celebration “Mother Odilia Day.”Mother Mary Odilia Berger was founderof the Sisters of St. Mary, which became theFranciscan Sisters of Mary, SSM Health Care’ssponsor today. She and four sisters arrivedin St. Louis from Germany on November 16,1872, and she became known in the city forwalking the streets with a bell, lantern andbasket distributing food, medicine and othersupplies to ailing and impoverished cityresidents. Annually, ceremonies throughoutSSM mark the sisters’ arrival.In the photograph, environmental servicesemployees Mary Lott (from left) and LillianWagner pick up their loaves of bread onMother Odilia Day from Sr. Judy Carron,RSM, and Mary Ann Collins, CardinalGlennon director of mission.IllinoisPeopleHONORSDr. Sajjan NemaniEventsNovember / December 2006Dr. Sajjan Nemani,St. Mary’s Good SamaritanInc., received the “Rural Physicianof Excellence Award”from the Illinois Rural HealthAssociation for going beyondthe call of duty to carefor rural residents and helpbuild rural communities.ST. MARY’S GOOD SAMARITANPROMOTES HEART HEALTHSOUTHERN ILLINOIS—Dr. John Codd,cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon at St. Mary’sGood Samaritan Inc., spoke at a recent HealthyHearts Club meeting on peripheral vascular disease.The Healthy Hearts Club meets monthlyfeaturing specialists on different topics. Thecommunity program has grown to average 98attendees a month.UROLOGISTS VOLUNTEER FORPROSTATE SCREENINGSDrs. David Knowles and Manoj DesaiMOUNT VERNON, ILL.—Drs. David Knowles andManoj Desai volunteered in September to perform prostatescreenings at the Center for Comprehensive Cancer Carefor Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout theafternoon, 87 men were screened. The screenings involvedblood tests and exams by the urologists. One in six men willbe diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. TheAmerican Cancer Society recommends annual screeningsfor men beginning at age 50.ST. FRANCIS PAYS TRIBUTETO FOUNDING SISTERSBLUE ISLAND—The mission awareness teamat St. Francis Hospital & Health Center celebratedHeritage Day on Nov. 16 with a special tribute to theFranciscan Sisters of Mary. The team performed a livereading from the script used in the “Our Heritage ofHealing” documentary produced by SSM Health Care.The documentaryuses stories,photographs and otherarchival images to tellthe story of the system’sfounding sisters topresent day. Pictured isSr. Doris Ashcraft, FSM,who dressed in her habitand visited employeesthroughout the hospital,Sr. Doris Ashcrafthanding out laminatedbookmarkers highlighting historical milestones of SSMand St. Francis Hospital.SSM HOME CARE, HOSPICEVISIT BROOKFIELD ZOOBLUE ISLAND—SSM Home Care and Hospiceat St. Francis Hospital & Health Center celebratedits Mission Day Oct. 11 with a trip to the BrookfieldZoo in Brookfield, Ill. Team members discussedcommunity values and created their goals. Theyenjoyed a wonderful meal, tram ride and dolphinshow. They also rode the zoo’s new carousel, whichconsists of hand-carved figures of the zoo animals.A great day was had by all.SSM Health Care

14 NetWork — Our Bimonthly Publication for Employees, Physicians and FriendsMissouri ContinuedST. MARY’S DONATES TOFRANCISCAN SISTERSOF MARY MINISTRIESRICHMOND HEIGHTS—Employees turned acelebration into an opportunity for service by collectingdonations on Heritage Day (Nov. 15) for the women ofAlmost Home and Woman’s Place, two ministries of theFranciscan Sisters of Mary.St. Mary’s <strong>Health</strong> Center’s Heritage Day commemoratesthe arrival in the United States of the first Sisters of St. Mary,now the Franciscan Sisters of Mary, in 1872. Departmentsare donating money and baskets of supplies for the sisters’ministries to honor the order’s founding. Employees weregiven free bread; and a short prayer service and blessing ofthe baskets containing donations was held.<strong>SSM</strong> HOME CARE TO TAKE OVERINFUSION SERVICES<strong>SSM</strong> Home <strong>Care</strong> announced recently that it would assumecontrol of <strong>SSM</strong> <strong>In</strong>fusion Services, LLC effective Jan. 1.<strong>In</strong>fusion Services is currently a joint venture with <strong>SSM</strong><strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong> and Coram <strong>Health</strong>care, which owns 50 percentof the company. <strong>SSM</strong> Home <strong>Care</strong> will purchase Coram’sownership by year’s end.As a result of the ownership change, <strong>In</strong>fusion Services,which provides home infusion therapy to patients, willorganizationally come under <strong>SSM</strong> Home <strong>Care</strong> and willreport to Dan Kraemer, <strong>In</strong>fusion executive director ofdiversified services.ST. JOSEPH PARTICIPATES INLANDMARK LUNG CANCER STUDYST. CHARLES—<strong>SSM</strong> St. Joseph <strong>Health</strong> Center is among38 institutions participating in a New England Journal ofMedicine study on screening high-risk patients for lung cancer.The study resulted in 85 percent of patients beingdiagnosed in the earliest stage of the disease, using annuallow-dose computed tomography (CT) screening. Further,the study shows that the survival rate for patients was 92percent when followed by prompt surgical removal.The study is being conducted by researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical CenterDr. Daniel Luedkein 1993. St. Joseph, the onlyfacility in Missouri in thestudy, has participated sinceNovember 2005.St. Joseph’s principalinvestigator for the study isDr. Daniel Luedke, medicaldirector of oncology servicesat the hospital’s H.W. KoenigCancer Center and an oncologist with Missouri Cancer <strong>Care</strong>.“The fact that this study shows a very high percentageof lung cancers can be detected in Stage I—the very earlieststage—is overwhelmingly positive,” Luedke said. Stage I isthe only stage at which cure by surgery is highly likely.”NEW WorkHEALTH CLINIC OPENSWith business growing faster than expected, <strong>SSM</strong> WorkHEALTH opened its second occupational medicine clinicin the St. Louis area Oct. 9—just eight months after thebusiness first launched.Since a February opening, the north St. Louis Countyclinic has grown to serve more than 160 corporateclients and averages 600 work injury visits and healthscreenings a month. The new clinic is located in St.Charles County. <strong>SSM</strong> WorkHEALTH is a full serviceoccupational medicine business managed by <strong>SSM</strong> Rehab.The clinics treat work injuries and provide a full spectrumof prevention and employee health services. Additionalclinic openings are planned for 2007.FOR 20 YEARS, RICKABAUGH,ST. FRANCIS CARE FOR CHILDRENMARYVILLE—As St. Francis Preschool & Child <strong>Care</strong>Center celebrates 20 years of serving the Maryvillecommunity, Nancy Rickabaugh is also noting her ownmilestone. Rickabaugh joined the St. Francis staff shortlyafter the center opened its doors in 1986.“Nancy is one of the best professionals in the business,”Nancy Rickabaughsaid Preschool & Child<strong>Care</strong> Director CindySons. “We have a lotof references becauseshe is here.”Rickabuagh has fondmemories from workingat the center. But sheespecially has enjoyedher relationships with the center’s children. Each Christmasshe makes an ornament for each child and their parents.“We have grown tremendously,” Rickabaugh said.“We do a lot more teaching today. The children are alwayslearning something.”EMPLOYEES CELEBRATE<strong>SSM</strong>’S HERITAGEST. LOUIS—Employees at <strong>SSM</strong> CardinalGlennon Children’s Medical Center lookforward each year to the loaves of bread,fellowship and shared history that mark theannual celebration “Mother Odilia Day.”Mother Mary Odilia Berger was founderof the Sisters of St. Mary, which became theFranciscan Sisters of Mary, <strong>SSM</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong>’ssponsor today. She and four sisters arrivedin St. Louis from Germany on November 16,1872, and she became known in the city forwalking the streets with a bell, lantern andbasket distributing food, medicine and othersupplies to ailing and impoverished cityresidents. Annually, ceremonies throughout<strong>SSM</strong> mark the sisters’ arrival.<strong>In</strong> the photograph, environmental servicesemployees Mary Lott (from left) and LillianWagner pick up their loaves of bread onMother Odilia Day from Sr. Judy Carron,RSM, and Mary Ann Collins, CardinalGlennon director of mission.IllinoisPeopleHONORSDr. Sajjan NemaniEventsNovember / December 2006Dr. Sajjan Nemani,St. Mary’s Good Samaritan<strong>In</strong>c., received the “Rural Physicianof Excellence Award”from the Illinois Rural <strong>Health</strong>Association for going beyondthe call of duty to carefor rural residents and helpbuild rural communities.ST. MARY’S GOOD SAMARITANPROMOTES HEART HEALTHSOUTHERN ILLINOIS—Dr. John Codd,cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon at St. Mary’sGood Samaritan <strong>In</strong>c., spoke at a recent <strong>Health</strong>yHearts Club meeting on peripheral vascular disease.The <strong>Health</strong>y Hearts Club meets monthlyfeaturing specialists on different topics. Thecommunity program has grown to average 98attendees a month.UROLOGISTS VOLUNTEER FORPROSTATE SCREENINGSDrs. David Knowles and Manoj DesaiMOUNT VERNON, ILL.—Drs. David Knowles andManoj Desai volunteered in September to perform prostatescreenings at the Center for Comprehensive Cancer <strong>Care</strong>for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout theafternoon, 87 men were screened. The screenings involvedblood tests and exams by the urologists. One in six men willbe diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. TheAmerican Cancer Society recommends annual screeningsfor men beginning at age 50.ST. FRANCIS PAYS TRIBUTETO FOUNDING SISTERSBLUE ISLAND—The mission awareness teamat St. Francis Hospital & <strong>Health</strong> Center celebratedHeritage Day on Nov. 16 with a special tribute to theFranciscan Sisters of Mary. The team performed a livereading from the script used in the “Our Heritage ofHealing” documentary produced by <strong>SSM</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong>.The documentaryuses stories,photographs and otherarchival images to tellthe story of the system’sfounding sisters topresent day. Pictured isSr. Doris Ashcraft, FSM,who dressed in her habitand visited employeesthroughout the hospital,Sr. Doris Ashcrafthanding out laminatedbookmarkers highlighting historical milestones of <strong>SSM</strong>and St. Francis Hospital.<strong>SSM</strong> HOME CARE, HOSPICEVISIT BROOKFIELD ZOOBLUE ISLAND—<strong>SSM</strong> Home <strong>Care</strong> and Hospiceat St. Francis Hospital & <strong>Health</strong> Center celebratedits Mission Day Oct. 11 with a trip to the BrookfieldZoo in Brookfield, Ill. Team members discussedcommunity values and created their goals. Theyenjoyed a wonderful meal, tram ride and dolphinshow. They also rode the zoo’s new carousel, whichconsists of hand-carved figures of the zoo animals.A great day was had by all.<strong>SSM</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong>

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