STARWEB Training Manual - National Finance Center

STARWEB Training Manual - National Finance Center STARWEB Training Manual - National Finance Center


Tables drop-down menuORClick the Select A Descriptor For This Transaction Code button on the Bi-Weekly T&A tab. This buttonis located between the Accounting and Descriptor fields. The Transaction Code Descriptors table isdisplayed.Transaction Code Descriptors field2. On the Tables drop-down menu, select Transaction Code Descriptors. The Transaction CodeDescriptors table is displayed.Leave Types TableThe Leave Type table contains a list of leave types contained in the Payroll/Personnel System. In theevent that a new leave type TC is added to the Payroll/Personnel System, the NFC Administrator will addthe TC for the leave type to the table in STAR 4.0. TCs for the leave type cannot be deleted from the LeaveType table, only added or updated.To display the Leave Type Table:1. On the TC table, select Leave Types from the drop-down menu on the Transaction Code table.The Tables drop-down menu is displayed.Tables drop-down menuOR22

Click the Select button on the Leave Acct tab. This button is located between the Description and Forwardfields. The Leave Types table is displayed.Leave Type table2. On the Tables drop-down menu, select Leave Types. The Leave Types table is displayed.Pay Period CalendarThe Pay Period calendar displays two pay periods at a time. You can use the scroll bar to search forprevious or subsequent pay periods.Pay Period Calendar23

Click the Select button on the Leave Acct tab. This button is located between the Description and Forwardfields. The Leave Types table is displayed.Leave Type table2. On the Tables drop-down menu, select Leave Types. The Leave Types table is displayed.Pay Period CalendarThe Pay Period calendar displays two pay periods at a time. You can use the scroll bar to search forprevious or subsequent pay periods.Pay Period Calendar23

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