Vice Chancellor Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni IN THIS ISSUE AHLAN ...

Vice Chancellor Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni IN THIS ISSUE AHLAN ... Vice Chancellor Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni IN THIS ISSUE AHLAN ...


SPRING 2011 | ISSUE 1 | Semi-annual from theVice ChancellorDear Alumni,Welcome to our newalumni association!The alumni are theofficial ambassadorsof the University andthe window tocommunicate withthe outside world. They are the measurableoutcome of our university. At this momentwe are proud to announce that ALHOSNhas contributed to UAE and other nations664 valuable alumni, of which more than540 are UAE nationals. We consider thealumni as priceless gifts ALHOSN can giveto the society in return of the trust, supportand confidence we received from theparents. I greatly appreciate the Alumni andhope that they will keep in touch with allALHOSN activities. I am very pleased tosee this first newsletter issue, with all thediversified topics and I look forward to seeall disciplines of our Alumni grow andbecome one of the favorite contributors toupcoming issues with happiness.Prof. Abdul Rahim SabouniIN THIS ISSUEPage 2- Greetings from the Alumni President- Logon to your new Alumni Website- Logo Design CompetitionPage 3- More news from AHUAA- Faculty NewsPage 4- Commencement 2010Page 5- ALU Chat- ContributionsPage 6- 5 ways for Alumni to get involved- Lets stay connected- Want to help?Page 7- FAQ’s- Wanted!- Donations!- Memorabilia & Gifts- ALHOSN Master Calendar- AnnouncementAHLAN TEAMEditor: Rekha PillaiGraphics: Huda KindiFor enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae1

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual from the<strong>Vice</strong> <strong>Chancellor</strong>Dear Alumni,Welcome to our newalumni association!The alumni are theofficial ambassadorsof the University andthe window tocommunicate withthe outside world. They are the measurableoutcome of our university. At this momentwe are proud to announce that ALHOSNhas contributed to UAE and other nations664 valuable alumni, of which more than540 are UAE nationals. We consider thealumni as priceless gifts ALHOSN can giveto the society in return of the trust, supportand confidence we received from theparents. I greatly appreciate the Alumni andhope that they will keep in touch with allALHOSN activities. I am very pleased tosee this first newsletter issue, with all thediversified topics and I look forward to seeall disciplines of our Alumni grow andbecome one of the favorite contributors toupcoming issues with happiness.<strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Abdul</strong> <strong>Rahim</strong> <strong>Sabouni</strong><strong>IN</strong> <strong>THIS</strong> <strong>ISSUE</strong>Page 2- Greetings from the Alumni President- Logon to your new Alumni Website- Logo Design CompetitionPage 3- More news from AHUAA- Faculty NewsPage 4- Commencement 2010Page 5- ALU Chat- ContributionsPage 6- 5 ways for Alumni to get involved- Lets stay connected- Want to help?Page 7- FAQ’s- Wanted!- Donations!- Memorabilia & Gifts- ALHOSN Master Calendar- Announcement<strong>AHLAN</strong> TEAMEditor: Rekha PillaiGraphics: Huda KindiFor enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae1

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual from theAlumni PresidentDear Friends and Alumni,Welcome to the first issueof Ahlan! Our Alumnie-newsletter. Let me takethis opportunity to expressmy warm greetings to eachone of you. At this point let me assure youthat we are working hard to expand ourwings to all 630 ALHOSN graduates. Ourgoal is to give you a place where you canrenew old friendships as well as stay intouch with the ALHOSN family. This issuewill be a window to the on-campusactivities right from ALHOSNCommencement to our future events. Wealso invite you to come back on campus toshare your expertise and knowledge.Logon to your newALUMNI WEBSITEWe encourage you to go online and seehow you can benefit as an Alumnus.Please visit to updateyour current contact details and share yoursuggestions with us.YOU CAN HELP BY:-ooooLending us your support in finding jobopportunities and internships forstudents and graduates.Volunteering for future events &activities at ALHOSN.Providing orientation sessions to ournew students.Becoming mentors, academic counselors &sand events coordinators.If you have any questions or suggestions,please email me at I hopeyou enjoy this issue and look forward tohear from you.HUDA K<strong>IN</strong>DI,President, AHUAALogo DesignCOMPETITIONis pleased to announce thewinner of the logo designcompetition. Many thanks to SalmaIkbarieh’s efforts. Salma is a full timestudent and currently studying in theDepartment of Industrial Engineering.The purpose of the contest was to design alogo for AHUAA. The logo will be usedonline, in print and all other AHUAAactivities. The winning design wasannounced at the graduation ceremony onFebruary 22nd, 2011.For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae2

201020092008SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual NEWSfrom AHUAAAHUAA held a lunch gathering in November to reestablishits connection with its Alumni. The gathering addressedAHUAA members in venturing as future ambassadors inALHOSN events such as the Career Day, theCommencement Ceremony, and the 31st Conference ofArab Association of Collegiate Registrars and AdmissionsOfficers organized by ALHOSN from April 4 to 7, 2011.The association also participated in the 1st National Forumof Alumni Associations in the UAE in order to exchangeexperiences and knowledge, and network with fellowalumni groups in the UAE.Alumni participation in the 3 rdGraduation Ceremony as VIP marshalsheld on February 22, 2011.FACULTY NEWS“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”AnonymousOur teachers are the root cause for all our success. Lets us now have a glimpse of our dearfaculty who bid farewell to ALHOSN University between 2008 and 2010. AHUAA wishesthem all the best for a bright and prosperous career ahead. We take this opportunity to dedicateour 1 st issue to our beloved professors and instructors who are away from us.<strong>Prof</strong>. Naziruddin (BA)Dr. <strong>Abdul</strong>hadi (BA)Dr. Amin Haj Ali (SWE)Dr. Hafez Mohamed (SWE)<strong>Prof</strong>. Tawhil (FAS)Mr. Rami <strong>Sabouni</strong> (SWE)Mrs. Hiba Moumne (FAS)Mr. Edward Kelkis (ELC)Dr Henry Adobor (BA)Dr Ammar Yahia (CEng)Ms. Reem Mahfouz (BA)Ms. Lori Hossain (FAS)Dr. Nizar Al-Holou (BA)Dr. Nader Santarisi (IE)Ms. Maha Habib (FAS)Mrs. Rahaf Ajjaj (FEAS)Ms. Joanne Emslie (ELC)Mrs. Amany Mustafa (BA)Mr. <strong>Abdul</strong> Rahman (ELC)For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae3

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 - | Semi-annual 2010ALHOSN University honored 362 graduates for their academic achievements during its 2010Commencement Ceremony held on Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 at the Emirates Palace Hotel.The graduation ceremony was held under the patronage of H.H. Lt. General Sheikh Saif BinZayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime Minister, and in the presence ofH.H. Sheikh Khaled Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, <strong>Vice</strong> Chairman of Etihad Airways Board. Mrs.Habiba Al Marashi, board member of the UN Global Compact Business Ethics Initiative andChairperson of the Emirates Environmental Group, delivered the keynote address. Of the 44female and 13 male students who received special awards, 3 females emerged as toppers in theirrespective programs. Two of them graduated with a Bachelor of Education in ElementaryEducation in Arabic & Islamic Studies while the third earned a Master of Education degree.The three managed to graduate with a perfect GPA of 4.0. This affirms ALHOSN’scommitment to encouraging Arab women to pursue successful careers in their chosen fields.For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae4

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual CHATAhlan is pleased to share with our readers some of the best moments our Alumni had inALHOSN. Let us also see why ALHOSN memories strike a chord in their hearts.Let us also see why ALHOSN secures a unique position in their hearts.“ALHOSN University got a specialplace from my heart since I was the firststudent to register in ALHOSN. <strong>Prof</strong>.Ziad Saghir used to sit with us in thecoffee shop and Dr. Hamdi Sheibaniused to play with us football. I feel the1 st graduation ceremony is the bestevent till now.”Baha Hajar (MEM- Class 2010)“I like the activities and arrangedprograms at ALHOSN. The best momentfor me at the university was when I wasapplauded by <strong>Prof</strong>. Ahmed Zohdi after Ipresented my Human Resource Project.This really gave me a feeling that I am thebest and I am still feeling the same. Thankyou Dr. Zohdi”Azza Zaabi (MBA- Class 2010)“I like the cooperative spirit inALHOSN University. Being physicallychallenged, the most memorablemoment in ALHOSN was when myfriends carried me from the 2nf floor tothe ground floor as the lift was notworking.”Saleh AL Yarabi (MIS- Class 2009)“I like the professional faculty and thefriendly atmosphere at ALHOSN. Thebest moment in my memory is the launchof the Business Club with theencouragement and guidance of the club’sadvisor Dr. Shaniz.”Latifa AL Kaabi (BBA- Class 2008)CONTRIBUTIONSAhlan invites alumni, faculty, staff & students to send in their valuable contributions in theform of short articles, poems etc. Kindly email AHUAA with your contributionson/before March 1st for our April issue and on/before October 1 st for our Novemberissue. We also welcome all kinds of suggestions for improving Ahlan!For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae5For enquiries, contact:

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual ways for Alumni toGET <strong>IN</strong>VOLVEDAll ALHOSN Alumni are automaticallymembers of the Association, but it is up toeach Alumni to decide their involvementintensity in AHUAA activities. There are1many ways to get yourself involved:Volunteer your timeBy being an alumni officer, planningand organizing Alumni events,organizing class reunions and beingpart of ALHOSN events.234Participate in future eventsAHUAA is looking for interestedAlumni to be part of ALHOSN eventslike commencement ceremony, openday and career day.Talk to your employersChat with your hiring manager to lookupon ALHOSN for interns and futureemployees. Ask your company if theyare willing to be part of the CareerDay.Mentoring SchemeIf you are interested in providingmentoring for students, please emailus with your preferred timings.Let’s StayCONNECTEDFind us on Facebook!Check out AHUAA on facebook.Update your contact information!Make sure we have your most up-to-datecontact information so you can staycurrent with College news and learnabout Alumni events. Visit us Now!Please share this newsletter with aclassmate who you think would like tohear from us.WANT TO HELP?2 nd Alumni ReunionThe 2 nd Alumni gathering is proposed tobe organized in October / November2011. This time we would like to makeit completely an Alumni organizedactivity. So put on your thinking capsand let us know how we can make thisevent unique and memorable.5 2 nd Reunion!Provide feedback and suggest waysyou would like to get involved.Send us your suggestions by filling thesuggestion page at AHUAA websiteand we will be in touch with you verysoon. Or contact us.For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae6

SPR<strong>IN</strong>G 2011 | <strong>ISSUE</strong> 1 | Semi-annual’s How to join the alumni association?Visit our website and fill the form. How to update my details on theAlumni ‘Join us page’ if I forget mypassword? Just send us an email and we willbe happy to provide you with a new password. What are the benefits of joiningAHUAA? AHUAA is providing discounts onselected venues to our alumni (Hotels, Stores,etc.). For further information please contact Mr.Kishor Pankan on 02-4070502.WANTED!• Alumni For Officer? enquiries, Volunteer contact: now and becomeAHUAA alumni@alhosnu.aePresident, <strong>Vice</strong> President, or aTreasurer!-The President will be the chief spokesperson ofthe Association and be responsible for administrativearrangements for the proper functioning of theAssociation.-The <strong>Vice</strong> President shall be the chiefcoordinator of the Events Committee.-The Treasurer shall be responsible formaintaining proper financial records.-• Events Coordinator? The events coordinator- shall be responsible for organizing trips.• Sponsors for AHUAA? If your company isinterested in sponsoring AHUAA please contact us!DONATIONSFaculty, staff, students & Alumni candonate to our Alumni fund & avail giftsin appreciation of the same.MEMORIBILA & GIFTSAHUAA memorabilia items are alsoavailable for sale at the following prices: Park Avenue Flask with logoDhs: 55 Pen with AHUAA LogoDhs: 50 Pin BadgeDhs: 15ALHOSN UniversityMASTER CALENDAR• April 25, 2011 Earth DayANNOUNCEMENT!Please keep us updated on your jobpromotions and do not forget or hesitate toadd in more Alumni to enlarge theALHOSN Alumni community!Ahlan team extends their sinceregratitude to all the readers and assuresyou more surprises in the forthcomingissues.For enquiries, contact: alumni@alhosnu.ae7

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