S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...

S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...

S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...


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Risk of death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce:White murderer:722257 = 3.2%Black murderer:592606 = 2.3%⎫RR = 3.2%2.3% = 1.41 ⎬OR = 72·254759·2185 = 1.42 white vs. black⎭ln(OR) = 0.352q1L 1 = 0.352 − 1.96 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 0.003559 2547 72 2185q1L 2 = 0.352 + 1.96 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 0.70159 2547 72 218595% conf. limits: from exp(L 1 ) = 1.00 to exp(L 2 ) = 2.027Possible con<strong>fo</strong>under: <strong>ra</strong>ce of victimS<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ceVictim Murderer Death Other TotalBlack White 0 111 111Black 11 2309 2320Total 11 2420 2431White White 72 2074 2146Black 48 238 286Total 120 2312 24328

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