S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...

S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...

S tatistik fo r M P H : 5 F ra d en 4 . u g es statistik u n d erv isn in g : F ...


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Exercise:Consider the British Doctors Study r<strong>es</strong>trict<strong>in</strong>g att<strong>en</strong>tion to the twoage groups 45-54 and 55-64 and compare smokers and non-smokersadjust<strong>in</strong>g <strong>fo</strong>r age.Data:45-54 Deaths PYRS 55-64 Deaths PYRSSM 104 43248 SM 206 28612Non-SM 12 10673 Non-SM 28 5710116 53921 234 3432229Solution.X 2 MH =RR MH =((104 + 206) −(116 · 4324853921104·1067353921+ 206·57103432212·4324853921+ 28·2861234322+ 234 · 2861234322= 1.66116 · 43248·10673(53921) 2 + 234 · 28612·5710(34322) 2 = 9.42 ∼ χ 2 1, P ∼ 0.002)) 2ln(RR MH ) = 0.509 , SD(ln(RR MH )) = 0.509 √9.42= 0.166L 1 = 0.509 − 1.96 × 0.166 = 0.184, L 2 = 0.509 + 1.96 × 0.166 = 0.834.95% confid<strong>en</strong>ce <strong>in</strong>t<strong>erv</strong>al from exp(L 1 ) = 1.20 to exp(L 2 ) = 2.3030

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