English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

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ENGLISHD28410 D28411 D28413 D28414 D28421Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined according to EN 60745:Vibration emission value a h surface grindinga h,AG = m/s² 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0Uncertainty K = m/s² 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Vibration emission value a h disc sandinga h,DS = m/s² ≤ 2.5 – 5.0 – –Uncertainty K = m/s² 1.5 – 1.5 – –D28422 D28423 D28432C D28750Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined according to EN 60745:Vibration emission value a h surface grindinga h,AG = m/s² 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5Uncertainty K = m/s² 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Vibration emission value a h disc sandinga h,DS = m/s² ≤ 2.5 – – –Uncertainty K = m/s² 1.5 – – –The vibration emission level given in this informationsheet has been measured in accordance with astandardised test given in EN 60745 and may beused to compare one tool with another. It may beused for a preliminary assessment of exposure.WARNING: The declared vibrationemission level represents the mainapplications of the tool. However if thetool is used for different applications,with different accessories or poorlymaintained, the vibration emission maydiffer. This may significantly increase theexposure level over the total workingperiod.An estimation of the level of exposure tovibration should also take into accountthe times when the tool is switched offor when it is running but not actuallydoing the job. This may significantlyreduce the exposure level over the totalworking period.Identify additional safety measures toprotect the operator from the effects ofvibration such as: maintain the tool andthe accessories, keep the hands warm,organisation of work patterns.FusesEurope 230 V tools 10 Amperes, mainsU.K. & Ireland 230 V tools 13 Amperes, in plugsU.K. & Ireland 115 V tools 16 Amperes, in plugsDefinitions: Safety GuidelinesThe definitions below describe the level of severityfor each signal word. Please read the manual andpay attention to these symbols.DANGER: Indicates an imminentlyhazardous situation which, if not avoided,will result in death or serious injury.WARNING: Indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result in death orserious injury.CAUTION: Indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation which, if notavoided, may result in minor ormoderate injury.NOTICE: Indicates a practice notrelated to personal injury which, ifnot avoided, may result in propertydamage.Denotes risk of electric shock.Denotes risk of fire.5

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