English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

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ENGLISHSafety Warnings Specific forGrinding and Abrasive Cutting-OffOperationsa) Use only wheel types that are recommendedfor your power tool and the specific guarddesigned for the selected wheel. Wheels forwhich the power tool was not designed cannotbe adequately guarded and are unsafe.b) The guard must be securely attached to thepower tool and positioned for maximumsafety, so the least amount of wheel isexposed towards the operator. The guardhelps to protect operator from broken wheelfragments and accidental contact with wheel.c) Wheels must be used only for recommendedapplications. For example: do not grind withthe side of cut-off wheel. Abrasive cut-offwheels are intended for peripheral grinding, sideforces applied to these wheels may cause themto shatter.d) Always use undamaged wheel flangesthat are of correct size and shape for yourselected wheel. Proper wheel flanges supportthe wheel thus reducing the possibility of wheelbreakage. Flanges for cut-off wheels may bedifferent from grinding wheel flanges.e) Do not use worn down wheels from largerpower tools. Wheel intended for larger powertool is not suitable for the higher speed of asmaller tool and may burst.Additional Safety Warnings Specificfor Abrasive Cutting-Off Operationsa) Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or applyexcessive pressure. Do not attempt to makean excessive depth of cut. Overstressing thewheel increases the loading and susceptibility totwisting or binding of the wheel in the cut andthe possibility of kickback or wheel breakage.b) Do not position your body in line with andbehind the rotating wheel. When the wheel,at the point of operations, is moving away fromyour body, the possible kickback may propel thespinning wheel and the power tool directly atyou.c) When wheel is binding or when interruptinga cut for any reason, switch off the powertool and hold the power tool motionlessuntil the wheel comes to a complete stop.Never attempt to remove the cut-off wheelfrom the cut while the wheel is in motionotherwise kickback may occur. Investigateand take corrective action to eliminate the causeof wheel binding.d) Do not restart the cutting operation in theworkpiece. Let the wheel reach full speedand carefully reenter the cut. The wheel maybind, walk up or kickback if the power too isrestated in the workpiece.e) Support panels or any oversized workpieceto minimize the risk of wheel pinching andkickback. Large workpieces tend to sag undertheir own weight. Supports must be placedunder the workpiece near the line of cut andnear the edge of the workpiece on both sides ofthe wheel.f) Use extra caution when making a “pocketcut” into existing walls or other blind areas.The protruding wheel may cut gas or waterpipes, electrical wiring or objects that can causekickback.Safety Warnings Specific for SandingOperations(D28410, D28413, D28422 only)a) Do not use excessively oversized sandingdisc paper. Follow manufacturer'srecommendations, when selecting sandingpaper. Larger sanding paper extending beyondthe sanding pad presents a laceration hazardand may cause snagging, tearing of the discor kickback.Safety Warnings Specific forPolishing Operations(D28410, D28413, D28422 only)a) Do not allow any loose portion of thepolishing bonnet or its attachment stringsto spin freely. Tuck away or trim any looseattachment strings. Loose and spinningattachment strings can entangle your fingers orsnag on the workpiece.Safety Warnings Specific for WireBrushing Operationsa) Be aware that wire bristles are thrown bythe brush even during ordinary operation.Do not overstress the wires by applyingexcessive load to the brush. The wire bristlescan easily penetrate light clothing and/or skin.b) If the use of a guard is recommended forwire brushing, do not allow any interferenceof the wire wheel or brush with the guard.Wire wheel or brush may expand in diameterdue to work and centrifugal forces.9

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