English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

English - Service après vente - Dewalt

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ENGLISHg) Wear personal protective equipment.Depending on application, use faceshield, safety goggles or safety glasses.As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearingprotectors, gloves and workshop aproncapable of stopping small abrasive orworkpiece fragments. The eye protection mustbe capable of stopping flying debris generatedby various operations. The dust mask orrespirator must be capable of filtrating particlesgenerated by your operation. Prolongedexposure to high intensity noise may causehearing loss.h) Keep bystanders a safe distance away fromwork area. Anyone entering the work areamust wear personal protective equipment.Fragments of workpiece or of a brokenaccessory may fly away and cause injurybeyond immediate area of operation.i) Hold power tool by insulated grippingsurfaces only, when performing an operationwhere the cutting accessory may contacthidden wiring or its own cord. Cuttingaccessory contacting a “live” wire may makeexposed metal parts of the power tool “live” andshock the operator.j) Position the cord clear of the spinningaccessory. If you lose control, the cord may becut or snagged and your hand or arm may bepulled into the spinning accessory.k) Never lay the power tool down until theaccessory has come to a complete stop. Thespinning accessory may grab the surface andpull the power tool out of your control.l) Do not run the power tool while carrying it atyour side. Accidental contact with the spinningaccessory could snag your clothing, pulling theaccessory into your body.m) Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents.The motor’s fan will draw the dust insidethe housing and excessive accumulation ofpowdered metal may cause electrical hazards.n) Do not operate the power tool nearflammable materials. Sparks could ignite thesematerials.o) Do not use accessories that require liquidcoolants. Using water or other liquid coolantsmay result in electrocution or shock.FURTHER SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFOR ALL OPERATIONSCauses and Operator Preventionof KickbackKickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched orsnagged rotating wheel, backing pad, brush orany other accessory. Pinching or snagging causesrapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turncauses the uncontrolled power tool to be forced inthe direction opposite of the accessory’s rotation atthe point of the binding.For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged orpinched by the workpiece, the edge of the wheelthat is entering into the pinch point can dig into thesurface of the material causing the wheel to climbout or kick out. The wheel may either jump towardor away from the operator, depending on directionof the wheel’s movement at the point of pinching.Abrasive wheels may also break under theseconditions.Kickback is the result of tool misuse and/or incorrectoperating procedures or conditions and can beavoided by taking proper precautions as givenbelow:a) Maintain a firm grip on the power tool andposition your body and arm to allow you toresist kickback forces. Always use auxiliaryhandle, if provided, for maximum controlover kickback or torque reaction during startup. The operator can control torque reaction orkickback forces, if proper precautions are taken.b) Never place your hand near the rotatingaccessory. Accessory may kickback over yourhand.c) Do not position your body in the area wherepower tool will move if kickback occurs.Kickback will propel the tool in directionopposite to the wheel’s movement at the pointof snagging.d) Use special care when working corners,sharp edges etc. Avoid bouncing andsnagging the accessory. Corners, sharpedges or bouncing have a tendency to snag therotating accessory and cause loss of control orkickback.e) Do not attach a saw chain woodcarvingblade or toothed saw blade. Such bladescreate frequent kickback and loss of control.8

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