The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


;; ;;64 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. § 25culine and feminine, and ins for the neuter;as,Positive. Eoot. Comparative.Masc. Fern. Neut.Durus, hard, dur- dur-ior, dur-ior, dur-ius, harder,Brevis, short, brev- brev-ior, brev-ior, brev-ius, shorter.Audax, bold, audac- audac-ior, audac=ior, audac-ius, bolder.2. The superlative is formed from the root ofthe positive, by adding issimus, a, um / as,Positive. Eoot. Superlative.Durus, hard, dur- dur-issimus, a, urn, hardestBrevis, short) brev- brev-issimus, a, um, shortestAudax, bold) audac- audac-issimus, a, urn, boldestExc. If the positive end in er, the superlativeis formed by adding rimas, a, um, to the nominativemasculine, i. e. to the root uncontracted : as,Positive.Superlative.Pulcher, fair )pulcher-rimus, a, um.Pauper, pooi \ pauper-rimus, a, um.Hence these adjectrv r es are compared thus :Durus, durior, durissiruusBrevis, brevior, brevissimusHard, harder, hardestShort, shorte? shortestAudax, audaeior, audacissmrus ;Bold, bolder, boldest.Pulcher, pulchrior, pulcherrimusPauper, pauperior, pauperrimusFair, fairer, fairest.Poor, poorer poor^HIn the same manner compare :Altus, high. Firnius, strong. Liber, free.Capax. capacious. Fortis, brave. Piger, slow.iCreber, frequent. Gravis, heavy. Prudens, prudentDignus, worthy. Integer, entire. Sapiens, wise.Doctus, learned. Lentus, slow. Vehemens, vehementFelix, happy. Levis, light. Velox. swift.

§;;;§26 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 65113.—26. IRREGULAR AND DEFECTIVE COMPAR1-SONS.Pos. Com p. Sup.Bonus, melior, optimusMagnus, major, maximusMai us, pejor, pessimusMultus, plus, n. plurimusParvus, minor, minimusGood, better, best.Great, greater, greatestBad, worse, worstMuch, more, mostLittle, less, leastObs. Plus has only the neuter in the singular,plural, it is regular, and is declined as 99-4. Exc.Inthe1. The following adjectives form the superlative in limus .Faellis, easy, facilior, facillimus.Gracilis, lean, gracilior, graeillimus.Hum T1 is, low, humilior, humiiliinus.Imbecillis, weak, imbecillior, imbeciliimus.Simihs, like, similior, simiUimus.2. The following adjectives have the comparative regular,but the superlative irregular.Citer, near, citerior, citimus.Dexter, right, dexterior, dextiunus.Exter, outward, exterior, extremus, or extimus.Inferus, low, inferior, infimus, or imus.Interus, inward, interior, intimus.Maturus, ripe, maturior, maturrimus, or maturissimus.Fosterus, behind, posterior, postremus, or postumus.Sinister, left, sinisterior, sinistimus.Superus, high, superior, supremus, or summus.Vetus, old. yeterior, veterrimus.Note.— Dives, rich, has commonly ditior, ditissbmts, for its comparativeand superlative ;contracted for divitior and divitisslmus.3. Compounds in dicus, fieus, loquus, and volus. form thecomparative in entior, and the superlative in entissimits.Benef Icus, beneficent,Benevolus, benevolent,Magniloquus, boasting,Maledicus, railing,Mirificus, wonderful,beneflcentior,benevolentior,magniloquentior,maledicentior,mirificentior,benefieentissimus.benevolentissimus,magniloquentissimuamalediceatifisimus.mirificenti sslmus.

;; ;;64 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. § 25culine and feminine, and ins for <strong>the</strong> neuter;as,Positive. Eoot. Comparative.Masc. Fern. Neut.Durus, hard, dur- dur-ior, dur-ior, dur-ius, harder,Brevis, short, brev- brev-ior, brev-ior, brev-ius, shorter.Audax, bold, audac- audac-ior, audac=ior, audac-ius, bolder.2. <strong>The</strong> superlative is formed from <strong>the</strong> root <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> positive, by adding issimus, a, um / as,Positive. Eoot. Superlative.Durus, hard, dur- dur-issimus, a, urn, hardestBrevis, short) brev- brev-issimus, a, um, shortestAudax, bold) audac- audac-issimus, a, urn, boldestExc. If <strong>the</strong> positive end in er, <strong>the</strong> superlativeis formed by adding rimas, a, um, to <strong>the</strong> nominativemasculine, i. e. to <strong>the</strong> root uncontracted : as,Positive.Superlative.Pulcher, fair )pulcher-rimus, a, um.Pauper, pooi \ pauper-rimus, a, um.Hence <strong>the</strong>se adjectrv r es are compared thus :Durus, durior, durissiruusBrevis, brevior, brevissimusHard, harder, hardestShort, shorte? shortestAudax, audaeior, audacissmrus ;Bold, bolder, boldest.Pulcher, pulchrior, pulcherrimusPauper, pauperior, pauperrimusFair, fairer, fairest.Poor, poorer poor^HIn <strong>the</strong> same manner compare :Altus, high. Firnius, strong. Liber, free.Capax. capacious. Fortis, brave. Piger, slow.iCreber, frequent. Gravis, heavy. Prudens, prudentDignus, worthy. Integer, entire. Sapiens, wise.Doctus, learned. Lentus, slow. Vehemens, vehementFelix, happy. Levis, light. Velox. swift.

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