The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


:'56 ADJECTIVES. §23§ 23. EXERCISES ON ADJECTIVES.1. Adjectives and Subsla?itives to be declined together.Pai va casa, a small cottage.Clarus poeta, a famous poet.Pulchra filia, a beautiful daughter.Dulce pomum, a sweet apple.Docilis puer, a docile boy.Alta arbor, a high tree.Priscus mos, an ancient custom,Callida aestas, a ivarm summer.Tutus portus, a safe harbor.Nobile carmen, a noble poem.Breve sevurn,a short life.Antiqua urbs,an ancient city.Capax antrum, a capacious den.Magnum opus, a great work.Serenus dies,Densa nubes,Fidus pastor,a clear day.a thick cloud.a faithful shepherd.Magna dos, a great dowry.Cava navis, a hollow ship.Culpatus Paris, wicked Paris.Miser Tros, a miserable Trojan.Infelix Dido, unhappy Dido.2. Translate the following words into English ,according totheir number and caseOperis magni,Claro poetse,Diei sereno,Diei sereni,Densis nubibus,Fidi pastoris,iEvo brevi,Urbem antiquam,Poetis ciaris,Pueri dociles,Dote magna,Morum priseorum,Carminis noblTis,Callida eestate,Urbis antiqua?,Paridi eulpato,Arbores alta?,Trois miseri,Dido infelici,Portibus tutis,Dulcium pomorum.3. Translate the following phrases r into Latin, observing toput the adjective in the same gender, number, and case, with thesubstantive. The words will be. found in the list above :To a small cottage,Of a capacious den,From lofty trees,For unhappy Dido,In a hollow ship,A wretched Trojan,With thick clouds,From a clear day,Of sweet apples,High trees,With great dowries,Of ancient customs,Of an ancient city,To a great work,wicked Paris,Faithful shepherds,In a short life,With a sweet apple,With clear days,Noble poems,Of ancient cities,In small cottages,In a great work,With wicked Paris,A harbor safe,In a clear day,Of small cottages,To a thick cloud,With high trees,Beautiful daughters,In a warm summerOf a short life,With docile bf ys.

.:§ 24 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 57§ 24. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES.102.—Numeral adjectives areIn Latin, they are divided into four classes 5those which signify number.1. Cardinal, which express number simply, or how many;as, one, two, three, four, &c.2. Ordinal, denoting which one of a number ; as, first,second, third, fourth, &c.3. Distributive, denoting how many to each ; as, bini, twoby two, or two to each.4. Multiplicative, denoting how many fold.'103. The Cardi'rial orI. CARDINAL NUMBERS.vizPrincipal numbers areUnus, L one.Duo, IL two.Tres, III. three.Quatuor, IIII, or IV. four.Quiuque, V. five.Sex, VL six.Septem, VII seven.Octo, VIII eightNovem, Villi, or IX. nineDecern, X. tenUndecim, XL elevenDuodeeim, XII. twelveTredecim, XIII. thirteenQuatuordecim, XIIII, or XIV. fourteenQuindecim, XV. fifteenSedecim, or Sexdecim, XVL sixteenSeptemdecim, XVII. seventeenOctodecim, XVIIL eighteenNovemdecim, XVIIII, or XIX. nineteenViginti, XX twentyViginti unus, orUnus et viginti, \Viginti duo, orDuo et viginti,

.:§ 24 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 57§ 24. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES.102.—Numeral adjectives areIn <strong>Latin</strong>, <strong>the</strong>y are divided into four classes 5those which signify number.1. Cardinal, which express number simply, or how many;as, one, two, three, four, &c.2. Ordinal, denoting which one <strong>of</strong> a number ; as, first,second, third, fourth, &c.3. Distributive, denoting how many to each ; as, bini, twoby two, or two to each.4. Multiplicative, denoting how many fold.'103. <strong>The</strong> Cardi'rial orI. CARDINAL NUMBERS.vizPrincipal numbers areUnus, L one.Duo, IL two.Tres, III. three.Quatuor, IIII, or IV. four.Quiuque, V. five.Sex, VL six.Septem, VII seven.Octo, VIII eightNovem, Villi, or IX. nineDecern, X. tenUndecim, XL elevenDuodeeim, XII. twelveTredecim, XIII. thirteenQuatuordecim, XIIII, or XIV. fourteenQuindecim, XV. fifteenSedecim, or Sexdecim, XVL sixteenSeptemdecim, XVII. seventeenOctodecim, XVIIL eighteenNovemdecim, XVIIII, or XIX. nineteenViginti, XX twentyViginti unus, orUnus et viginti, \Viginti duo, orDuo et viginti,

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