The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


::;42 IRREGULAR NOUJSBL § 18Nom., Gen. and Abl. Tabum, n., putrid gore.Norn., Gen. and Ace. Munia, -oruni, n., offices.OpisJ!., genitive, help, (from ops,) has opem in the accusative, and opein the ablative singular, with the plural complete, opes, opwn,

—:::§ 18 IKKEGULAR NOUNS. 43the genitive, and perhaps the dative singular, and probably the genitive,dative, and ablative plural.Nemo, c., nobody, wants the vocative singular,and has no pluraLII.Nouns defective in number.15. Some nouns, from the nature of the things which theyexpress, cannot be used in the plural. Such are the namesof virtues and vices ; of arts, herbs, metals, liquors, differentkinds of corn, abstract nouns, &c. ; as, justitia, justice ; luxus,luxury; miislca, music; apium, parsley; aurum, gold; lac,milk ; triticum, wheat ; magnitude*, greatness ; senectus, oldage ; macies, leanness, &c. But some of the nouns includedin these classes are occasionally found in the plural.16. The following masculine nouns, for the most part, wantthe pluralAer, aeris, the air. Penus, -i, or -us, all manner of pro-^Ether, -eris, the sky.visions.Firnus, -i, dung. Pontus, -i, the sea.Hesperus, -i, the evening star. Pulvis, -eris, dust.Limus, -i, mud. Sanguis, -inis, blood.Meridies, -iei, mid-day.Sopor, -oris, sleep.Mundus, -i, a woman's ornaments. Yeternus, -i, a lethargy.Muscus, -i, moss.Note 3.Aer, pulvis, and sopor are found in the plural.17. The following feminine nouns, for the most part, wantthe pluralArgilla, -ae, potter's earth. Salus, -litis, safety.Fames, -is, hunger. Sitis, -is, thirst.Humus, -i, the ground. Supellex, -ctilis, household furni*Indoles, -is, a disposition. ture.Plebs, -is, the common people. Yenia, -ae, pardon.Pubes, -is, the youth. Yespera, -ae, the eveningThe following are sometimes found in the pluralBilis, -is, bile. Pituita, -ae, phlegm.Cholera, -ae, choler. Pix, -cis, pitch.Cutis, -is, the skin. Proles, -is, offspring.Fama, -&,fame.Quies, -etis, rest.Gloria, -ae, glory. Soboles, -is, offspring.Labes, -is, a stai n. Tellus, -uris, the earth.Pax. -cis, peace.3*

—:::§ 18 IKKEGULAR NOUNS. 43<strong>the</strong> genitive, and perhaps <strong>the</strong> dative singular, and probably <strong>the</strong> genitive,dative, and ablative plural.Nemo, c., nobody, wants <strong>the</strong> vocative singular,and has no pluraLII.Nouns defective in number.15. Some nouns, from <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> things which <strong>the</strong>yexpress, cannot be used in <strong>the</strong> plural. Such are <strong>the</strong> names<strong>of</strong> virtues and vices ; <strong>of</strong> arts, herbs, metals, liquors, differentkinds <strong>of</strong> corn, abstract nouns, &c. ; as, justitia, justice ; luxus,luxury; miislca, music; apium, parsley; aurum, gold; lac,milk ; triticum, wheat ; magnitude*, greatness ; senectus, oldage ; macies, leanness, &c. But some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nouns includedin <strong>the</strong>se classes are occasionally found in <strong>the</strong> plural.16. <strong>The</strong> following masculine nouns, for <strong>the</strong> most part, want<strong>the</strong> pluralAer, aeris, <strong>the</strong> air. Penus, -i, or -us, all manner <strong>of</strong> pro-^E<strong>the</strong>r, -eris, <strong>the</strong> sky.visions.Firnus, -i, dung. Pontus, -i, <strong>the</strong> sea.Hesperus, -i, <strong>the</strong> evening star. Pulvis, -eris, dust.Limus, -i, mud. Sanguis, -inis, blood.Meridies, -iei, mid-day.Sopor, -oris, sleep.Mundus, -i, a woman's ornaments. Yeternus, -i, a lethargy.Muscus, -i, moss.Note 3.Aer, pulvis, and sopor are found in <strong>the</strong> plural.17. <strong>The</strong> following feminine nouns, for <strong>the</strong> most part, want<strong>the</strong> pluralArgilla, -ae, potter's earth. Salus, -litis, safety.Fames, -is, hunger. Sitis, -is, thirst.Humus, -i, <strong>the</strong> ground. Supellex, -ctilis, household furni*Indoles, -is, a disposition. ture.Plebs, -is, <strong>the</strong> common people. Yenia, -ae, pardon.Pubes, -is, <strong>the</strong> youth. Yespera, -ae, <strong>the</strong> evening<strong>The</strong> following are sometimes found in <strong>the</strong> pluralBilis, -is, bile. Pituita, -ae, phlegm.Cholera, -ae, choler. Pix, -cis, pitch.Cutis, -is, <strong>the</strong> skin. Proles, -is, <strong>of</strong>fspring.Fama, -&,fame.Quies, -etis, rest.Gloria, -ae, glory. Soboles, -is, <strong>of</strong>fspring.Labes, -is, a stai n. Tellus, -uris, <strong>the</strong> earth.Pax. -cis, peace.3*

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