The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


;38 IRREGULAR NOUNS. §18templi, dies, rerum, capite, capitum, itineribus,partis, parent-Ibus, rupe, urbis, vulpem, vulpibus, parente, sedilia, die,colorem, militis, militibus, sermones, honore, minus, manus,manibus, facieni, ala, tubam, mensarum, bellum, dominorum,ternplum, puerorum, bella, bello, &c.Translate the following into Latin, and state the gender, declension,case, and number, always following the same orderthus, " Of boys" puerorum, a noun, masculine, of the first declension,in the genitive jplural :From the way, to a speech, with a part, of a seat, of seats,to the wind, a kingdom, to a boy, of boys, with lords, foxes,of tables, to parents, with seats, of soldiers, from the head,heads, to a part, with a trumpet, in a time, of war, the time,of color, in a journey, to a seat, of a rock, to sons-in-law,with fruit, of the face, with a seat, to tables, of rocks, &c.§ 18. IRREGULAR NOUNS.95. Irregular Nouns are divided into Variable, Defective, andRedundantI. VARIABLE NOUNS.96.—Nouns are variable either in Gender, or Declension,or in both. Nouns varying in gender are called, Heterogeneous.Those which vary in declension are called, Heteroclites.HeterogeneousJSfouns.1. Masculine in the singular, and neuter in the plural ; as,Avermis, a hill in Campania.Dindymus, a hill in Phrygia.Ismarus, a hill in Thrace.Maenalus, a hill in Arcadia.Pangaeus, a promontory in Thrace.Tsenarus, a promontory in Laconia.Tartarus, hell.Taygetus, a hill in Laconia.2. Masculine in the singular, masculine and neuter in theplural ;as, jocus, a jest, plural joci and joca; locus, a place,plural loci and loca.3. Feminine in the singular, neuter in the plural ; as,carbasus, a sail, plural carbasa; Pergdmus, the citadel ofTroy, plural Pergdma.

—;;§ IS IRREGULAR NOUNS. 394. Neuter in the singular, masculine in the plural ; as, Argos,^rgos, a city in Greece, plural Arcji; Elysium, the Elysianields, plural Elysii; coelum, heaven, plural coeli.Note 1.Argos, in the Singular, is used only in the Norn, and Ace.5. Neuter in the singular, masculine and neuter in theDlural ; as, frenum, a bridle, plural freni and frena; rostrum,irake, plural rastri and rastra.6. Neuter in the singular, feminine in the plural ; as, ba l~leum, a bath, plural balneal, seldom balnea; epulum, a banquet,plural epulai;delictum, a delight, plural delicice.Heteroclites.?. Vas, vasis, neuter, a vessel, of the third declension, pluralmsa, vasorum, of the second. Jugerum, jugeri, neuter, anicre, of the second declension, plural jugera, jugerum., of the;hird. Jugeris and jug ere from jugus, are also found in thelingular, (See Num. 11 below.)8. Some Greek proper nouns are declined both by thesecond declension and the third, as foilows :Xom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc; Abl.'Jrpheus, \( -eos,-eo, -eum, or -eon, -eo2d Decl.-ei, -ea, -eu, 8d Decl.-i, -o, -um, -o;r j 2d Decl.* '( -odis, -odi, -odem, -u, -ode 3d Decl.^.chilleus, -ei, -eo, -eu, -eo2d Decl.Achilles, -lis, or -leos, -li, -lem, or -len, -les, or -le, -le; 3d Decl,DOUBLE NOUNS.9. To this class may be referred a few double nouns, theparts of which are of different declensions. When the twolominatives combine, both parts are declined like a substantivemd adjective ;thus,Respublica, a commonwealth, Fern.Singular.Plural.N. respublica, JK respublicae,G. rerpublicae, G. rerumpublicaru m,D. reipublicae, D. rebuspublicis,Ac. rempublicam, Ac. respublicas,V. respublica, V. respublicse,Ab republica.Ab. rebu spublicis.

—;;§ IS IRREGULAR NOUNS. 394. Neuter in <strong>the</strong> singular, masculine in <strong>the</strong> plural ; as, Argos,^rgos, a city in Greece, plural Arcji; Elysium, <strong>the</strong> Elysianields, plural Elysii; coelum, heaven, plural coeli.Note 1.Argos, in <strong>the</strong> Singular, is used only in <strong>the</strong> Norn, and Ace.5. Neuter in <strong>the</strong> singular, masculine and neuter in <strong>the</strong>Dlural ; as, frenum, a bridle, plural freni and frena; rostrum,irake, plural rastri and rastra.6. Neuter in <strong>the</strong> singular, feminine in <strong>the</strong> plural ; as, ba l~leum, a bath, plural balneal, seldom balnea; epulum, a banquet,plural epulai;delictum, a delight, plural delicice.Heteroclites.?. Vas, vasis, neuter, a vessel, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third declension, pluralmsa, vasorum, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> second. Jugerum, jugeri, neuter, anicre, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> second declension, plural jugera, jugerum., <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>;hird. Jugeris and jug ere from jugus, are also found in <strong>the</strong>lingular, (See Num. 11 below.)8. Some Greek proper nouns are declined both by <strong>the</strong>second declension and <strong>the</strong> third, as foilows :Xom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc; Abl.'Jrpheus, \( -eos,-eo, -eum, or -eon, -eo2d Decl.-ei, -ea, -eu, 8d Decl.-i, -o, -um, -o;r j 2d Decl.* '( -odis, -odi, -odem, -u, -ode 3d Decl.^.chilleus, -ei, -eo, -eu, -eo2d Decl.Achilles, -lis, or -leos, -li, -lem, or -len, -les, or -le, -le; 3d Decl,DOUBLE NOUNS.9. To this class may be referred a few double nouns, <strong>the</strong>parts <strong>of</strong> which are <strong>of</strong> different declensions. When <strong>the</strong> twolominatives combine, both parts are declined like a substantivemd adjective ;thus,Respublica, a commonwealth, Fern.Singular.Plural.N. respublica, JK respublicae,G. rerpublicae, G. rerumpublicaru m,D. reipublicae, D. rebuspublicis,Ac. rempublicam, Ac. respublicas,V. respublica, V. respublicse,Ab republica.Ab. rebu spublicis.

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