The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


::36 FIFTH DECLENSION. § .17EXERCISES ON THE FOURTH DECLENSION.1. Tell the gender, number, and case, of the following words,from the paradigm and additional examples, pp. 34 and 35, andtranslateFructus, fructus, fructuum, flatlbus, flatu, manuum, mambus,nutu, passuum, passibus, passus, cornua, tonitrlbus, veriibus,easu, currum, currui, fluctu, fluctibus, cornibus, &c.2. Translate the following words into Latin, and tell thegender, number, and case, in which the words are put ; vizOf fruit, to fruit, with the hand, for the hand, of a horn, toa horn, with a horn, from horns, horns, the horns, of thechariot, for a chariot, of chariots, from the waves, for thewaves, from his hands, with a nod, &c.§ 17. FIFTH DECLENSION.94.—The Fifth Declension has but one terminationof the nominative singular, namely, es ; as,res, a thing : dies, a day.All nouns of this declension are feminine, except dies, aday, which is masculine or feminine in the singular, and alwaysmasculine in the plural ; and meridies, the mid-day, whichis masculine in the singular, and wants the plural.1. Dies, a day.TERMINATIONS.Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural.N. di-es, N. di-es, -es, -es,G. di-ei, G. di-erum. -ei, -ei, -erum,D. di ei, D. di-ebus, -ei, -ei, -ebus,Ac. di-em, Ac. di-es, -em, -es,V. di-es, V. di-es, -es, -es,Ab. di-e. Ab. di-ebus. -e. -ebus,Obs. 1. Dies, res, and species, are the only nouns of thefifth declension which have the plural complete; acies, effigies,fades, series, and spes, in the plural, have only the nominative,accusative, and vocative ; the other nouns of this declensionhave no plural.

:;§17 FIFTH DECLENSION. 372. Facies, the face, Fern.Singular. Plural. Thus declineN. faci-es, JV. faci-es,G. faci-ei, G. Acies, an army.D. faci-ei,Effigies, an image.Ac. faci-em, Ac. faci-es,Series, a series.V. faci-es, V. faci-es.Spes, -ei, hope.Ab. faci-e. Ab.Exc. The poets sometimes make the genitive, and morerarely the dative singular, in e; as, fide for fidei, Ov. : sometimesin i; as, pernicii for perniciei, Nep. ;and plebi forplebe'i, Liv. Bequies is both of the third and the fifth declension.EXERCISES ON THE FIFTH DECLENSION.1. Tell the gender, number, and case of the following nouns,and translate them :—Die!, spef, aciem, acie, faciei, facies,diebus, dierum, dies, faciem, effigiem, series, rerum, diebus,diem, &c, ad libitum.2. Translate the following English words into Latin, andtell the gender, &c. :—The image, of the face, the things, ofthe army, the hope, of the army, a series, of days, to a day,from the days, with the army, to an image, &c.PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES ON ALL THE DECLENSIONS.Tell the gender, declension, case, and number, of the followingnouns, in the order here mentioned, and give the translationthus, Penna, a noun, feminine, of the first declension, in theablative singular, ;i with a pen " * :Via, pueri, genero, ventis, puerorum, sermo, sedile, sedili,sedilium, sedilibus, fructuum, fructus, sellse, ttibam, regno,* The following are the words used in these exercises ; the declension nindicated by the genitive, according to No. 55.Ala, -se, a icing.Bellum, -i, icar.Caput, -itis, the head.Color, -is, cofor.Dies, -ei, a day.Dominus, -i, a lord.Facies, -ei, the face.Fructus, -us, fruit,Gener, -i, a son-in-law.lienor, -is, honor.Iter, itineris, a icay.Manus, -us, a hand.Mensa, -se, a table.Miles, -itis, a soldier.Parens, -tis, a pare?it.Pars, -tis, apart.Puer, -i, a boy.Eegnum, -i, a Vingdom.Pes, rei, a thing.Rupes, -is, a rock-Sedile, -is, a seat.Sella, -se, a seat.Sermo, -onis, a speech,Templum, -i, a temple,Tempus, -oris, time.Tuba, -83, a trumpet.Urbs, -is, a city.Ventus, -i, the wind.Via, -se, a way.Vulpes, -is, a fox

::36 FIFTH DECLENSION. § .17EXERCISES ON THE FOURTH DECLENSION.1. Tell <strong>the</strong> gender, number, and case, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> following words,from <strong>the</strong> paradigm and additional examples, pp. 34 and 35, andtranslateFructus, fructus, fructuum, flatlbus, flatu, manuum, mambus,nutu, passuum, passibus, passus, cornua, tonitrlbus, veriibus,easu, currum, currui, fluctu, fluctibus, cornibus, &c.2. Translate <strong>the</strong> following words into <strong>Latin</strong>, and tell <strong>the</strong>gender, number, and case, in which <strong>the</strong> words are put ; vizOf fruit, to fruit, with <strong>the</strong> hand, for <strong>the</strong> hand, <strong>of</strong> a horn, toa horn, with a horn, from horns, horns, <strong>the</strong> horns, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>chariot, for a chariot, <strong>of</strong> chariots, from <strong>the</strong> waves, for <strong>the</strong>waves, from his hands, with a nod, &c.§ 17. FIFTH DECLENSION.94.—<strong>The</strong> Fifth Declension has but one termination<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nominative singular, namely, es ; as,res, a thing : dies, a day.All nouns <strong>of</strong> this declension are feminine, except dies, aday, which is masculine or feminine in <strong>the</strong> singular, and alwaysmasculine in <strong>the</strong> plural ; and meridies, <strong>the</strong> mid-day, whichis masculine in <strong>the</strong> singular, and wants <strong>the</strong> plural.1. Dies, a day.TERMINATIONS.Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural.N. di-es, N. di-es, -es, -es,G. di-ei, G. di-erum. -ei, -ei, -erum,D. di ei, D. di-ebus, -ei, -ei, -ebus,Ac. di-em, Ac. di-es, -em, -es,V. di-es, V. di-es, -es, -es,Ab. di-e. Ab. di-ebus. -e. -ebus,Obs. 1. Dies, res, and species, are <strong>the</strong> only nouns <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fifth declension which have <strong>the</strong> plural complete; acies, effigies,fades, series, and spes, in <strong>the</strong> plural, have only <strong>the</strong> nominative,accusative, and vocative ; <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r nouns <strong>of</strong> this declensionhave no plural.

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