The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


84 FOURTH DECLENSION. 16Fructus, fruit, Masc.Singular. Plural. Thus decline :N. fruct-us, iV. fruct-us, Cantus, a song.G. fruct-us, G. fruct-uum, Casus a fall.D. fruct-ui, D. fruct-ibus, Currus, a chariot.Ac. fruct-um, Ac. fruct-us, Fluctus, a wave.V. fruct-us, V. fruct-us, Gradus, a step.Ab. fruct-u* Ab. fruct-ibus. Senatus, the senate.Cornu, a horn, Neut.Singular. Plural. Thus decline :N. corn-u, JV. corn-ua,G. corn-us (93-4), G. corn-uum, Gelu, iceD. corn-u, D. corn-ibus, Genu, the knee.Ac. corn-u, Ac. corn-ua, Pecu, cattle.V. corn-u, V. corn-ua, Veru, a spit.Ab. corn-u.Ab. cornlbus.Note. The only neuters in this declension are cornu, gelu, genu, veru, andpecu, which has the dative pecui : tonitrus, us, m., and tonitruum, i, n.,thunder, are in common use; tonitru is hardly ever found in classic writers,and never in the nominative or accusative singular.ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES.Flatus, a blast.Ictus, a stroke.Manus, f., the hand.Motus, a motion.Niitus, a nod.Passus, a pace.Ritus, a ceremony.Sinus, a bosom.Situs, a situation.92.—EXCEPTIONS IN GENDER.Exc. 1. The following nouns are feminine ; viz :Acus, a needle. Ficus, a Jig. Porticus, a gallery.Anus, an old woman. Manus, the hand. Specus,* a den.Domus, a house. Penus,* a storehouse. Tribus, a tribe.* Sometimes masculine.EXCEPTIONS IN DECLENSION.Exc. 2. The Genitive and Dative singular :—In some writers,the genitive singular is occasionally found in uis ; as, ejus anuiscausa,for anus. Terence: sometimes also in i; as, sendti andtumulti. Sall. In others, the dative is sometimes found in u;as, resistere impetu, for impetui ; Esse icsu sibi, for usui. Cic.

:§ 16 FOURTH DECLENSION. 35Exc. 3. The Genitive, Dative, and Ablative plural :—Thegenitive plural is sometimes contracted ;as, currum, for curruum.The following nouns have ubus instead of ibus in thedative and ablative plural ; viz :Aeus, a needle. Lacus, a lake. Specus, a den.Arcus, a bow. Partus, a birth. Tribus, a tribe.Artus, a joint. Portus,* a harbour. Vera,* a spit.Genu,* the knee.* These words also have -ibus in the dative plural.9a—OBSERVATIONS.1. Nouns of this declension seem to have belonged ancientlyto the third, and were declined like grus, gruis; thus, fructus,fructu-is, fructu-i, &c. So that all the cases, except the Dativesingular and the genitive plural, may be regarded as contractedforms of that declension.2. Several nouns of this declension are, in whole or in part,of the second also; such as, Flcus, laurus, phius, plnus, domus,senatus, tumultus, and several others. Capricomus, m., andthe compounds of mdnus, as unimdnus, centimanus, &c, arealways of the second.3. Jesus, the name of the Saviour, has um in the accusative,and u in all the other oblique cases.This word does not properlybelong to this declension, but is after the Greek :ov, ov. ovv, ov.'Irjaovs,4. Nouns in u were formerly considered indeclinable in thesingular ; but the recent investigations of Freund and others,have shown this opinion to be incorrect, at least with regardto the genitive ;and that u, the only termination of the dativenow found, is probably a contraction for ui—just as usu iscontracted for usui. (Exc. 2.)5. Domus, a house, Fern., is thus declinedSingular.Plural.N. dom-us, N. dom-us,G. dom-us, or -i, G. dom-orum, or -uum,D. dom-ui, or -o, D. dom-ibus,Ac. dom-um,Ac. dom-us, or -os,V. dom-us, V. dom-us,Ab. dom-o.Ab. dom-ibus.Bote.—Domus in the genitive, signifies of a house. Domi is used omy tosignify at Jiome, or of home.

:§ 16 FOURTH DECLENSION. 35Exc. 3. <strong>The</strong> Genitive, Dative, and Ablative plural :—<strong>The</strong>genitive plural is sometimes contracted ;as, currum, for curruum.<strong>The</strong> following nouns have ubus instead <strong>of</strong> ibus in <strong>the</strong>dative and ablative plural ; viz :Aeus, a needle. Lacus, a lake. Specus, a den.Arcus, a bow. Partus, a birth. Tribus, a tribe.Artus, a joint. Portus,* a harbour. Vera,* a spit.Genu,* <strong>the</strong> knee.* <strong>The</strong>se words also have -ibus in <strong>the</strong> dative plural.9a—OBSERVATIONS.1. Nouns <strong>of</strong> this declension seem to have belonged ancientlyto <strong>the</strong> third, and were declined like grus, gruis; thus, fructus,fructu-is, fructu-i, &c. So that all <strong>the</strong> cases, except <strong>the</strong> Dativesingular and <strong>the</strong> genitive plural, may be regarded as contractedforms <strong>of</strong> that declension.2. Several nouns <strong>of</strong> this declension are, in whole or in part,<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> second also; such as, Flcus, laurus, phius, plnus, domus,senatus, tumultus, and several o<strong>the</strong>rs. Capricomus, m., and<strong>the</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> mdnus, as unimdnus, centimanus, &c, arealways <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> second.3. Jesus, <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Saviour, has um in <strong>the</strong> accusative,and u in all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r oblique cases.This word does not properlybelong to this declension, but is after <strong>the</strong> Greek :ov, ov. ovv, ov.'Irjaovs,4. Nouns in u were formerly considered indeclinable in <strong>the</strong>singular ; but <strong>the</strong> recent investigations <strong>of</strong> Freund and o<strong>the</strong>rs,have shown this opinion to be incorrect, at least with regardto <strong>the</strong> genitive ;and that u, <strong>the</strong> only termination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dativenow found, is probably a contraction for ui—just as usu iscontracted for usui. (Exc. 2.)5. Domus, a house, Fern., is thus declinedSingular.Plural.N. dom-us, N. dom-us,G. dom-us, or -i, G. dom-orum, or -uum,D. dom-ui, or -o, D. dom-ibus,Ac. dom-um,Ac. dom-us, or -os,V. dom-us, V. dom-us,Ab. dom-o.Ab. dom-ibus.Bote.—Domus in <strong>the</strong> genitive, signifies <strong>of</strong> a house. Domi is used omy tosignify at Jiome, or <strong>of</strong> home.

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