The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


of:;18 SECOND DECLENSION. 1064.—Nouns in er, ir, and ur, add i in the genitive ; but us and um arechanged into i.trevlri,

:§10 SECOND DECLENSION. 19Regnum, a kingdom,Neut.Singular. Plural. Thus declineN". regn-um, N. regn-a, Antrum, a cave.G. regn-i, G. regn-orum. Astrum, a star.D. regn-o, D. regn-is, Donum, a gift.Ac. regn-um, Ac. regn-a, Jugum, a yoke.V. regn-um, V. regn-a, Saxum, a stone.Ab. regn-o. Ab regn-is. Pomum, an a 2) pie.PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES.Arbiter, a judge. Folium, a leaf. Socer, a father-in-law.Bellum, war. Gladius, a sword. Telum, a dart.Cadus, a cask. Lupus, a wolf. T5rus, a couch.Cervus, a stag. Mums, a wall. Tectum, the roof.Collum, the neck. Nidus, a nest. Truncus, the trunkEquus, a horse. Ovum, an egg. Velum, a sail.Faber, an artist. Praelium, a battle. Vadum, a ford.Ficus, f., afigtree. Ramus, a branch. Votum, a vovj.68.—EXCEPTIONS IN GENDER.Exc. 1. Of nouns ending in us, the names of plants, towns,islands, and precious stones, with few exceptions, are feminine,(45-2.)Obs. In many cases, where the name of a tree ends in us,fern., there is a form in um denoting the fruit of the tree ; as,cerasus, cerasum ; mains, malum ; moms, morum ; pnrus,pirum ;primus, prunum ; pbmus, pomum. But flcus means both afig-tree, and a fig.Exc. 2. Besides these, only four w r ords, originally Latin,are feminine ;viz, alvus, the belly; colus, the distaff; humus,the ground ; and vannus, a winnowing fan.Exc. 3. Virus, juice, poison ; smdijielagus, the sea, are neuter,and have the accusative and vocative like the nominative.Vulgus, the common people, is both masculine and neuter.Pampians, a vine branch, is rarely feminine, commonly masculine.Exc. 4. Many Greek nouns in us, are feminine, especiallycompounds of ooog', as, methodus, periodus, &c. So also, bibluspaplrus diphthongus, paragraphia, diametrus, perimetrics.

:§10 SECOND DECLENSION. 19Regnum, a kingdom,Neut.Singular. Plural. Thus declineN". regn-um, N. regn-a, Antrum, a cave.G. regn-i, G. regn-orum. Astrum, a star.D. regn-o, D. regn-is, Donum, a gift.Ac. regn-um, Ac. regn-a, Jugum, a yoke.V. regn-um, V. regn-a, Saxum, a stone.Ab. regn-o. Ab regn-is. Pomum, an a 2) pie.PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES.Arbiter, a judge. Folium, a leaf. Socer, a fa<strong>the</strong>r-in-law.Bellum, war. Gladius, a sword. Telum, a dart.Cadus, a cask. Lupus, a wolf. T5rus, a couch.Cervus, a stag. Mums, a wall. Tectum, <strong>the</strong> ro<strong>of</strong>.Collum, <strong>the</strong> neck. Nidus, a nest. Truncus, <strong>the</strong> trunkEquus, a horse. Ovum, an egg. Velum, a sail.Faber, an artist. Praelium, a battle. Vadum, a ford.Ficus, f., afigtree. Ramus, a branch. Votum, a vovj.68.—EXCEPTIONS IN GENDER.Exc. 1. Of nouns ending in us, <strong>the</strong> names <strong>of</strong> plants, towns,islands, and precious stones, with few exceptions, are feminine,(45-2.)Obs. In many cases, where <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> a tree ends in us,fern., <strong>the</strong>re is a form in um denoting <strong>the</strong> fruit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tree ; as,cerasus, cerasum ; mains, malum ; moms, morum ; pnrus,pirum ;primus, prunum ; pbmus, pomum. But flcus means both afig-tree, and a fig.Exc. 2. Besides <strong>the</strong>se, only four w r ords, originally <strong>Latin</strong>,are feminine ;viz, alvus, <strong>the</strong> belly; colus, <strong>the</strong> distaff; humus,<strong>the</strong> ground ; and vannus, a winnowing fan.Exc. 3. Virus, juice, poison ; smdijielagus, <strong>the</strong> sea, are neuter,and have <strong>the</strong> accusative and vocative like <strong>the</strong> nominative.Vulgus, <strong>the</strong> common people, is both masculine and neuter.Pampians, a vine branch, is rarely feminine, commonly masculine.Exc. 4. Many Greek nouns in us, are feminine, especiallycompounds <strong>of</strong> ooog', as, methodus, periodus, &c. So also, bibluspaplrus diphthongus, paragraphia, diametrus, perimetrics.

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