The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


——— a228 SYNTAX.— GENITIVE. § 108cassus, extorris, firmus, fcetus, frequens, gravis, gravidas, jejunus, infirmus,liber, locuples, Icetus, mactus, nudus, onustus, orbus, pollens, satiatus, tenuis,truncus, viduus.e. Some govern the genitive or ablative indifferently ; as, copiosus, dives,fecundus, ferax, immunis, inanis, mops, largus, modicus, immodicus,nimius, opulentus, plenas, potens, purus, refertus, satur, vacuus, uber.363.— Obs. 10. Many of these adjectives are sometimes limited by apreposition and its case ; as, Locus copiosus a frumento. Cic. Ab omni repar at us. Id. Parens in victu. Plin. In affectibus potentisswius. QuinctPotens in res bellicas. Liv. &a.§ 108. THE GENITIVE GOVERNED BY VERBS.Sum governs tlie genitive of364. Rule XII.a person or thing to whicli its subject belongs as apossession, property, or duty ;as,Est regis,Hominis est errare,It belongs to the king.It is characteristic of man to er,r.365.—EXPLANATION.—The genitive in this construction is supposedto be governed by the adjective proprius, or the substantive qfficium, munus,res, negotium, opus, &c, understood. (When it is expressed, the genitive isgoverned by it according to Eule VI.) The verb is in the third person,often has an infinitive or clause for its nominative,and may be rendered inany way by which the sense is expressed; such as, it belongs to;— it is theproperty— tlie part— the duty — the peculiarity — the character of, &c. The followingare examples :Inslpientis est dicere non putaram, It is the part of a fool,

——§ 108 SYNTAX.—GENITIVE. 229Jtomanorum facta est, sc. provincia, "Asia became (a possession a**province) of the Romans."367.— Obs. 2. Instead of the genitive of the personal pronouns, thenominative neuter of the possessive is commonly used, agreeing with officium,viunus,

——§ 108 SYNTAX.—GENITIVE. 229Jtomanorum facta est, sc. provincia, "Asia became (a possession a**province) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Romans."367.— Obs. 2. Instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genitive <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> personal pronouns, <strong>the</strong>nominative neuter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> possessive is commonly used, agreeing with <strong>of</strong>ficium,viunus,

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