The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


'192 IMPEKSONAL VERBS. § 85Licet, licuit or licitum est, &c,Miseret, miseruit or miseritum est,

;§ 86 IMPEKSOXAL VERBS. 193224,—§ 86. EXERCISES ON IMPERSONALS.(For the meaning of the impersonate used in the followingexercises, see 223, Nos. 2, 3, 4.)1. Give the designation, the place found, the translation ; thus, delectat,a verb impersonal, first conjugation, found in the present indicative, active;" it delights."Delectabit, decebat, deeebit, deceret, contingit, continget,contlgit, contigerit, evenit, evenit, eveniet, eveniat, pugnabatur,pugnatum est, pugnetur, pugnaretur, favetur, fautum sit,fautum fiierit, ventum est, ventum erit ;—libet, libuit, licitumest, miseret, miseritum est, piget, piidet, fulgurat, tonat,grand inabat, grandinabit ninxit, &c.2. Give the designation, &c, as in No. 1, and translate as the word followingthe impersonal requires, according to 223-6 ; thus, delectat me,delectat, a verb impersonal, first conjugation, present indicative, active" it delights me," or " I delight."Delectabit me, te, ilium, nos, vos, illos ; decet vos, deceretvos ;placet tibi ; favetur vobis, favebitur nobis (a te, by yoit) ;pugnabitur ab illis ; venitur a te, ventum est ab illis,—a vobis,—a nobis,—ab illo,—a te,—a me;piget me;licet milii,licebit vobis, licitum est illis ; miseret me, miseruit te;placuitvobis,—nobis,—illis ;miseret nos, &c.3. Render the following English into Latin, by the impersonals ; thus," I delight," delectat me, literally, " it delights me."—iV. B. The noun orpronoun, after miseret, poeiutet, piidet, tcedet, piget, decet, delectat, and oportet,must be put in the accusative, 419 and 423. Other impersonals arefollowed by the dative of the object, when they have one ;and when theyexpress any thing done by another, the agent or doer, when expressed, isput in the ablative preceded by a or ab, as in 223-6.Exercises.—It becomes, it has repented, it is fought, itpleases, it is favored; it becomes me, I repent (it repentsme), I fight (it is fought by me), you are favored (it is favoredto you), you are favored by me; I repented, they haverepented, you will repent; they are favored by us,— by you,— by me, &c. ; we are favored by them,— by you ;they come(it is come by them), they have come, we will come ; we run,we will run ;if (si) you please, if they please ;it was allowedto us, we were allowed ; it delights us, or we are delighted,they are delighted ; it thunders, it lightens, it hailed, dec.

;§ 86 IMPEKSOXAL VERBS. 193224,—§ 86. EXERCISES ON IMPERSONALS.(For <strong>the</strong> meaning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> impersonate used in <strong>the</strong> followingexercises, see 223, Nos. 2, 3, 4.)1. Give <strong>the</strong> designation, <strong>the</strong> place found, <strong>the</strong> translation ; thus, delectat,a verb impersonal, first conjugation, found in <strong>the</strong> present indicative, active;" it delights."Delectabit, decebat, deeebit, deceret, contingit, continget,contlgit, contigerit, evenit, evenit, eveniet, eveniat, pugnabatur,pugnatum est, pugnetur, pugnaretur, favetur, fautum sit,fautum fiierit, ventum est, ventum erit ;—libet, libuit, licitumest, miseret, miseritum est, piget, piidet, fulgurat, tonat,grand inabat, grandinabit ninxit, &c.2. Give <strong>the</strong> designation, &c, as in No. 1, and translate as <strong>the</strong> word following<strong>the</strong> impersonal requires, according to 223-6 ; thus, delectat me,delectat, a verb impersonal, first conjugation, present indicative, active" it delights me," or " I delight."Delectabit me, te, ilium, nos, vos, illos ; decet vos, deceretvos ;placet tibi ; favetur vobis, favebitur nobis (a te, by yoit) ;pugnabitur ab illis ; venitur a te, ventum est ab illis,—a vobis,—a nobis,—ab illo,—a te,—a me;piget me;licet milii,licebit vobis, licitum est illis ; miseret me, miseruit te;placuitvobis,—nobis,—illis ;miseret nos, &c.3. Render <strong>the</strong> following English into <strong>Latin</strong>, by <strong>the</strong> impersonals ; thus," I delight," delectat me, literally, " it delights me."—iV. B. <strong>The</strong> noun orpronoun, after miseret, poeiutet, piidet, tcedet, piget, decet, delectat, and oportet,must be put in <strong>the</strong> accusative, 419 and 423. O<strong>the</strong>r impersonals arefollowed by <strong>the</strong> dative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> object, when <strong>the</strong>y have one ;and when <strong>the</strong>yexpress any thing done by ano<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> agent or doer, when expressed, isput in <strong>the</strong> ablative preceded by a or ab, as in 223-6.Exercises.—It becomes, it has repented, it is fought, itpleases, it is favored; it becomes me, I repent (it repentsme), I fight (it is fought by me), you are favored (it is favoredto you), you are favored by me; I repented, <strong>the</strong>y haverepented, you will repent; <strong>the</strong>y are favored by us,— by you,— by me, &c. ; we are favored by <strong>the</strong>m,— by you ;<strong>the</strong>y come(it is come by <strong>the</strong>m), <strong>the</strong>y have come, we will come ; we run,we will run ;if (si) you please, if <strong>the</strong>y please ;it was allowedto us, we were allowed ; it delights us, or we are delighted,<strong>the</strong>y are delighted ; it thunders, it lightens, it hailed, dec.

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