The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


•Per.'-190 IMPERSONAL VERBS. § 85The parts of these verbs remaining are the following :1. Aio, I say, I affirm.Ind. Pa. Aio, ais, ait; aiunt.Imp. Aiebam, aiebas, aiebat; aiebamus, aiebatis, aiebant.aisti, aitSub. Pr. aias, aiat, aiant,Imp Pr. ai.Part. Pr. Aiens.2, Inquam, I say.Lid. Pr. Inquam, inquis, inquit; inquimus, inquitis, inquiunt.Imp. — inquiebat;inquiebantPer. inquisti, inquit.Put. inquies, inquiet.Imp. Pr. inque, inquito; inquite.Part. Pr. Inquiens.3. Porem, / should be.Sub. Imp. Forem, fores, foret; forent.Inf. Fut. Fore, to be about to be, same a&futurum esse. ,4. Ave, hail.Imp. Pr. Ave, or aveto ; avete, or avetote. Inf. Pr. Avere.5. Salve, hail.Ind. Fut. Salvebis.Imp. Pr. Salve, or salveto ;Inf. Pr. Salvere.6. Cedo, tell, give.salvete, or salvetote.Imp. Pr. Cedo ;cedo, or cedite, contracted, cette.fl.Qujeso, / beseech.Ind. Pr. Quseso; qua3siimus6. Ausim, faxim, and faxo, sometimes called defective verbs, are properlyold forms of tenses ; ausim being put for auserim, from audeo, " to dare ;"find faxim and fa xo, for fecerim and fecero, from fano. So also age andagite, " come," are imperatives from ago, in a somewhat different sense,just as ave, "hail," is an imperative from aveo, "to be well."223.—§ 85. IMPERSONAL VERBS.1. Impersonal Verbs are those which are usedonly in the third person singular, and do not admitof a personal subject or nominative before them.

§85 IMPERSONAL VERBS. 1912. Impersonal verbs, when translated literally into English,,have before them the neuter pronoun it; as, delectat, "it delights;" decet, " it becomes ;" contingit, " it happens ;" evenit,*' it comes to pass ;" &c. They are inflected thus :1st. Co nj. 2d Conj. 3d Conj. 4th Conj.Ind. Pr. Delectat, Decet, Contingit, Evenit,Imp. Delectabat, Decebat, Contingebat, Evenicbat,Per. Delectavit, Decuit, Contigit, Evenit,Plu. Delectaverat, Decuerat, Contigerat, Evenerat,Fut. Delectabit, Decebit, Continget, Eveniet,F.-P. Delectaverit. Decuerit. Contigerit. EveneritSub. Pr. Delectet, Deceat, Contingat, Eveniat,Imp Delectaret, Deceret, Contingeret, Eveniret,Per. Delectaverit, Decuerit, Contigerit, Evenerit,Plu. Delectavisset Decuisset. Contigisset. Evenisset.Inf. Pr. Delectare, Decere, Contingere, Evenire,Per. Delectavisse. Decuisse. Contigisse. Evenisse.3. Most Latin verbs may be used impersonally in the pas-especially intransitive verbs, which otherwise havesive voice,no passive; as, pugnatur, / " it is fought;" favetur, "it isfavored;" curritur, "it is run;" venltur, "it is come;" frompitgno, faveo, curro, and venio. Thus,Ind.Pr.Imp.Per.Plu.Fut.F.-P.Sub. Pr.Imp.Per.Plu.Inf.1stConj.Pugnatur,Pugnabatur,Pugnatum est, 1Pugnatum erat, 2Pugnabitur,Pugnatum erit. 3Pugnetur,Pugnaretur,Pugnatum sit, 3Pugnatum esset. 4Pr. Pugnari,Per. Pugnatum esse, 5Fut. Pugnatum iri.2dConj.3d Cor.j.Favetur, Curritur,Favebatur, Currebatur,Fautum est, 1 Cursum est, 1Fautum erat, 2 Cursum erat, 2Favebitur, Curretur,Fautmn erit. 34th Conj.Venitur,Cursum erit. 3Veniebatur,Ventum est, 1Ventum erat, 2Venietur,Ventum erit. 3Faveatur, Curratur, Veniatur,Faveretur, Curreretur, Veniretur,Fautum sit, 3 Cursum sit, 3 Ventum sit. 3Fautum esset. 4 Cursum esset. 4 Ventum esset. 4Faveri,Curri,Fautum esse, 5 Cursum esse, 5Fautum iri. Cursum iri.Venlri,Ventum esse, 5Ventum iri.4. Grammarians reckon only ten real impersonal verbs, andall in the second conjugation ; namely,Decet, decuit, etc.,LTbet, libuit or libitum est,

•Per.'-190 IMPERSONAL VERBS. § 85<strong>The</strong> parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se verbs remaining are <strong>the</strong> following :1. Aio, I say, I affirm.Ind. Pa. Aio, ais, ait; aiunt.Imp. Aiebam, aiebas, aiebat; aiebamus, aiebatis, aiebant.aisti, aitSub. Pr. aias, aiat, aiant,Imp Pr. ai.Part. Pr. Aiens.2, Inquam, I say.Lid. Pr. Inquam, inquis, inquit; inquimus, inquitis, inquiunt.Imp. — inquiebat;inquiebantPer. inquisti, inquit.Put. inquies, inquiet.Imp. Pr. inque, inquito; inquite.Part. Pr. Inquiens.3. Porem, / should be.Sub. Imp. Forem, fores, foret; forent.Inf. Fut. Fore, to be about to be, same a&futurum esse. ,4. Ave, hail.Imp. Pr. Ave, or aveto ; avete, or avetote. Inf. Pr. Avere.5. Salve, hail.Ind. Fut. Salvebis.Imp. Pr. Salve, or salveto ;Inf. Pr. Salvere.6. Cedo, tell, give.salvete, or salvetote.Imp. Pr. Cedo ;cedo, or cedite, contracted, cette.fl.Qujeso, / beseech.Ind. Pr. Quseso; qua3siimus6. Ausim, faxim, and faxo, sometimes called defective verbs, are properlyold forms <strong>of</strong> tenses ; ausim being put for auserim, from audeo, " to dare ;"find faxim and fa xo, for fecerim and fecero, from fano. So also age andagite, " come," are imperatives from ago, in a somewhat different sense,just as ave, "hail," is an imperative from aveo, "to be well."223.—§ 85. IMPERSONAL VERBS.1. Impersonal Verbs are those which are usedonly in <strong>the</strong> third person singular, and do not admit<strong>of</strong> a personal subject or nominative before <strong>the</strong>m.

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