The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


178 PERFECTS AND SUPINES. SIPres. Inf. Per/. Sup.Curro, 51 currere, cucurri, cursum, To run.Gero, gerere, gessi, gestum, To carry.Furo, 52Sero, 53furere,serere, sevi,satum,To be mad.To sonSO.Arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitum, To call, or send for.Capesso, capessere,capessivi, capessitum, To take.Facesso, facessere, facessivi, facessltum, To do, go away.Lacesso, lacessere, lacessivi, lacessitum, To provoke.Viso, visere, visi, To go to visit.Tpr>pca/-> lnpp^^prP1 incessi,To attack.Depso, depsere, depsui, depstum, To knead.Pinso, pinsere, jpinsui, or(C pinsum,< pistum, orTO.( pinsitum, y To bake.Flecto, flectere, flexi, flexum, To bendPlecto, plectere, plexi & plexui, plexum, To plait.Necto, neetere, nexi & nexui, nexum, To tie, or knit.Pecto, pectere, pexi

§81 PEEFECTS AND SUPINES. 179Pres. Inf. Pe rf.Sup.Volvo, volvere, volvi, volQtum, To roll.Texo, texere, texui, textum, To weave.219.—FOURTH CONJUGATION.fRule.—Verbs of the fourth conjugation have Ivi in theperfect, and Hum in the supine ;as,Pres.W-Per/. Sup.Audio, audire, audlvi, auditum, To hear.Munio, munlre, munivi, munltum, To fortify.Singultio,Sepelio,Yenio,Veneo ^singultire,sepelire,venire,singultivi,sepelivi,veni,Exceptions.singnltum,sepultum,ventum,To sob.To bury.To come.To be soldvenire, venii,Salio/ salire, salui, or sali i, saltum, To leap.Amicio, amicire,j amicui, or> amictum, To clothe.( amixi,Vincio, vincire, vinxi,vinctum, To tie.Sancio, sancire,j sanxi, or{ sancivi,) sanctum, or) sancitum,y To ratify.Cambio, cambire, campsi, campsum,Sepio, sepire, sepsi,septum,To change money.To enclose.Haurio, haurire, hausi,( haustum, or( hausum,[ To draw out.Sentio, sentire, sensi,sensum, To feel.Raucio, rauclre, rausi, rausum, To be hoarse.Sarcio,Fareio, 3sarcire,farcire,sarsi,farsi,sartum,fartum,To mend, or repai:To cram.Fulcio,Ferio,fulcire,ferire,falsi, fultum, To prop.To strike.The following verbs have the perfect formed regularly, butwant the supine :Csecutio, to be dim-sighted.Dementio, to be mad.Ferocio, to be fierce.Glocio, to cluck as a hen.Gestio, to show one's joy by the gesturesof the body.Ineptio, to play the fool.(For desiderative verbs which belong to this conjugation, see 227-3.)1Veneo is a compound of venum and the irregular verb eo9the tens

§81 PEEFECTS AND SUPINES. 179Pres. Inf. Pe rf.Sup.Volvo, volvere, volvi, volQtum, To roll.Texo, texere, texui, textum, To weave.219.—FOURTH CONJUGATION.fRule.—Verbs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fourth conjugation have Ivi in <strong>the</strong>perfect, and Hum in <strong>the</strong> supine ;as,Pres.W-Per/. Sup.Audio, audire, audlvi, auditum, To hear.Munio, munlre, munivi, munltum, To fortify.Singultio,Sepelio,Yenio,Veneo ^singultire,sepelire,venire,singultivi,sepelivi,veni,Exceptions.singnltum,sepultum,ventum,To sob.To bury.To come.To be soldvenire, venii,Salio/ salire, salui, or sali i, saltum, To leap.Amicio, amicire,j amicui, or> amictum, To clo<strong>the</strong>.( amixi,Vincio, vincire, vinxi,vinctum, To tie.Sancio, sancire,j sanxi, or{ sancivi,) sanctum, or) sancitum,y To ratify.Cambio, cambire, campsi, campsum,Sepio, sepire, sepsi,septum,To change money.To enclose.Haurio, haurire, hausi,( haustum, or( hausum,[ To draw out.Sentio, sentire, sensi,sensum, To feel.Raucio, rauclre, rausi, rausum, To be hoarse.Sarcio,Fareio, 3sarcire,farcire,sarsi,farsi,sartum,fartum,To mend, or repai:To cram.Fulcio,Ferio,fulcire,ferire,falsi, fultum, To prop.To strike.<strong>The</strong> following verbs have <strong>the</strong> perfect formed regularly, butwant <strong>the</strong> supine :Csecutio, to be dim-sighted.Dementio, to be mad.Ferocio, to be fierce.Glocio, to cluck as a hen.Gestio, to show one's joy by <strong>the</strong> gestures<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body.Ineptio, to play <strong>the</strong> fool.(For desiderative verbs which belong to this conjugation, see 227-3.)1Veneo is a compound <strong>of</strong> venum and <strong>the</strong> irregular verb eo9<strong>the</strong> tens

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