The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


174 PERFECTS AND SUPINES. §81Pres.Inf.Per/.Sup.Rodo,Vado 20rodere,vadere,rosi,rosum,Cedo,' cedere, cessi, cessum,Pando, pandere, pandi, j passum, or( pansum,Fundo, fundere, fudi,fusum,Sciudo, scindere, scidi,scissum,Findo, findere, fidi,fissum,( tunsum, orTundo, 21 tundere, tutiidi,Cado, 22Caado, 23cadere,caedere,cecidi,cecidi,Tendo, 24 tendere, tetendi,Pendo,Credo, 25Vendo,AbscondoStrldoRudo,stridere,rudere,Sido, 2 6 CI OXVJ.C/X nPTPc«pendere, pependi,credere, credidi,vendere, vendidi,abscondere, abscond!,stridi,rtidi,oTHtTo gn&w.Togo.To yield.y To open.To pour forth.To cut.To cleave.1 To beat.( tusum,casum, To fall.caesum, To cut, to kill.( tensum, or ) 'm »n, ' }- To stretch.1 tenturn,Jpensum, To hang.creditum. To believe.venditum, To sell.absconditum, To hide.GO.To bray (as an ass).To sink down.Cingo,Fligo*Jungo,Lingo,Mungo,Plango,cingere,fligere,jungere,lingere,.mungere,plangere,cinxi,flixi,junxi,linxi,munxi,planxi,cinctum,flictum,junctum,linctum,munctum,planctum,To surround.To dash.To join.To lickTo wipe the nose.To beat.20 The compounds of vado have the perfect and supine ; as, cvdclo, evdsi,tvdsum, "to escape."2i The compounds of tundo have tudi and tusum ; as, contundo. " to bruise,"contudh, contusum. See 215, Rule 2. Some of the compounds have also aperfect participle formed from tunsum; as, obtunsus and retunsuSj from obiundoand retundo.22 The compounds of cado want the supine ; as, accido, accidi, u to happen ;"except incido, incidh, incdsum, " to fall in ;" occido, occidi, occdsum, u to falldown ;" and recido, recidh, recdsum, "to fall back."23 The compounds of ccedo change ai into i; as, accldo, accldi, acclswn, "tocut about;" decido, decldi, declsum, " to cut off."24 The compounds of tendo have generally tentnm in the supine, exceptextendo, "to stretch out," and ostendo, "to show," which have also tension;the latter, almost always.25 The other compounds of do which belonsr to the third conjugation havealso didi, and ditum ; as, condo, condhli, conditum, "" to build." Abscondohas sometimes abscondidi. See page 167, Note 1.2^ The compounds of s Jdo adopt the perfect and supine of sedeo ; as, con~ndo. ccnsedi, consessum, "to sit down."21 The compounds offilgo are conjugated in the same way, except prqfligo,"to dash down," which is a regular verb of the first conjugation.

§81 PEEFECTS AND SUPINES. 175Pres. Inf. Perf. Sup.Rego, 28 regere, rexi, rectum,Stinguo,- 9 stinguere, stinxi, stinctum,Sugo, sugere, suxi, suctum,Tego, tegere, texi, tectum,Tinguo, tinguere, tinxi, tinctum,Unguo, unguere, unxi, unctum,Surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum,Pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectum,Stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum,Fingo, fingere, finxi, fictum,Pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum,Frango, 30 frangere, fregi, fractum,Ago, 31 agere, egi, actum,Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum,Lego, 3 ' 2legere. legi, lectum,Pungo, 33 pungere, pupugi, punctum,Pango, 34 pangere, panxi, pactum,Spargo, 35 spargere, sparsi, sparsum,Mergo, niergere, mersi, mersum,Tergo, tergere, tersi, tersum,Figo, figere, fixi, fixum,Frigo,Vergo,frigere,vergere,frixi,j frixum, or\ frictum,To rule.To dash out.To suck.To cover.To dip.To anoint.To rise.To go forward.To bind.To feign.To paint.To break.To do, to drive.To touch.To gather, to read.To prick.To drive in.To spread.To dip, to plunge.To wipe.To fix.\ To fry.To lie toward.28 The compounds of r ego change e into i ; as, dirigo, direxi, directum, " tcdirect;" corrigo, correxi, correctum, "to correct."29 Stinguo, tinguo, and unguo, are also written stingo, tingo, ungo.3 The compounds of. frango and tango change a into i ; as, confringo, confregi,confractum, "to break to pieces ;" attingo, attigi, attactum, " to touchgently."si Circumago, "to drive round;" per ago, "to finish ;" and coago (contractedcogo), " to collect," retain the a ; the other compounds change a intoi; as, abigo, abegi, abactum, "to drive away." Dego (for deago), " to live,""to dwell;" prodigo, "to lavish" or "squander;" and satago, "to be busy,"want the supine. Ambigo, " to doubt," has neither perfect nor supine.32 Lego, when compounded with ad, per, prce, re, and sub, retains the e;as, allege, "to choose." The other compounds change e into i; as, colllgo,"to collect." Diligo, "to love;" intelligo, "to understand," and negligo,''to neglect," have exi and ectum. Jfegligo has sometimes neglegi in theperfect.33 The compounds of pungo have punxi in the perfect; as, compungo, "tosting," compunxi, compunctum. Repungo, " to prick again," has repupiigiand repunxi.34 Pango, in the sense of "to bargain," has pepigi ; the present is- rarelyused in this meaning ; but instead of it, paciscor is commonly employed.The compounds which change a into i have pegi and pactum * as, compingo,'to fasten together," compegi, compactum. Oppango, "to fasten to," hasilso pegi and pactum. Of the other compounds which retain a, the perfectand supine are not found.35 The compounds of spargo change a into e ;eum, " to besprinkle."as, aspergo, aspen

§81 PEEFECTS AND SUPINES. 175Pres. Inf. Perf. Sup.Rego, 28 regere, rexi, rectum,Stinguo,- 9 stinguere, stinxi, stinctum,Sugo, sugere, suxi, suctum,Tego, tegere, texi, tectum,Tinguo, tinguere, tinxi, tinctum,Unguo, unguere, unxi, unctum,Surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum,Pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectum,Stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum,Fingo, fingere, finxi, fictum,Pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum,Frango, 30 frangere, fregi, fractum,Ago, 31 agere, egi, actum,Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum,Lego, 3 ' 2legere. legi, lectum,Pungo, 33 pungere, pupugi, punctum,Pango, 34 pangere, panxi, pactum,Spargo, 35 spargere, sparsi, sparsum,Mergo, niergere, mersi, mersum,Tergo, tergere, tersi, tersum,Figo, figere, fixi, fixum,Frigo,Vergo,frigere,vergere,frixi,j frixum, or\ frictum,To rule.To dash out.To suck.To cover.To dip.To anoint.To rise.To go forward.To bind.To feign.To paint.To break.To do, to drive.To touch.To ga<strong>the</strong>r, to read.To prick.To drive in.To spread.To dip, to plunge.To wipe.To fix.\ To fry.To lie toward.28 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> r ego change e into i ; as, dirigo, direxi, directum, " tcdirect;" corrigo, correxi, correctum, "to correct."29 Stinguo, tinguo, and unguo, are also written stingo, tingo, ungo.3 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong>. frango and tango change a into i ; as, confringo, confregi,confractum, "to break to pieces ;" attingo, attigi, attactum, " to touchgently."si Circumago, "to drive round;" per ago, "to finish ;" and coago (contractedcogo), " to collect," retain <strong>the</strong> a ; <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r compounds change a intoi; as, abigo, abegi, abactum, "to drive away." Dego (for deago), " to live,""to dwell;" prodigo, "to lavish" or "squander;" and satago, "to be busy,"want <strong>the</strong> supine. Ambigo, " to doubt," has nei<strong>the</strong>r perfect nor supine.32 Lego, when compounded with ad, per, prce, re, and sub, retains <strong>the</strong> e;as, allege, "to choose." <strong>The</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r compounds change e into i; as, colllgo,"to collect." Diligo, "to love;" intelligo, "to understand," and negligo,''to neglect," have exi and ectum. Jfegligo has sometimes neglegi in <strong>the</strong>perfect.33 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> pungo have punxi in <strong>the</strong> perfect; as, compungo, "tosting," compunxi, compunctum. Repungo, " to prick again," has repupiigiand repunxi.34 Pango, in <strong>the</strong> sense <strong>of</strong> "to bargain," has pepigi ; <strong>the</strong> present is- rarelyused in this meaning ; but instead <strong>of</strong> it, paciscor is commonly employed.<strong>The</strong> compounds which change a into i have pegi and pactum * as, compingo,'to fasten toge<strong>the</strong>r," compegi, compactum. Oppango, "to fasten to," hasilso pegi and pactum. Of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r compounds which retain a, <strong>the</strong> perfectand supine are not found.35 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> spargo change a into e ;eum, " to besprinkle."as, aspergo, aspen

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