The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


170 PERFECTS AND SUPINES. §81Pres. Inf. Per/. Sup.Spondeo, spondere, spopondi, sponsum,Tondeo, tondere, tojondi, tonsum,Moveo, 11 movere, mdvi, motum,Foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum,Voveo, vovere, vovi, votum,Faveo, favere, favi, fautum,Caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum,Paveo, pavere, pavi,Ferveo, 12Conniveo,Deleo,fervere, ferbui,.conmvi, ordelere, delevi,deletum,Compleo, 13 complere, complevi, completum,Fleo, fiere, flevi, fletum,JSTeo nere, nevi, netum,Vieo, viere, vievi, yietum,Cieo, 14 ciere, (clvi,) citum,Oleo, 15 olere, olui, (olitum,)Suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasum,Rideo, ridere, risi, risum,Maneo, manere, mansi, mansum,Haereo, haerere, haesi, haesum,Ardeo, ardere. arsi, arsum,Tergeo, tergere, tersi, tersum,Muleeo, muleere, mulsi, mulsum,Hulgeo, mulgere, mulsi,( mulsum, or\ muletum,Jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussum,Indulgeo, indulgere, indulsi, indultum,Torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum,Augeo, augere, auxi, auetum,Urgeo, urgere, ursi,Fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi,Turgeo, turgere, tursi,Algeo, algere, alsi,. .To promise.To clip.To move.To cherish.To vow.To favor.To beware of.To be afraid.To boil.To wink.To destroy.To fill.To weep.To spin.To hoop a vessel.To stir up.To smell.To advise.To laugh.To stay.To stick.To burn.To wipe.To stroke.To milk.To order.To indulge.To twist.To increase.To press.To shine.To swell.To be cold.11Verbs in veo undergo a contraction in the supine. Intransitive verbsin mo want the supine ; as, paveo, pavi, " to be afraid." -12 Fervo,ferm, another form of this verb belonging to the third conjugation,is used in a few persons, and in the present infinitive.*3 The other compounds of the obsolete verb pleo are conjugated in thesame way ; as, expleo, impleo, repleo, suppleo.14 Clvi is the perfect of do of the fourth conjugation, having citum orcitum in the supine. The compounds, in the sense of calling, are generallyconjugated according to this form ; as, excio, excitum.15 The compounds of oleo, which retain the sense of the simple verb, haveui and Hum; as, oboleo, obolui, obolUum, u to smell strongly." The compoundswhich adopt a different signification, have evi and etum / as, exbleo,exolevi, exoletum, "to fade;" olsoleo, obsolevi, obsoUtum, "to grow out ofuse;" inoleo, inolevi, inoletum, or inolltum, " to come into use." Aboleo, " toabolish," has abolevi, abolitum ; and ddoleo, t.o grow up," "to burn " (as asacrifice). >i4oUvi, aaultum.

:§ 81 PERFECTS AND SUPINES. 171Pres. Inf. Perf. ^U P-Lugeo, lugere, luxi, To mount.Luceo, lucere, luxi, To shine.Frigeo, frigere, frixi, To be coldThe following verbs want both perfect and si;pi*ieAveo. to desire.Denseo, to grow thick.Flaveo, to be yellow.Glabreo, to be smooth.Hebeo, to be blunt.Lacteo, to grow milky.Liveo, to be black and blue.Mcereo, to be sorrowful.Renideo, to shine.Polleo, to be powerfulScateo, to flow out.218.—THIRD CONJUGATION.Verbs of the Third Conjugation form the perfect and supinevariously.Pres. Inf. PerfFacio, 1 facere, feci,Jacio, 2 jacere, jeci,Aspicio, 3 aspicere, aspexi,Allicio, allicere, allexi,Fodio, fode re, fodi,Fugio, fugere, fugi,Capio, 4 capere, cepi,Rapio, rapere, rapui,Sapio, sapere, sapui,Cupio, cupere, cupivi,Pario, 5 parere, peperi,10.Sup.factum,j actum,aspectum,allectum,fossum,fugitum,captum,raptum,To do, to make.To throw.To behold.To allure.To dig.Tofly.To take.To seize.To taste, to be wise.To desire.j partum, or T > bri fortkparitum, * J( )i Facio, when compounded with a preposition, changes a into ij as, affcio,afeci, affectum, " to affect." In the other compounds^ the a is retained. Afew compounds end in fico and flcor, and belong to the first conjugation :as, amplifico, "to enlarge ;" sacrifico, " to sacrifice ;" gratificor, "to gratify ;"and ludificor, "to mock."2 The compounds ofjacio change a into i; as, abjicio, abjeci, dbjectum.3 The compounds of the obsolete verbs specio and lacio have exi and ectum ;"to draw out," which has elicui and elicitum.except elicio,4 The compounds of capio, rapio, and sapio, change a into i; as, accipio,accept, acceptum, "to receivei;" abripio, abripui, abreptum, " to carry off;"consipio, consipui, "to be in one's senses."5 The compounds of pario have per ui and pertum, and belong to the fourthconjugation; as, aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum, " to open." So operio, " toshut," "to cover." But comperio (which also has a deponent form in thepresent indicative and infinitive, camper ior, comperlri), "to know a thingfor certain," has comperi, campertum ; and reperio, "to find," has reperi,repertum.

:§ 81 PERFECTS AND SUPINES. 171Pres. Inf. Perf. ^U P-Lugeo, lugere, luxi, To mount.Luceo, lucere, luxi, To shine.Frigeo, frigere, frixi, To be cold<strong>The</strong> following verbs want both perfect and si;pi*ieAveo. to desire.Denseo, to grow thick.Flaveo, to be yellow.Glabreo, to be smooth.Hebeo, to be blunt.Lacteo, to grow milky.Liveo, to be black and blue.Mcereo, to be sorrowful.Renideo, to shine.Polleo, to be powerfulScateo, to flow out.218.—THIRD CONJUGATION.Verbs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Third Conjugation form <strong>the</strong> perfect and supinevariously.Pres. Inf. PerfFacio, 1 facere, feci,Jacio, 2 jacere, jeci,Aspicio, 3 aspicere, aspexi,Allicio, allicere, allexi,Fodio, fode re, fodi,Fugio, fugere, fugi,Capio, 4 capere, cepi,Rapio, rapere, rapui,Sapio, sapere, sapui,Cupio, cupere, cupivi,Pario, 5 parere, peperi,10.Sup.factum,j actum,aspectum,allectum,fossum,fugitum,captum,raptum,To do, to make.To throw.To behold.To allure.To dig.T<strong>of</strong>ly.To take.To seize.To taste, to be wise.To desire.j partum, or T > bri fortkparitum, * J( )i Facio, when compounded with a preposition, changes a into ij as, affcio,afeci, affectum, " to affect." In <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r compounds^ <strong>the</strong> a is retained. Afew compounds end in fico and flcor, and belong to <strong>the</strong> first conjugation :as, amplifico, "to enlarge ;" sacrifico, " to sacrifice ;" gratificor, "to gratify ;"and ludificor, "to mock."2 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong>jacio change a into i; as, abjicio, abjeci, dbjectum.3 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> obsolete verbs specio and lacio have exi and ectum ;"to draw out," which has elicui and elicitum.except elicio,4 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> capio, rapio, and sapio, change a into i; as, accipio,accept, acceptum, "to receivei;" abripio, abripui, abreptum, " to carry <strong>of</strong>f;"consipio, consipui, "to be in one's senses."5 <strong>The</strong> compounds <strong>of</strong> pario have per ui and pertum, and belong to <strong>the</strong> fourthconjugation; as, aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum, " to open." So operio, " toshut," "to cover." But comperio (which also has a deponent form in <strong>the</strong>present indicative and infinitive, camper ior, comperlri), "to know a thingfor certain," has comperi, campertum ; and reperio, "to find," has reperi,repertum.

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