The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -

The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... - The principles of Latin grammar; comprising the ... -


;;;;140 THE VERB.—THIRD CONJUGATION. §64198.—EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN -70, ACTIVE VOICE.Pres. Ind.Capio,Pres. Inf.Capere,Perf. Ind.cepi,Supine.captum,To takeSingular.INDICATIVE MOOD.Plural.Pres. Cap-io, -is, -it; -imus, -itis, -iunt.Imp. Capi-ebam, -ebas, -ebat; -ebamus, -ebatis, -ebant.Perf. Cep-i, -isti, -itPlup. Cep-eram, -eras, -eratFut. Capi-am, -es, -etF. P. Cep-ero, -eris, -erit-imus,SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.-istis,)-erunt, or) -ere.-eramus, -eratis, -erant.-emus, -etis, -ent.-erimus, -eritis, -erint.Pres. Capi-am, -as, -ax j-amus, -atis, -ant.Imp. Cap-erem, -eres, -eret -eremus, -eretis, -erent.Perf. Cep-erim, -eris, -erit -erimus, -eritis. -erint.Plup. Cep-issem, -isses, -isset: -issemus, -issetis, -issent.IMPERATIVE MOOD.Pres. Cape, or -ito, -ito; -ite, or -itote,-iunto.Pres.Perf.Cap-ere,Cep-isse,INFINITIVE.Fut. Esse capturus,F. Perf. Fuisse capturus.PARTICIPLES.Pres. Capiens, Fut. Capturus, a, um.GERUNDS.Nom. Capi-endum,Gen. Capi-endi, &c.SUPINES.Former, Captum,Latter, Captu.So also :Rapio,Fugio,rapere,fugere,rapui,fugi,rapturn,fugitum,To seize.To fee.

—;—§ 66 THE VERB.—THIRD CONJUGATION. 141199.—§ 65. EXERCISES ON THE ACTIVE VOICE.1. Give the designation, &c., as directed 190-1.—Regebam,rexisti, rexeram, regain, regerem, rexero, rexisset, rege,rexisse, regens. Scrlbit, scribebat, scripsit, scribemus, scribamus,legunt, legeret, leget, lege, legerunt, legerant. Capiunt,capiebat, capiunto, caperem, cepit, ceperim, ceperam, cepissem,capit, capere, capiendum, &c.2. Translate the following into Latin, as directed 190-2.He rules, we are ruling, he has ruled, we will rule, they willhave ruled, ye might rule, they may rule, we will rule, theywere ruling, he had ruled, they might have ruled. He hasread, they will read,, we shall read, to have read, to havewritten, to write, writing, write thou, let them write.3. Translate according to the Rules 190-3, 4. (Dlcit, "hesays,") me regere,—me scribere,—se rexisse,—nos recturosesse,—ilium scripsisse,—me scripturum fuisse,—vos lecttirosesse,— me capere,—vos cepisse,—vos capturos esse,—voscapturos fuisse. (Dixit, "he said,") me regere,—me rexisse,—me recturum esse, &c.4. As directed 190-5. He says that I rule,—that he ruled,—that we write,—that they will write,—that he is about towrite. He writes that he rules,—that you are reading,—thatyou will write. He said that he was writing,—that you hadwritten,-—that we would write,—would have written. He willsay that I am ruling,—was ruling,—will rule, &c.200.—§ 66. PASSIVE VOICE.Pres. Ind. Pres. Inf. Perf PartReg-or, re#-i, rectus, To be ruled.INDICATIVE MOOD.Present Tense, am ruled. 157-6.S. 1. Reg-or, I am ruled, .2. Re^-eris, or -ere, Thou art ruled,3. Re

—;—§ 66 THE VERB.—THIRD CONJUGATION. 141199.—§ 65. EXERCISES ON THE ACTIVE VOICE.1. Give <strong>the</strong> designation, &c., as directed 190-1.—Regebam,rexisti, rexeram, regain, regerem, rexero, rexisset, rege,rexisse, regens. Scrlbit, scribebat, scripsit, scribemus, scribamus,legunt, legeret, leget, lege, legerunt, legerant. Capiunt,capiebat, capiunto, caperem, cepit, ceperim, ceperam, cepissem,capit, capere, capiendum, &c.2. Translate <strong>the</strong> following into <strong>Latin</strong>, as directed 190-2.He rules, we are ruling, he has ruled, we will rule, <strong>the</strong>y willhave ruled, ye might rule, <strong>the</strong>y may rule, we will rule, <strong>the</strong>ywere ruling, he had ruled, <strong>the</strong>y might have ruled. He hasread, <strong>the</strong>y will read,, we shall read, to have read, to havewritten, to write, writing, write thou, let <strong>the</strong>m write.3. Translate according to <strong>the</strong> Rules 190-3, 4. (Dlcit, "hesays,") me regere,—me scribere,—se rexisse,—nos recturosesse,—ilium scripsisse,—me scripturum fuisse,—vos lecttirosesse,— me capere,—vos cepisse,—vos capturos esse,—voscapturos fuisse. (Dixit, "he said,") me regere,—me rexisse,—me recturum esse, &c.4. As directed 190-5. He says that I rule,—that he ruled,—that we write,—that <strong>the</strong>y will write,—that he is about towrite. He writes that he rules,—that you are reading,—thatyou will write. He said that he was writing,—that you hadwritten,-—that we would write,—would have written. He willsay that I am ruling,—was ruling,—will rule, &c.200.—§ 66. PASSIVE VOICE.Pres. Ind. Pres. Inf. Perf PartReg-or, re#-i, rectus, To be ruled.INDICATIVE MOOD.Present Tense, am ruled. 157-6.S. 1. Reg-or, I am ruled, .2. Re^-eris, or -ere, Thou art ruled,3. Re

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