The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010

The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010 The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010


RaportInterpretation of resultsTo assess the state of Drini i Bardhe river sub-basins, it is considered the samemethodology by analysing the monitoring (analyses) data from the beginning to the endof water stream. In the rest of this report, an interpretation of Annual Average Values 43(AAV) will be presented as graphs, for each parameter, and each river of the Drini i Bardhebasin.The dissolved oxygen (O2 dissolved) – It consistently stands in considerable values alongthis river course (basin) where the values have varied from 6.55 mg/l to 13.12 mg/l in 2007.The values in 2008 were from 5.8 mg/l to 14.64 mg/L. The year 2009 shows a shift in themaximum value for dissolved oxygen that is 12.69 mg/L16141210mg/l86420BurimZllakuqanRadavcKlineGjonajVermiceSiqeveKlineG.RugovesDalje teqytetitKralanDeçanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Drini i Bardhe Klina Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 5: Dissolved oxygen in the Drini i Bardhë river basinThe biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) – in the measuring station in Vllashnje –Lumëbardhi i Prizrenit, the highest registered values are 6.74 mg/l for 2007, while in2008 the maximum value reaches 7.22 mg/l in Xerxe (Rimnik river). The same situationis registered in 2009.If we compare the annual average values with serial values, the BOD5 is found in muchhigher values.8765mg/l43210BurimZllakuqanRadavcKlineGjonajVermiceSiqeveKlineG.RugovesDalje teqytetitKralanDeçanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Drini i Bardhe Klina Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 6: Biochemical oxygen consumption in the Drini i Bardhë river basinAs for the quality, we can say there is no significant pollution registered by any of themonitoring stations.The Water conductivity – in years 2007, 2008 and 2009 the lowest conductivity values areshowed in the Lumëbardhi i Prizrenit River (at Prevallë) 165 μs/cm, 151 μs/cm and 120 μs/cm,43 AAV – The annual average values are calculated by monthly serial data86120 © Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

Gjendja e Ujërave në Kosovëwhile for 2007, the highest value is registered in the Klina River (at Siqevë) 850 μs/cm.900800700600µs/cm5004003002001000BurimZllakuqanRadavcKlineGjonajVermiceSiqeveKlineG.RugovesDalje teqytetitDeçanKralanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Drini i Bardhe Klina Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 7: Water conductivity in the Drini i Bardhë river basinIn 2008, the highest values are registered in the Rimnik River (at Xerxe) 681 μs/cm, while in2009 the maximum value is recorded in the same river Rimnik, (but at Zhdrellë samplingpoint) 665 μs/cm.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) - Generally in 2007 is registered a slight alkaline value,between the lowest value 7.71 to highest value of 8.5, compared with 2008 when valueswhere about neutral. The lowest values is registered in the Burimi river (at river spring)with 7.57 and the highest values is recorded in the Rimnik River (at Zhdrellë). teqytetitDeçanKralanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Drini i Bardhe Klina Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 8: Hydrogen ion concentration in the Drini i Bardhë river basinSimilar values are registered in 2009, with a minimum of 7.49 Klina river (Siqevë) andmaximum value 8:31 in Lumëbardhi i Pejes River.Nitrites (NO2-). In 2007, the annual maximum values of this parameter are registeredin the Drini i Bardhe River (Location Gjonaj) and in Rimnik River (location Xerxe) with~0.15 mg/L, while in 2008 the annual maximum values are registered in the Erenik River(location to the Terzive Bridge). During the serial measurements maximal value of thisparameter was 0.94 mg/L in Erenik River (location to the Terzive Bridge) in August. Inthis case, the water amount was minimal in comparison with previous annual period. Theyears 2009 and 2008 show a sharp increase of this parameter in comparison with 2007,where at the Rimnik River (samples taken in Xerxe), results with a maximum annualvalue of 0633 mg/L, which is simultaneously the highest average value recorded in thisbasin for these three years.© Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit87120

RaportInterpretation <strong>of</strong> resultsTo assess the state <strong>of</strong> Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhe river sub-bas<strong>in</strong>s, it is considered the samemethodology by analys<strong>in</strong>g the monitor<strong>in</strong>g (analyses) data from the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g to the end<strong>of</strong> water stream. In the rest <strong>of</strong> this report, an <strong>in</strong>terpretation <strong>of</strong> Annual Average Values 43(AAV) will be presented as graphs, for each parameter, and each river <strong>of</strong> the Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhebas<strong>in</strong>.<strong>The</strong> dissolved oxygen (O2 dissolved) – It consistently stands <strong>in</strong> considerable values alongthis river course (bas<strong>in</strong>) where the values have varied from 6.55 mg/l to 13.12 mg/l <strong>in</strong> 2007.<strong>The</strong> values <strong>in</strong> 2008 were from 5.8 mg/l to 14.64 mg/L. <strong>The</strong> year 2009 shows a shift <strong>in</strong> themaximum value for dissolved oxygen that is 12.69 mg/L16141210mg/l86420BurimZllakuqanRadavcKl<strong>in</strong>eGjonajVermiceSiqeveKl<strong>in</strong>eG.RugovesDalje teqytetitKralanDeçanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhe Kl<strong>in</strong>a Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 5: Dissolved oxygen <strong>in</strong> the Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhë river bas<strong>in</strong><strong>The</strong> biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) – <strong>in</strong> the measur<strong>in</strong>g station <strong>in</strong> Vllashnje –Lumëbardhi i Prizrenit, the highest registered values are 6.74 mg/l for 2007, while <strong>in</strong>2008 the maximum value reaches 7.22 mg/l <strong>in</strong> Xerxe (Rimnik river). <strong>The</strong> same situationis registered <strong>in</strong> 2009.If we compare the annual average values with serial values, the BOD5 is found <strong>in</strong> muchhigher values.8765mg/l43210BurimZllakuqanRadavcKl<strong>in</strong>eGjonajVermiceSiqeveKl<strong>in</strong>eG.RugovesDalje teqytetitKralanDeçanJasiqUra eterziveVolljakXerxeZhdrellaBuqallPiarnePrevallVllashnjeBurim Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhe Kl<strong>in</strong>a Lumbardhi iPejesLumbardhi iDeçanitEreniku Mirusha Rimnik Toplluha Lumbardhi IPrizrenitViti 2007 Viti 2008 Viti 2009Figure 6: Biochemical oxygen consumption <strong>in</strong> the Dr<strong>in</strong>i i Bardhë river bas<strong>in</strong>As for the quality, we can say there is no significant pollution registered by any <strong>of</strong> themonitor<strong>in</strong>g stations.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Water</strong> conductivity – <strong>in</strong> years 2007, 2008 and 2009 the lowest conductivity values areshowed <strong>in</strong> the Lumëbardhi i Prizrenit River (at Prevallë) 165 μs/cm, 151 μs/cm and 120 μs/cm,43 AAV – <strong>The</strong> annual average values are calculated by monthly serial data86120 © Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

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