The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010

The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010 The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010


Raport82120 Drini © i Bardhë Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

Gjendja e Ujërave në Kosovë7. WATER QUALITY MONITORING7.1 MONITORING OF SURFACE WATERS7.1.1 THE DRINI I BARDHË RIVER BASINThis river basin is the largest among other country river basins. Monitoring network ofthis basin includes 24 monitoring stations that measures physical-chemical parameters.Three of these stations are based on the Drini i Bardhe river itself, starting from itssource in Radavc on top hill of Peja. The next monitoring station is based at the contiguitypoint of the rivers Burim and Klina and the third station is based after the contiguityof rivers Lumëbardhi i Pejes, Lumëbardhi i Decanit, Mirusha, Ereniku, Rimniku andToplluhë. More accurately, the third station is placed next to the bridge above the river inGjonaj i Hasit. The quality of water along its flow varies from station to station. Water atthe source is to a good quality (as the first monitoring station shows) and the two otherstations show for significant pollution that comes from urban wastewater discharged atabove mentioned rivers.In all river springs the water quality is very good. The data of physical-chemical analysisfor the last two years indicate that these waters belong to class I. The situation begins tochange on around settlements, due to urban and industrial wastewater discharge overthe course of this river basin. Also, Rivers are polluted by waste disposal sites, mostlylocated near bridges or other locations near rivers.Up to the contiguity point with the Burimi River, the water quality is mainly good. Drasticchanges appear in the area Ruhot-Zllakuqan and Zllakuqan-Kline. At the contiguity pointof the Drini iI Bardhe and Klina rivers, the situation becomes miserable because theresults show for the category IV of water quality.Hence, the water of Drini i Bardhe River basin is polluted by discharges of sub- basinstherein, which sub-basins previously where impacted by urban and industrial wastewaters.This situation continues up to the Lumëbardhi i Prizrenit river discharge in Vllashnje.General comments on sub-basins of the Drini i Bardhe river basin.Burimi (Istog) - It begin at the mountain above the city of Istog, with great purity, and verygood quality in comparison to other rivers. In terms of water quality, this river does notundergo any major changes up to the contiguity point with Drini i Bardhe. Monitoring dataso far, show the Istog River is known as the most clean river in Kosovo.Lumëbardhi i Pejës (Bistrica e Pejës) – It is formed by some sources along RugovaGorge. The first monitoring station in Kuqishtë shows for good water quality in terms ofphysical-chemical parameters, while at the next station after the discharge of urban andindustrial wastewater shows that the water quality is decreased. This river, during thesummer season (and/or irrigation season) runs out of water for a period of approximatelytwo months. The third monitoring station is near Klina before contiguity point with theDrini i Bardhe River. This station show for poor water quality.© Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit83120

Raport82120 Dr<strong>in</strong>i © i Bardhë Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

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