The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010

The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010 The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010


RaportMap 13: Lands with favourable position for irrigation62120 © Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

Gjendja e Ujërave në Kosovë4.3 THE USE OF WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL NEEDSIndustry is considered as the largest sector of water consumption. The largest industrialwater consumers in Kosovo are large industrial enterprises as KEK, New Co Feronikeli,Sharcem etc.Most industrial enterprises are supplied with surface water from accumulative lakes. Dataindicate that the large industrial enterprises (for technological, processes, cooling, andsanitary needs, etc..) consume more than 30% of the total water amount consumption.Table 22: Water consumption for the years 2007/2008 by large industrial enterprisesWater consumptionConsumers YearsTCATCBKEKMonthlyconsumption (m 3 )Specificconsumption(m 3 /MWh)Monthlyconsumption(m 3 )Specificconsumption(m 3 /MWh)SharrcemNew COFeronikeli2007 6955000 5.23 871300 2.9872008 8274000 mes=6.12 9330057 mes=2.60Σ Annual(m 3 )Conditioning offurnace’s gasses(m 3 )Cooling ofequipments(m 3 )Sanitaryneeds (m 3 )Special cases(m 3 )113,661 29,565 43,800 18,396 21,900Data according billing system from the hydro system Ibër- Lepenc (m 3 )2007 12324662008 3604560The amount of water use in the industry exceeds the amount of water use foragriculture and household.The majority of small industrial enterprises use the water from public water supplynetworks, while very few of them have their own water supply system (wells). Thefollowing table show data on industrial water consumption in some of Kosovomunicipalities.Table 23: Water amount consumption by industrial enterprises in several municipalities of Kosovo and theirsources of supply 34Amount of water consumption m³/ yearMunicipalityOwn ground water sources(wells) and from the water supply Public water supply systemsystemDeçan - 1000Gjakovë - 158000Burim 190000 -Klinë 22000 -Rahovec - 54000Pejë 10000 122000Prizren 4000 163000Therandë - 809000Gjithsej: 226000 130700034 Water Department, 2008© Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit63120

RaportMap 13: Lands with favourable position for irrigation62120 © Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

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