The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010

The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010 The State of Water in Kosovo, 2010


Raport52 120 © Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit

Gjendja e Ujërave në Kosovë4. WATER USE4.1 THE USE OF WATER FOR DRINKING AND HOUSEHOLDWater services in Kosovo are provided by seven licensed Regional Water Companies(RWC). The RWCs offer services in 25 municipalities of Kosovo. Serb majority municipalities(Strpce, Novobërdë, Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and the northern part of Mitrovica)are not provided with services by the RWCs. Apart from major cities, these companiesprovide their services in some of the villages located within their service areas.Shtrirja e shërbimeve të ujit (%) në kompanite rajonaletë Kosovës - Viti 2007Prishtina (Prishtinë)Shtrirja e shërbimeve të ujit (%) në kompanitërajonale të Kosovës - Viti 2008Hidroregjioni Jugor(Prizren)Prishtina (Prishtinë)45%82%88%80%77%62%60%Hidrodrini (Pejë)Mitrovica (Mitrovicë)Radoniqi (Gjakovë)Bifurkacioni (Ferizaj)95%42%33%55%77%65%49%Hidroregjioni Jugor(Prizren)Hidrodrini (Pejë)Mitrovica (Mitrovicë)Radoniqi (Gjakovë)Bifurkacioni (Ferizaj)Hidromorava (Gjilanë)Hidromorava (Gjilanë)a) b)Figure 1:Extent of water services (%) by the RWCs 25For years a) 2007 and b) 2008Table 15: The RWCs performance for 200825RWCNumber ofmunicipalitiescovered withservicesNumber ofconsumersNumber ofpopulationcoveredWater supplyextension %The sewerageextension %Prishtina 7 82,443 445,432 77 66HidroregjioniJugor4 28,464 189,069 49 44Hidrodrini 4 28,996 157,120 65 34Mitrovica 3 20,780 116,440 55 47Radoniqi 3 26,667 158,394 95 62Hidromorava 3 15,901 86,413 33 36Bifurkacioni 2 14,947 79,816 42 29Gjithsej 25 219,198 1,232,683 60 48Based on the number of household customers that are billed by RWCs, the WWRO hasestimated that the number of people who were offered with water services is 1,232,683people (or 60% of total population), while with sewerage services are covered 987.130inhabitants (or 48% of total population) 26 .Also, there is a considerable number (about 200) of rural water supply systems that arenot operated by RWC’s, but from communities such as villages and are not included inthis assessment. This figures must be added to water systems in municipalities with aSerb majority, which are not managed by RWC’s. Having taken into account the factors25 WWRO, 200826 Performance review of RWCs, report. WWRO 2008© Agjencia e Kosoves per Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit53120

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